forum "So, I may have vandalized a celebrity's property..." (O/O Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie grinned, not responding back. She tossed her phone on the bed, and quickly pulled out the few other things. Once 'unpacked' she stood, and pulled out a second box from the closet. He name was written on the top, and she opened it. It was a box of clothes, she had bought for herself. Her mother would never let her wear them, so she kept them at Laura's house. Just in case. She grabbed a pair of PJs and changed.

@spacebluelily language

Emma put the cat on the couch, got up from the couch, stretched and yawned. She grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV. She then put the remote control on the table and looked at Amaya and Jackson. “Alright, children. After a fun day at the fair, I think it’s time that we get some very well deserved beauty sleep. Everyone, to your bedrooms and I don’t want to hear a single peep out of the both of you until tomorrow morning.” With that, Amaya and Jackson got up and went upstairs to their bedrooms. She picked up the cat and her phone and then went upstairs.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie slid onto the bed, yawning. "Well, today was eventful." She laughed, flopping back. She unlocked her phone, and began to scroll through Instagram. The feeds were filled with pictures of other people's lives, famous or not. Everything was brightly colored, and bright to catch your attention. But nothing really did, as her thoughts vanished, and Connie fell unconscious.

(Time skip?)

@spacebluelily language

Beams of sunlight managed to get inside the dark room even with the curtains closed. Emma rolled in bed trying to block the beams of sunlight with a pillow, but quickly realized that the sunlight wasn’t going to stop bothering her. She sighed, took the pillow off her face and sat up, quickly looking at the clean cat bed that she had in her closet and sighing in relief because the cat was still there and hadn’t disappeared into thin air. She threw off the blankets and got of the bed, walking to her closet and then looking through her outfits.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie groaned, rolling over in the sheets. Laura and Fredrick were already up, and making a decent amount of noise. The two of them were morning people, and Connie had forgotten that bit when she had asked to spend the night. "I guess it's time to get up." She muttered getting out of bed. She slid off the bed, and didn't bother to get dressed, walking out the door.

@spacebluelily language

She quickly got dressed and looked around for a bowl were she could put food for the cat. She spotted one at the bottom of her closet and then she took it with her downstairs. She put some cat food in the bowl once she got to the kitchen and then put it on the table. She took out some milk and poured it in another bowl. She grabbed both bowls and slowly walked upstairs. Once she reached her bedroom, she put both bowls on the ground and walked downstairs, leaving her bedroom door open.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Walking in the kitchen, she rolled her eyes at the two standing there and kissing. To give them 'privacy' she turned back around, and went over to the couch. Plopping down, she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to find something good. Though there was almost never anything good on. So with a sigh, she turned on a random cartoon channel, investing herself in the colorful characters.

@spacebluelily language

Two children were in the kitchen, sitting in the kitchen waiting for Emma to wake up. Once Emma was seen walking from the stairs to the kitchen, Jackson stood up and blocked the entrance to the kitchen. Emma stopped in her tracks and looked down at Jackson. “Uh, brother, can you move?” Emma said with a sigh.
“I’m afraid I cannot, dear older sister.” Jackson responded with a smile.
“Okay, what has gone into you? Since when do you address me as dear older sister?” Emma mumbled.
Jackson shrugged and didn’t move from his spot, making Emma a bit irritated. She tried to move Jackson out of the way, but failed, as it seemed that his feet were glued to the ground.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie was sinking into the couch, and sighed as the colorful cartoons ran across the screen. She was bored out of her mind.
Or was, until Laura's golden retriever bounded into the room excitedly. Hopping on the couch, the puppy climbed on top of Connie and she laughed. "Hey Lem, how are you?" She asked, pushing the puppy off of her stomach so she could sit up.
Lemon, the golden retriever, yipped in response and licked her face.
"Eep! Stop it girl! Down, down!" She scolded, rubbing the pups head.

@spacebluelily language

(Don’t scold the puppy. xD)
A yell was heard from the kitchen, and Jackson moved aside, letting Emma walk inside. When she did, she was surprised by what she saw. Food was set on the table, and it wasn’t normal breakfast food, it was something very fancy. She looked at Jackson and Amaya who just smiled and sat down at the table.
“We wanted to give you this surprise as a token of our appreciation. You do so much for us and we decided that this was a good idea to show you that we care and really do appreciate everything you do.” Amaya said as she motioned for Emma to sit down.
Emma wiped a imaginary tear away and joined her siblings for breakfast.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(Eeep! She won't do it again lol)

Lemon hopped down, after licking her face a few more times. "Good girl Lemon." Connie said, wiping the slobber off of her face. To be honest, Connie wasn't normally the biggest dog fan, but there were a few that cut the mark. Laura's was one of them. A slight smile was on her lips, as she bent down to pat the pup's head.
"OK girl, do you think they're done making out in the kitchen?" She hummed, scratching behind her ears. Only getting a 'yip' in response, Connie pushed herself off the couch, and patted her leg for Lemon to follow.
Peeking into the kitchen, she smiled when the two were just making breakfast. 'Now I don't have to feel bad.' She chuckled slightly, coming into the kitchen. "Good morning!" Connie chirped, catching the attention of the two young-adults.
"Hey! How'd you sleep?" Laura asked, turning from the kitchen sink.
"Pretty good, the bed was comfortable per-usual." Connie hummed brushing her hair back. With a smile and a nod, Laura turned back to the dishes she was doing quietly.

@spacebluelily language

Emma looked down at the food with the most amused face in history. She was very surprised that they were able to make the hardest recipe in the recipe book she alway kept in the cupboards. How she knew that they used the recipe book was easy. The boom was laying on the kitchen counter, next to a bag of flour and a cup of cinnamon. She took the fork that was next to her plate, and grabbed a portion of the food, and then proceeded to eat it. She smiled as she put the fork down and looked at Amaya and Jackson. “I want to congratulate you on making this wonderful breakfast. It’s actually pretty good.” Emma said as she grabbed an apple slice.
“Thank you, we spent all morning making it.” Jackson replied with a smile. Amaya only nodded and smiled.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Things got awkwardly quiet in the kitchen, and they all sat in silence.
"I- thank you for housing me. I was going to go get dressed, and then take my leave if that was alright." Connie announced, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I just wanted to let you know, it was appreciated." She mumbled, before turning and walking off to go change.
What she chose to wear, was the most 'girly' outfits in her closet. Mostly because her mom was already going to be upset with her, and she never liked the edgy stuff she always wore.

@spacebluelily language

Everybody finished their breakfast and Emma and Jackson started cleaning all the dishes they had used. Emma helped them tidy up the kitchen and put all the un-used supplies in the cabinets. Once they were finished she went back upstairs to check on the cat. The moment she got to her room, sprinted out of the room all the way downstairs. Emma followed the cat with the most confused face in history.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie brushed her curly hair, and adjusted her top. "Alright Con, let's go home." She mumbled to herself.
Strutting out of the room, she held the box close to her chest. "Thank you again!" She hollered over her shoulder before walking out the door. A smile was on her lips, and she made her way out the door. "Alright, let's head home." She mumbled, pulling her phone out. Glancing at it, she had a dozen messages from her mother, and three missed calls from both parents. "I'm doomed." She groaned, calling her mother again.

@spacebluelily language

The cat made it’s way to the living room and then somehow managed to jump on the couch. It sat down, curled up and looked at Emma from where it was. It was like if a king or queen had sat down on it’s throne and was looking down upon it’s subjects, Emma sat down next to the cat and looked at him. “I’ll have to give you some sort of name that suits you. Maybe some royal name. .”
The cat only meowed.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie had been correct, as her mouth was furious with her.
"We called the police!We thought you had been kidnapped!" Her mother shrieked into the phone line, leaving Connie to wince at the sound of her voice. "Well I'm sorry. I can't really help that I couldn't find my phone." She argued, her voice calm. But her mother continued to yell at her, ignoring any and all of her reasoning for her disappearance.

@spacebluelily language

“Well, anyways, what to do with you? I can’t just leave you here alone. Injured or not, your still going to make a mess. And I can’t leave you here with my siblings, because between the three of you, there’s going to be a mess even I wouldn’t be able to clean. Lastly, I really have to stop talking to animals.” Emma sighed and petted the cat.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She gave up trying to reason with her mother, and let her rant on. Her mind began to wander as she strolled towards her house.
Things were so strange, as she thought about the night before. She was going to help Emma Garcia support the thing she loved. And Emma had been the one to offer. She must be living in a dream for something like that to happen!
"I want you home in ten minutes, otherwise you're grounded." Her mother said before hanging up. Those words caused Connie to sprint, and she was running double time.

@spacebluelily language

Emma sighed and picked up the cat, not really knowing what she was doing. She gave up on trying to figure out what her brain was doing and let her instincts take over. She stood up and walked outside the house. She frowned slightly, but kept doing what her body told her to. She reached a neighborhood and then stopped. “So, apparently I’m visiting a neighborhood? Okay. . .this isn’t ominous at all.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie was sprinting, and checking her watch when she could. Her hands were full with the box, but she knew she only had a few minutes. The clock was ticking down faster than she could run. She had to get home, because her mother wasn't expecting her to get there. She had assumed she was still at Laura's house, but she happened to be only about 15 minutes away; walking distance. If she ran the whole way, she had a shot of making it on time.

@spacebluelily language

And then she noticed splashes of paint and symbols on the walls. It piqued her interest and she decided to approach the walls. She ran a finger on the wall and when she took it away, her finger was yellow. Fresh paint, which means this must have made very early in the morning and not something that was done during the night.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She was determined. Determined to get home on time, and almost nothing could stop her.
She was running, and could practically see her house, until she shifted her gaze. She caught sight of a woman standing there, by herself, starring at a wall. To get a better look, she slowed in her running, catching sight of Emma. 'What is she-' And before her thought was finished, she stumbled and fell to the ground. "Ouch!"

@spacebluelily language

Emma turned around and looked at Connie who was on the ground. She cleaned her finger with her shirt, not caring that it was getting dirty. She quickly went to Connie and helped her get up. “Connie, are you okay?”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Tears were stinging her eyes, and Connie held her face in her hand. "M-hmm." She mumbled, her voice cracking on even the simple syllable. She barely smiled at Emma, failing at trying to show her she was fine.
Her stress was up, she was in pain, and now she was standing there in front of Emma, clearly lying straight to her face. How much worse could it get?