@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group
Jade blushed, glad he couldn't see it. ”I wanted to make sure you were ok. I know you can handle yourself but… I guess I just wanted to hear you say it.” she admitted a little hesitantly.
Jade blushed, glad he couldn't see it. ”I wanted to make sure you were ok. I know you can handle yourself but… I guess I just wanted to hear you say it.” she admitted a little hesitantly.
Killian chuckled. "I'm fine." He barely refrained from making a flirty remark about how she could come over and see just how fine he was. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk.
”Good.” Jade smiled, as she laid on her bed. ”Can I ask you one more thing?” she wondered a bit shyly.
Killian shrugged. "Yeah, go ahead." He replied, leaning back in his seat and being as careful as possible not to irritate the wound.
”What did you say to Flame before you left?” she asked, curiously but soft enough that Sophie wouldn't overhear. ”The news didn't pick it up.”
"Oh. Nothing important." He replied with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it."
Jade rolled her eyes with a light laugh. ”You threatened him, didn't you?” she teased, not surprised if he said yes.
Killian smirked. "You know me too well." he replied with a chuckle. "Of course I did."
Jade chuckled. ”Well, we have known each other for how long now?” she smirked. ”I like to think I know your style pretty well. Any chance of you telling me which one you used?”
"Mmm…nah." Killian replied. "I'm not telling you all my secrets, oh miss Jade." He chuckled.
”Oooh. A man of mystery.” Jade purred teasingly. ”Good. I love finding answers on my own intellect.” she held back a chuckle.
Killian laughed. "Mm. I see how it is." He replied, laughing.
Jade laughed and sat back up. ”Oh, you do?” she smirked. ”Please share your insights with me.” She had to hold back a laugh since she was enjoying this more than she probably should.
Killian smirked. "Nah. I thought you wanted to work things out on your own with that big brain of yours." He replied teasingly.
Jade almost lost her composure and laughed but barely held back. ”Perhaps I do, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy hearing other people's thoughts and opinions.” she retorted with a playful smirk.
"Meh." He replied with a laugh. "No thanks." He smirked a little, stretching.
Jade didn't stop the chuckle this time. She always loved the quick banter that seemed to come with the masks. ”Fine. I’ll still figure it out. Someone had to have caught everything on their phone. All I have to do is enhance the audio.”
"You do that, lovely." Killian replied. "We'll see how far you get." He smirked.
Jade raised a brow at the new nickname but smirked at the challenge he was clearly laying before her. ”Don’t doubt my skills, Magic Man. Or I’ll start to doubt yours.”
"Magic man?? Magic man??" He demanded. "Nuh uh. Not my name."
Jade burst out laughing at his tone, she had to take the phone away from her face so it wouldn't be too loud on his end. ”I… I know that.” she giggled almost breathlessly once she was a bit calmer. ”For a guy who loves to give nicknames, you sure don't seem to take receiving them well.”
"Magic man has no dignity, excuse you!" Killian replied, laughing. "All of the nicknames I give have dignity, thank you very much!"
”Maybe it's not supposed to. It's more of a fun and relaxed name.” Jade chuckled. Oh, I am so keeping that nickname for him. ”Would you rather I call you Dumbledore?”
(Dumbledore…. 😂 Lol)
"No. I haven't read or watched Harry Potter, so no." Killian replied, sighing softly.
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