Jade had put on her helmet and leather jacket before driving over. No doubt, he would recognize it as her hi-tech helmet but it was nondescript enough to be passed off as a normal one. She did follow the traffic laws but she arrived just a little bit sooner than she anticipated.
Killian waited quietly. He hummed softly, straightening up the house as he waited. His movements were careful, as he didn't want to hurt himself.
Jade smiled as she parked and armed her bike. This was the second time she had done this but the first time she was clear-headed. She took her helmet off and knocked decisively on his door.
Killian opened it up. "Hey." He greeted. "Did you bring my lover?" He teased with a smirk. He winked at her. "I'm kidding." He put his shoes on.
Jade rolled her eyes. ”You’re incorrigible, you know that.” she retorted playfully. ”Are you ready to go? You had some pretty useful insights last time.”
Killian smirked. "I know." he replied. "And yeah, I guess." he pulled on a coat, too. "Let's go."
Jade smiled at him and lead him back to her bike. ”No tracking spells on this ride or the one home, otherwise you're flying.” she warned as she put on her helmet.
He grinned. "Oh, I love flying." he replied with a snarky grin.
She raised her visor at him as she straddled her bike, showing off her arched brow. The voice synthesizer was currently turned off but she didn't say anything before revving the engine a couple times as a challenge.
He smirked at her, and climbed on behind her, linking his arms around her waist. He was laughing softly. "So, where we going?"
”For the actual testing, there's an abandoned construction site near the old rail yard.” She explained as she closed her visor. ”But I have to pick up a couple of things from my Den first.”
"Alright." he replied, looking at her. "What are we testing?" He asked with a grin.
”A few things.” She said as she started driving. ”Honestly, a couple of the tests involve my suit but there is one or two for Sparky and the hoverboard.”
"Hm. Alright." Killian replied. "Ooh! Can I be the one to test Sparky?" he asked, grinning. "And the hoverboard?"
Jade chuckled a little mischievously. She had almost been hoping he would ask that. ”I don't see why not. With the hoverboard, it's mostly speed and more height if you think you can handle it.”
Killian grinned again. "Yes!" he crowed, arms tightening around her for a moment. "Sounds fun!"
(gtg to bed now. Good night!)
She laughed at his enthusiasm. Sometimes he acted more like a kid than someone to be scared of. ”I certainly hope so. And I have something special for Sparky.” she smirked.
(Ok. Goodnight!)
Killian grinned. "Ooh, is it me?" he asked with a smile, teasing. "Or what?" he squirmed a little on the seat to get more comfortable.
She shook her head. ”It’s not you… But it may interest you. Besides, I need to make sure it works right.”
Killian grinned. "Okay." he replied simply. "Does that mean I get to test it out?"
Jade nodded. ”You can. It's actually something I've been working on for a while but recently you gave me a bit of inspiration to finish it.” she admitted as she pulled into the garage entrance to her Den. ”I hope you like it.”
"Hmm. Alright." Killian replied with a grin. He hopped off of the bike, looking around the den again. "Y'know, I'm not sure it's the greatest idea for you to be letting your enemy help you test your inventions." He remarked.
Jade hummed in thought before she gave a response. ”That may be so but I don't have anyone else I trust to help me with this and I doubt any of these upgrades will affect our fights.” she smiled sincerely as she picked up her hoverboard and her suit. ”Besides, I haven't really thought of Hex as my ”enemy” for a while, more of an opponent, honestly. Even I know not all criminals wear masks.”
Killian smirked a little. "Mm. If you say so." He replied. "But I'm still not changing my ways or anything." He chuckled.
”No, I didn't think you would.” Jade chuckled as she spun the bracelet for the board around her finger, turning to him with a smirk. ”Wanna race?”