@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group
”Oh, come on. Pretty much everybody has at least seen one of the movies.” Jade said, fairly certain. ”But if you're ever interested, I have all seven of the books.”
”Oh, come on. Pretty much everybody has at least seen one of the movies.” Jade said, fairly certain. ”But if you're ever interested, I have all seven of the books.”
"Nope. I haven't." Killian replied. "And…nah. I'm too busy. I'll stick with Tolkien, thanks." he chuckled softly.
”Oh, because Tolkien is a quicker, easier read?” Jade smirked. ”You do realize though that you just opened yourself up to being called Gandalf, right?”
"Hm." Killian shrugged. "So? I like Gandalf." he replied with a smile.
Jade chuckled. ”Hard not to like him, but I like Galadriel better. She's actually more of a badass then people think.” she explained. ”Though that’s covered more in Tolkien's fourth book which is no easy read.”
"Mm, that's true." Killian replied. "Although Gandalf is…like a literal god that was sent to Middle Earth, so.."
”Well, he wasn't the only one sent to Middle-earth but I’ll agree that he was the most powerful of the good ones.” she conceded.
"Well yeah. There was him, and Saruman, and Radagast, and the two blue ones who never got names." Killian replied.
”But Saruman betrayed everyone and Radagast went all ”old man of the woods”, leaving Gandalf to do everything since the two Blues just disappeared.” Jade pointed out.
"Well yeah, I'm just saying. And I believe that the two blues were like…either way east or way North. I'm not sure which." Killian argued.
Jade hummed in thought for a moment. ”I think it's more likely that they were far north, given those options.” she smirked deviously. ”Someone had to scare Smaug to make him head to the Lonely Mountain.”
Killian laughed. "Hmm, you might be right." He replied, shaking his head in amusement.
”It’s just an idea.” Jade shrugged with a light laugh. She sighed briefly as she wondered again how the man she was talking to, so casually, was locally one of the most well-known villains. He was funny, well-read, charming and attractive. … Not that Jade was willing to admit those last two just yet, and certainly not out loud.
Killian chuckled. "Yeah, but it's probably correct." he replied, shrugging and leaning back in his chair. He wondered at this twist of fate. That he was casually speaking with someone who had been his enemy for so long.
Jade hummed at what she was going to take as a compliment. ”Thanks.” she smiled before sighing. ”Why couldn't we have known each other like this first and kept the masks a secret?” she almost whispered. She knew, with her intellect, she would have eventually figured out his identity either way but… The idea of knowing him as a friend rather than her enemy… It sounded nice.
Killian blinked, and sighed. "I…don't know." he replied with a shrug. "Because we just never ran into each other?"
Jade nodded a bit disappointed. ”Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry. Just wishful thinking, I guess.” she admitted. ”You just… confuse me a bit. It's like you're a walking contradiction.”
"Who, me? Why thank you!" Killian replied with a laugh.
Jade smiled at his response with a light chuckle. ”I’m serious. Talking to you like this, spending time with you… It's almost hard for me to believe that you're… well, who you are.”
Killian sighed. "Gee, thanks." he replied, smiling and chuckling a little. "That makes me feel so special."
Jade sighed, unsure if he was being sarcastic or not. ”I’m sorry. You know I overthink almost everything and as much as I like mental challenges I also like having answers.”
Killian shrugged. "No, it's fine. Don't apologize, I get it." he chuckled softly.
”Thanks.” Jade smiled. ”I am glad that we can talk openly about that side of our lives with each other, though. It gets tiring hiding it all the time.”
"Yeah. I agree." Killian replied. "It's…actually really nice. Even though you're a hero, and I'm the bad guy." he chuckled softly.
Jade chuckled softly. ”Yeah. Though you're not the worst out there.” she said, hoping not to insult him by saying that he may be a villain but she didn't really think of him as a bad guy… not anymore. ”And I actually enjoy being your opponent.”
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