@ElderGod-kirky group
She chuckled and grabbed a card from her discarded wallet. "Great." She went out the door, holding it open for Runner.
She chuckled and grabbed a card from her discarded wallet. "Great." She went out the door, holding it open for Runner.
"Aw, my knight in shining armor." He looked down at his bare feet as he walked. "I might need some shoes."
"You'll get some." She closed the door and led him even farther into the city. It grew more crowded, and they sometimes had to dodge horse-drawn carriages. "Feel free to get whatever you want. Don't worry about the price."
"You think my mom would want to come, too?"
"Shopping? Who knows. She's hardcore antisocial."
He tripped slightly, throwing his arms out to keep his balance. "How would I even contact her?"
She immediately reached out to steady him. "We're almost at the shoe store. And I have no idea. She's a dark sorceress. She shows up whenever she wants. Spends most of her time in the Between, or whatever the hell it's called."
He looked at her. "You don't seem to like her all that much."
"I'll tolerate her. She gives off creepy vibes, and it's hard to tell what her intentions are."
He frowned. What if she is trying to pull something?
She looked over at Runner. "But hey, that's just me. She's your mother, so it might be different for you." Shit, I just made him feel bad.
"I'm just…confused. Being bred from two of the most evil people in the universe definitely doesn't mean a stable home life."
"I wouldn't exactly classify her as evil, but she's definitely no saint." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just making your life more miserable. Here, we're at the shoe store. You can stop walking around in your bare feet now."
He smiled, pushing his frustration into the back of his mind. "Yeah, that would help. I'm guessing you have a pair in mind for me?"
She smiled. "Nope. I'm giving you free reign today." She pushed open the door and headed on in. "Just don't pick anything ugly and you'll be fine."
"I reiterate this constantly, but I lived in the streets. Anything with laces looked fine to me, as long as there weren't rats in it."
"And I'll say it again as well–so did I." She headed towards the woman's section. "Come find me when you're done."
He rubbed his nose, watching her go for a moment before turning to the guys section. He randomly walked over to a random shoe and pulled it out. They were simple black sneakers with soft padding inside. They looked comfortable, so he shrugged and put them back into the box, walking over to the women's section with the box under one arm.
(What if you brought that girl back in, while they're shopping?)
She was eyeing a pair of sparkly silver stilettos. "That was fast."
Suddenly, he felt a hand on his bicep and Lia's voice say, "Hey!"
He turned and frowned. She was dressed to the nines with her hair curled, eyeliner done a little excessively, and wearing big hoop earrings. "Well, hi."
"Did you end up getting home last night?" she asked, still yet to move the hand.
He nodded. "Yeah, we made up. She cooled off pretty quick."
Lia hid a twang of frustration behind the layer of make-up. She's got him around her finger like a ring.
Tessa frowned at the exchange, and her gaze slid to the hand on his arm. Seriously? She scowled and went back to looking for some heels.
She looked down at the shoes under his arm, smiling. "And what do you have there?"
"Shoes. Kinda got the dogs out right now, and they're getting cold." He twittled his toes to emphasize the point.
Lia giggled, covering her mouth with her other hand. Runner took the moment to look over at Tess, hoping she was looking and was disappointed when she wasn't.
"Hey, Runner, it seems like you have some free time. Would you like to go to lunch with me."
He flinched slightly. Tess, don't freak out, we're in a store.
She took that moment to sidle up to Runner, placing her hands on his shoulder and resting her head on them. She smiled sweetly. "Hey, Lia! I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear." you're voice is so screechy its hard not to hear you. "Runner and I are actually out shopping together. But maybe the two you could hang out some other time." Her voice was sickly sweet to match her smile.
Lia could barely hide a scowl. "Oh…okay. Bye, ru|Runner~" She then bounced out of there before she was fried to a crisp.
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