@spacebluelily language
Emma frowned. She clearly could see that Connie was lying, and it seemed that Connie wasn’t doing much to hide the fact. Emma didn’t know what to do. She sighed and bit her lower lip. “Connie, look at me,” Emma said softly.
Emma frowned. She clearly could see that Connie was lying, and it seemed that Connie wasn’t doing much to hide the fact. Emma didn’t know what to do. She sighed and bit her lower lip. “Connie, look at me,” Emma said softly.
Wincing, she turned her gaze onto the the woman, while still holding a hand to her lip and nose. Having bashed her face on the ground pretty hard, she was bleeding a lot. "Y-eah?" She asked, trying not to cry. Connie was even as distracted as to check her watch, to see the seconds ticking down.
Emma gasped slightly when she saw how much Connie was bleeding. “Oh, Connie. You’re bleeding. Like a lot. Do you live near? We have to stop that from continuing bleeding and wash your face before it gets infected.”
Connie nodded just barely, pointing off in the direction she had been running only moments ago. "That way, but I don't think I want to go there." She said in a breathy tone, trying not to let her choking tears come through. She didn't want to appear weak, but the longer she sat here, the more it hurt.
Emma looked at the direction Connie pointed at and then simply nodded. She faced Connie once again and sighed. “I can take you to my house. I’ll explain to your parents later why you haven’t returned home yet, but right now it’s important to clean you up.”
Nodding again, she gave Emma a pained smiled, brushing her own hair out of her face. “I… you don’t have to, but thank you none the less.” Connie mumbled, pulling her blood stained hand away from her face. Her eyes grew wide at the amount of blood she saw, and began to panic on the inside. “It’s bad… really bad…”
“Quite bad, which is why we got to get you cleaned up and maybe even bandaged up. Just follow me.” Emma said as she looked both ways, trying to remember from which direction she had just came from. Her eyes lit up and she started walking.
"Em…Emma…" She said weakly, pushing herself up off the ground. Everything blurred, as she stumbled forwards toward Emma. The ground seemed to be spinning under her, as she attempted to stable herself. Though she was failing miserably. "Slow… slow down please." Connie begged, closer to Emma than she thought she was.
Emma stopped, and slightly turned around. Just one look and Emma could see there was no way Connie would be able to walk in this state. She had an idea. And idea that could probably work. She put the cat down, and gave it a look saying to follow her. With all her strength, Emma picked up Connie.
The ground slipped from under her feet, and she looked to Emma with wide eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked in a squeak of a voice, ignoring the pounding headache that was coming on. "I-I just needed you to slow down," Connie mumbled, trying not to let a soft flush onto her face. The poor girl never asked anyone for help.
“I’m aware of that, but your legs can’t take much. You take three more steps and your legs start failing, bringing you down and making you crash to the ground. This way, it’ll be more faster, trust me.” Emma said as she started walking. Surprisingly, the cat followed.
Giving in, Connie pulled the hem of her shirt up over her face to try and stop the blood flow. She didn't want to pass out in Emma's arms, so she did what she could. Though it was only a matter of minutes until the blood seeped through and stained her shirt. "I'm sorry… I should've been more careful." Connie mumbled, trying not to look at how much blood was on her shirt.
“No, it’s not your fault. If I wasn’t just standing there, none of this would’ve happened. I was the one who distracted you,” Emma said softly.
She could see her house in the distance, and cursed under her breath. She walked as fast as possible to her house and when they did make it to the house, she kicked the door with her foot. “Open the bloody door!” Emma yelled.
Connie winced at the yelling, tears spotting down her cheeks. "Y-you can set me down… Emma." She whispered weakly, attempting to get out of Emma's arms. Whoever was inside, may or may not be coming to get the door. So attempting to think, getting down for her to open the door was best. "I can walk inside. I'll be fine."
Emma didn’t even get the chance to respond when the door suddenly burst open. Jackson stood in the door way glaring and frowning at Emma, but his expression immediately changed when he saw Connie.
“Oh.” Jackson uttered as Emma entered.
Emma walked over to the couch and placed Connie down on it.
As soon as she felt the couch under her, she relaxed a bit knowing she wasn't going to die. Not yet at least. "I-I just need a paper towel, or washcloth. I'll be fine…" Connie mumbled under her breath, trying to stay conscious long enough to blot the blood.
Though she wasn't doing too great. She felt dizzy, and knew it was showing on her face. Yet she hated to ask Emma for anything. The woman had already done more than Connie could thank her for.
Emma nodded and hastily grabbed a clean washcloth from the basket that was near the stairs. She started cleaning the blood away and mumbled something to the boy who nodded and disappeared.
"I can do this Emma…" Connie said softly, wincing a bit at the contact. "You shouldn't have to. It's my face." Attempting to insist, she ran her fingers through her hair with a soft smile. "It's just a little bit of blood. I've handled worse."
Of course she wasn't lying about the last little bit, but the first bit was a little uneasy to believe. "I can handle myself."
“Yes, I know you can handle it, I don’t have any doubt about that, but still. Connie, just relax. It’s alright, your not going to die. You’re not losing a great amount of blood, so you don’t need to worry about that.”
The boy returned with the first aid kit in his hand.
"It's… it's not that. I hate that I keep taking up so much of your time. And that I'm such a bother." Connie mumbled, giving in slightly so Emma could fix her up. "This doesn't seem fair, to let you take care of me when I have the ability to do so myself."
Connie let out a slight huff, leaning back against the couch cushions.
“Connie, you aren’t a bother. I’m not even sure why you think that,” Emma said sternly as she cleaned the blood away. The boy handed her a couple of things, which Emma took and used to fix Connie up.
"Because I'm a bother to everyone. I'm just the girl who gets into trouble, leaving a mess behind." Connie mumbled under her breath, trying not to wince or squirm too much. "Wouldn't you agree? I was the one who painted your wall."
She looked into Connie’s eyes, and smiled slightly. “Connie. Everyone gets into trouble, it’s natural. And, no, I don’t agree, because if you weren’t being you, well, I wouldn’t be able to do my secret project. Well, not-so-secret project.”
"I-I know… but I feel like such a bother. All the time. Even if I don't act like it, I still feel it." Connie tried to insist, no smile of her own showing up on her lips. It would probably hurt anyways. "And I know the project is my doing… but if the public found out and gave you a bad name, guess who's fault that would be?"
“Hm, it’d be my own fault, wouldn’t it? Frankly, I really don’t care what the public thinks of me. If they hate me, well that’s fine. If they like me, well that’s fine too. Life is to short to keep worrying about every single little thing.” She backed away and smiled. “There. Good as new.”
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