@ElderGod-kirky group
Tess scoffed and got off of Runner, going back to the shoes once again.
Tess scoffed and got off of Runner, going back to the shoes once again.
He turned to her. "That was….odd." God, he's so clueless sometimes.
She raised a brow at him. "Indeed."
"Why'd you do all that weird stuff? We coulda gotten a free lunch."
((Why not have Kia be a minion to Runner's dad, and is trying to capture him? He does want Runner alive, right?
((And I can never remember the guy's name, ffs
"You could've gotten a free lunch. You're still going to be getting a free lunch." She picked up the sparkly silver stilettos and held the up for Runner to see. "Would these look good on me?"
(Sure. And yes, Agdrin wants Runner alive)
He tilted his head. "It looks like someone melted a disco ball into a high heel mold."
She scowled and put them back. "Fine, what color then?"
There was no hesitation. "Blue."
"Hmm." She searched through the racks and found a pair that caught her eye. "Ooo. Me likes." She pulled out another pair of stilettos, this time a navy blue pair that was made entirely of crisscrossing straps. "How about these?"
"Maybe something like this," he said, pulling off a pair of basic royal blue heels.
"Hmm." She took and inspected them. "I want a new pair of stilettos for dancing, but these are cute too."
He shrugged. "I thought a stiletto was a knife until a few minutes ago."
"It's both. The heel is named after the knife. Fuck it, I'm getting both." She put both parts back into their boxes and took said boxes. "I think I'm done here."
"Don't wanna see what I got?"
"Ooo! Lemme see!"
He offered her the box with the blak sneakers inside.
"Look at that, you do have good taste. Then again, you're with me." She grinned and winked. "Let's check out and head to the mall."
He shrugged, taking the box back. "Ah, yes, the mall."
"Oh?" She raised her brows. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Noooooooooothing." He walked to th cash register and sat the box down/
Tessa set her boxes down and handed over her card without a second glance. "Oh really? Care to elaborate on nothing?"
"Noooooooooope." He smiled to himself
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