forum You promise you won't forget us?
Started by @Fenrir

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Jas landed a few rooftop away from the penthouse, shifting back to normal and settling in the rooftop to calm himself down, evereone he shifted into what he called his Cheshire form, he always felt off. Uncaring and cold. He didn't care about who he scared or who got hurt because of his actions. He occassionally let it slip in his human form when particularly ruthless and out on a dangerous night but he never really shifted all that much. "Getting used to him too, hm?" He murmured softly, talking a deep breath and letting that wrecklessness summer into compliance, "good kitty." Jas laughed softly and appeared beside Connor, teetering on the edge of railing. "You sing beautifully, my love." He greeted, settling down on the edge

@rui group

Connor jumped. "I didn't-when did you get here just now?" Connor looked at Jas sitting down. He decided to do the same. If he fell he could always catch himself. Connor frowned, he felt like something was wrong but he just didn't know how to ask it. He took a deep breath. "I-Is everything okay. You seem different. Not like different, different… just like weird… off." There was a pause between his words. Connor softly places his hand on top of Jas's. "It's probably nothing for you. Who am I kidding, you're always fine." Connor leaned his head on Jas's shoulder. He didn't want Jas to feel forced to tell him what happened if anything ever did. "You are fine right?"


He chuckled lightly and nodded, pressing a kiss to Connor's cheek. He nodded reassuringly and gently rested his hand against Connor's waist. "Yeah, I…" He took a deep breath, knowing it would be a bit much if he told Connor about his differing forms now. "I'm okay." He gently squeezed his hand and pressed a kiss to the tip of Connor's ear. He nodded again and smiled softly, having never really had anyone show concern for him. "Yes my love, I'm okay. There's just something I'll need to show you soon. But not yet. Nothing bad." He reassured, gently nudging his head affectionatly

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"Okay." He believed him. No matter what he said he would've believed him. He trusts him enough, but not too much. He still has;t gotten the hang of being a boyfriend yet. Connor did his best not tense up when he kissed his ear. He shut his eyes relaxing when he stopped talking. "I-I'm gonna go put some clothes on. You can come in if you want maybe have a drink of something. You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to." Connor walked into his room that led out to the balcony. He started undressing looking for a shirt as he did so. He stripped down completely so the only piece of clothing was wearing his boxers. He looked around in his dressers. trying to see what shirts he should wear and which ones not to wear.


Jas nodded dnd followed Connor inside, shifting into a normal cat and trotting around the room a bit as Connor dressed. He sniffed around curiously, finding a small table Jas jumped up and then hopped to the bed, purring softly as he settled comfortably among the sheets, close to where Connor stood. He he bumped his head against his side, meowing loudly for pets. He was comfortable here, surprising to Jas since he never really felt comfortable in the high rise area of the city. He rolled around in the bed, mesging the sheets until he was covered in the sheets, his green eyes and nose poking out

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Connor watched Jas with curiosity. "You really love my bed huh?" Connor gave Jas his pets as he had requested. Connor kissed his head before grabbing some jeans, that fit him nicely. He pulled them on, zipping them up with ease. Connor gave Jas more rubbing this time petting him all over. He glided his hand down his back, soon gliding his fingers across his tail. "If you're this needy, how did you survive all this time. Wait don't tell me you let other people pet you." He frowned jokingly, walking into the bathroom. There was a scrunchie lying there on the counter which Connor used to tie his hair up into a messy bun. He walked back out turning off the night. He grabbed two shirts one flannel and the other a black shirt. He laid them both on top of the dresser trying to think which move he would wear. "What do you think?"


Jas purred appreciatively and closed his eyes in content. He stretched out against the bed, never wanting to leave the comfy bed or the scent that surrounded him. He sat up and licked his paw to clean his face and ears, shaking his head mad giving Connor a teasing glare. "Only you get to see me so compliant and needy, sweetheart." He meowed softly and stretched out his back as Connor went to the bathroom. He tilted his head curiously as he came back with two shirts. Jumping up onto a nearby night stand then to Connor's shoulders, he flicked his ears in contemplation before swatting lightly at the flannel shirt. While he loved the color black and the way it essentuated all the best parts of the body, Jas didn't need to get more distracted by Connor on their day out than he already was, besides it was nice seeing him in a different color. He jumped off of Connor's shoulders backnontop of the bed to wait

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"The flannel? You got it." He put the black shirt back in the drawer. Connor slipped the shirt on buttoning it completely Except for the first two and the very last one. He didn't know why but he felt restricted if he ever buttoned the first two. He took down his hair gunning his fingers through it. He put the scrunchie on his wrist. "We'll see what the weather is and then I'll decide what to do with my hair. How about we jump off the balcony together and start our day of fun. Hm?" Connor thought for a moment. "Wait, never mind should you just teleport us down there? Personally, I think jumping is much more fun." Connor laid on his bed next to Jas looking over to him. "What do you think?"Connor reached over stroking Jas's black fur.


Jas leaned into the pets for a few moments, letting himself enjoy the affection before sitting up and shifting back to normal. "I don't mind jumping." He replied with a smile, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Connkr's lips. "You look great by the way." He murmured, gently dragging his hand through Connor's hair. "And you say that as if we haven't been having fun since the moment we woke up." He laughed softly and pulled away. "I've never actually jumped from so high up." He submitted softly, jumping up on the railing and balancing in place.

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Connor looked up to Jas. "Really?" he jumped up with ease, looking down below him. "Are you nervous?" he nudged Jas with his elbow. "How bout this I'll jump first to show you how easy it is." With that, he turned so his back was facing outward. He gave a quick salute before making himself lean back. He always loved going backward. "They say cats always land on their feet right?!" He yelled. Connor liked the feeling of falling. Of course, he would never do it to die, but just in general it felt just like swimming. Like nothing matters. He kept his eyes open preparing for opening his wings just before he hit the ground, holding him in a suspension before dropping his feet to the ground.


He chuckled lightly and watched as Connkr jumped off, a surge of fear gripping him before he reminded himself that Connor could fly. "Yeah we do, but I'd like to keep my legs unbroken," he muttered with a smile as he watched the other land gracefully. "Well, here goes nothing." He backed away from the railing to get a running start. Twisting in mid air so that his back was to the ground, Jas let himself be pulled down by gravity, letting the air rush by him before shifting into his cat for and lunging into a pocket in space. A few moments later, he appeared beside Connor on the street below, his fur fluffy from the fall

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Connor watched as he fell. He picked up the black cat and rubbed his face against Jas's back. "See? Was that so bad? Your legs are perfectly fine. I hope. He placed him on the ground once more, not wanting to be carrying Jas when she shifted back. He could take it either way. He was strong enough to. "Now, it's time for us to have our date and venture through the city. I definitely want to get ice cream though." He licked his lips thinking about it. "What about you? Anywhere you feel like going today? Anything you wanna do?"


He purred appreciatively at being picked up and licked Connor's cheek before being set down and shifting back to normal. "Ice cream sounds amazing, do you have a favorite spot or any ice cream will do?" He tilted his head as he laced their hands together and pulled Connor into a walk. "I do have a place in mind that can't wait until tommorow that I want to show you." He grinned and swing their hands together. "You're gonna like it, it's absolutely beautiful."

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Connor giggle when Jas licked his cheek. "I don't know actually, but that is the point of exploring right?" He bumped shoulders with Jas playfully. "I like anything you show me. I have a question. It's been on my mind lately and I never really thought to ask you. Unless I did and I just don't remember but well nows it's two questions…" Connor moving his hand back and forth, gaining momentum between the two. "One, do you know my actual name? I know it's a stupid question, but I've never heard you say it. Two, What does it feel like when I pet you while you're a cat. You seem to like it so, I'm just curious."


"hm, that is very true." Jas agreed, shoving his other hand in his pocket and gazing around the city. He had never taken the time to look around all that carefulky. It was nice just to relax and take it all in instead of what he usually did when here. He tilted his head curiously "those aren't stupid questions, dear. And yes, I do know your name, Connor. I've known it for a while now. I figured you wouldn't like me calling you by your first name so I usually used pet names. Besides, it always seemed to get a reaction out of you when I did so I kinda stuck to it." He explained with a shrug, having never actually thought about it in length before. "It's relaxing. Like getting a massage after a long day." He blushed lightly and smiled "it feels nice."

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Connor nodded slowly as he explained. He thought about what Jas had said. "I see. I guess I should pet you more often. So while we're out I supposed since this is technically a date, I would hope, I should let you know that's I've never been on a date before…" Connor looked down at his feet, trying to move them in a certain pattern why he walked. "Or in a relationship before…" He mumbled. Now that I think about it. I know nothing about him. I mean sure I have reincarnated with him for, god knows how long, but even so…I never stopped to ask him or get to know him at all. "S-So…what's your favorite, type of ice cream." He was trying to spark conversation since he didn't know exactly what to say. He was quite awkward when it came to these types of things. A light blush stained his cheeks as he talked.


Jas tried his best to stifle his laugh. Gods above it was absolutely adorable seeing Connor turn into a flustered mess. He lightly pressed a kiss to his temple and squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Of course this is a date. And don't worry, dear. This is the first life I've been on a date or in a relationship with anyone since Winston and that was a long time ago, so I basically know nothing at this point." He laughed softly as he thought back to when he had courted Winston. "Back then I don't even think this would have been allowed. But I'm glad times have changed." He thought for a moment, lightly tapping his lip with his finger. "Strawberry cheesecake. Where they mix cubes of cheesecake with ice cream? The best thing ever! What about you?" He asked, glad that they were talking, figuring things out with each other without the need to fight.

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"Definitely mint chocolate chip. I loved it when I discovered that flavor. If you could bribe me with anything it's definitely mint chocolate chip ice cream. But anyway, tell me about Wesley. He seems like an interesting guy to have captured your heart like that." Connor couldn't help but get jealous. They only just started dating so it's not like he has a reason too. Even so he's known Jas the longest so it make him feel like he should be the only one aloud to steel him away. Beyond that, he knew Jas must have really loved to have been wearing the same neckless for year on years. So to get jealous of something like that only seems pitiful.


"ah now I know what to do if I ever want you to do the dishes. I'll be sure to pick some up on our way back home." He teased, pressing a kiss to their linked hands. He tilted his head surprised that Connor would want to hear about Jas' late husband. He nodded slightly, a small smile crossing his features. "He was very special. One of the only few to do so without judging who I was." He started softly. "We met in London at a bar. I was meeting with some associate's from work when I noticed him in the corner. He was pale as ghost with the brightest red eyes. I think now they'd call him albino but people back then thought him a freaking nature. I always found it beautiful. We courted each other, or what we call now dated, for years before getting married." He brought his free hand up to graze against the chain at his neck. "I wanted to marry him earlier, but he wanted to wait, so I obliged. We eventually eloped and moved to the countryside. I dropped everything I was doing in the city for him, and he did the same for me, and neither of us ever looked back. I think that was the first and only life I decided to pursue someone that wasn't you, and to be honest, it was one of my happiest lives in a long while." He sighed softly and gave Connor a side smirk "that us until now." His grin softened "I think he would have loved to meet you. I told him a lot about you actually and he always seemed so facinated in the other person who had claimed my heart in lives past. Whether out of jelousy or out of pure interest, he was always telling me we he was going to meet you soon."

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As Jas told his story, Connor only smiles imagining the two together. His heart skipped a beat when he gave him a side smirk. In all honestly, he felt happy that Jas was content and at peace. "I feel like if I met him, we would have a great time. Of course, I wouldn't let him see the emotional side to me. I feel like if I did…" Connor shook his head. "Well, anyway. I'm glad you found someone to share your life with while I didn't give you that chance." Connor didn't want Jas to have his mood changed so he changed the subject instead. "Anyway, since I only really know the villain side of you. Tell me something you think I don't know, which is probably everything." Connor looked around trying his best not to look at Jas. He didn't want to get flustered so he tried his best to keep calm and collected.


Jas shook his head with a light laugh. "I have a feeling you would have shown him either way. He had that effect in people, despite not having abilities." He sighed softly and nodded "yeah, me too." He glanced over at Conner and gently squeezed his hand, making a show of thinking things over as he tilted his head in thought. "Something you don't know about me, hm? Well, I play the violin. Haven't done it in a long while but I like it a lot. Oh and the only thing I can make in the kitchen are cookies anything else turns into a burnt mess." He bunched his lips to the side and glanced over at Conner, smiling softly and gently resting his head on his shoulder "I actually like dogs, even though I'm a cat."

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Connor looked amazed as they walked. “You play the violin?!” Connor stroked his head softly. “Wow. I never would’ve pegged you for the guy who plays violin. You look much more destructive. Like the drums.” Just by saying that he thought of Jas playing the drums and immediately got flustered just from the thought. “A-Anyway, it’s amazing that you could even cook anything at all. Maybe I could teach you a few things.” Connor smirked. He kissed Jas’s head before he stopped petting him. “I can see that. You know what they say opposites attract.” Connor spotted somewhere that sells ice cream. He ran towards it, pulling jas along for the ride. He licked his lips while he looked at the flavor options.


"oh you haven't seen me play darling, I wouldn't call it destructive though. Let's say, more passionate." He pured softly at the petting before slowly straightening as they neared the ice cream shop. "I'm not so sure how much I'll learn if half that time I'll be too distracted by you." He murmured with a smirk, seeing Connor's blush. He pulled open the door for Connor and gently guided, glad to see it not as full as he thought. "Well, I can't say I've ever been attracted to any dog in particular but I'm fond of them. They're unwaveringly loyal and admittedly very cute."

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"Then, I'll just be your dog." Connor was too distracted by his flavor options to realize what he was saying. Once he realized he slowly looked back to Jas with a sheepish smile. "Wait, wait, wait that came out wrong! I just meant it because you're a cat then I could your dog or puppy-cause like opposites and-and um like the metaphor you know?" He bit his lip. "You know what I was trying to say!" Connor focused on the ice cream and the line. It's wasn't too long, but it was taking a very long time for the people in front to order. They seemed to be fighting over something. He thought of it as cute, just like how he and Jas used to fight all of the time. With flirtatious comments from Jas in between.