forum You promise you won't forget us?
Started by @Fenrir

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Ok so I had sort of a spur of the moment idea, woo. I kinda wanna do an imortal, reincarnation thing

Hero and Villain have been rivals since the very beginning, trying to capture each other by any means possible. In between of course, teasing and taunting each other into giving in. Villain has had a slight crush on Hero for a long time now, ever since the fall of Rome but as their immortal lives go in, they start to feel as if their love if one sided. Villain starts to get more desperate in their criminal acts to get the attention of hero.
(Plot will go from here)
I also have an idea where after they establish a romance, one of them dies (ex villain) but instead of coming back to life with their memories intact, someone else (3rd character) steals them. (Ex Hero) would have to find the memories while trying to explain to (ex villain) everything that they forgot and try and convince them that they're in love.

  • I have a pretty good idea where I want this to go but I'm always open to ideas
  • don't be rude
  • make responses readable, I get not having great grammar, but please try your best
  • I'm looking for longer responses, no one liners. Give me something to build off of please, I'll try and do the same
  • no smut. While I plan on having this be a romance, i'll be skipping any smut scenes
  • template will be up soon.


Name -
nicknames -
Aliases -
Age -
Personality -
Appearance -
General outfit -
Superhero/villain outfit -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Backstory -
Other -


Name - Jasper Loveheart
nicknames - Jas, Jassy
Aliases - the Cheshire Cat
Age - 20
Personality - Jas is usually very reserved and quiet. He likes more to observe than actually confront a situation. When he's not out being a bad guy, he's usually more calm around people. He actually likes being around people but he also does like having his alone time and just be able to relax. As a villain, Jas is far more open and adventurous. He gets a thrill out of good chase and almost becomes a new person in the late hours of night. He's very flirtatious and doesn't really care about how his actions affect others as long as he gets the attention of the hero.
Appearance - while Jas had never really paid attention to his looks, he has been told he's handsome, even though he doesn't really see it. He has dark brown hair that falls in curls to the nape of his neck. Streaks of deep purple highlights can also be seen in his hair. He has deep green eyes that shift slightly in different lighting. He usually rims his eyes in black eyeliner to enhance his eyes. He has full red lips and a nice smile though very few to see him smile. Very angular features.
General outfit - he usually wears cardigans and sweatshirts as well as leggings, not very fond of jeans or stiff clothes. He also wear glasses, though he doesn't really need them
Superhero/villain outfit - usually all black clothes, he usually wears a simple black mask that covers his upper facial features, except his eyes.
Likes - loves chocolate, warmth, the snow, affection
Dislikes - being bored, being ignored, coffee, early mornings
Backstory - a decendant from a long ago fallen rebel alliance, Jas had never really been much of a 'perfect child." he loved getting into trouble as a kid as well as throughout his new lives. He took inspiration from a particular author for his Alias name and had ran with the name ever since then.
Other - he has the ability to move between greyareas in time and space.

@rui group

Name - Connor Jameson
Nicknames - James
Aliases - Angel
Age - 23
Personality - He hates when people give him names based on his powers. He always acts nice to people he meets, but when they get to know him he can be rude at times. He tends to offend a lot of people by the jokes he makes because he doesn't really care about other people's emotions. However, he will say sorry when need be. He doesn't give in easily and when he sees things happen more than once he gets tired of it. He gets embarrassed easily by compliments and a touch on the waist.
Appearance - Picture 1, Picture 2, He has emerald green eyes. He often doesn't smile a lot and tends to be emotionless, except for when people are teasing him. Then he gets a mixture of anger and embarrassment.
General outfit - He wears a loose back shirt with jeans. He also likes wearing flannels. He also wears glasses and changes his eyes color during the day when he's not working as a hero.
Superhero/villain outfit - He never really gets dressed up like other heroes but he wears a long black trench coat with black jeans and a red t-shirt. The reason he wears so little is that he feels it's easier to move around in.
Likes - He likes Mint chocolate-chip ice cream. He liked seeing people express themselves and seeing them no afraid to hold hands on the street, things like that. He likes a nice warm cup of coffee when he wakes up and the sun rises with perfect timing. He likes it when people make him laugh, cause it makes him feel that he still has emotions.
Dislikes - When people talk in his ear because that's where he's most sensitive. He hates when he has to repeat things or when things are repeated to him. He's seen plenty of things so amusement parks don't really amuse him.
Backstory - He was born with 3 pairs of wings on his pack. His family called him a miracle child and even god at some point. He didn't really get it until he was age 5 when everyone in school would make fun of him because he was called god by his family. That's when he discovered his power of shapeshifting. He could change his appearance so he would look like a normal human being. Ever since he was 7 he never transformed back to his original self. Sometimes he does wonder what they look like, but he just didn't want to live up to that name. So he trained and became a hero and even got his own license. His combat skill was topped ranked and if he needed to he would shift parts of his body so he could get the advantage.
Other: Nope


(I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to ask before I put my character up if you were okay with m/m pairing and if you had a preference for which character you'd like to be, I'm okay with changing either of those things if you do!)

@rui group

(Oh no I actually prefer m/m pairings I forgot to ask too. I have a pretty good idea of the rp so do you wanna start?)


(ok great! I love connor by the way! Here's a starter!)
"Please! I'm begging you! I-i have a family! You really want to take a father away from his kid?!"
Jas rolled his eyes with a grin as he sat across from the man he now held hostage. He balanced the knife on his crossed legs and idly flipped through the wallet and phone he had managed to snag of the pathetic excuse of a person in front of him. "A family, huh?" He murmured, flicking his gaze up momentarily to find the man nodding furiously.
"A family man would have pictures his kids everywhere no? I see no photos on your phone." He drawled, grin growing wider.
"n-new born! They were just born yesterday. My wife is in the hospital!"
Jas threw his head back in a laugh "my, my , my. When will all these lies stop?" He gracefully stood from his chair and made his way over to the man in seconds.
"H-how…that's impossible." He whispered.
"I strive to do the impossible, darling." Jas appeared behind the man and grasped his shoulders firmly, causing the man to help in surprise "you're not human…"
"And you're not very nice," has retorted back, his grin dropping. "But you already know who I am, don't you?"
The man nodded slowly.
"Good," Jas purred, gently placing his hand over the man's eyes. "Then you know that when you fall asleep, you'll dream of things, never imaginable in this world."
"g-good dreams?" The man asked, futile hope in his voice.
"That depends, are you a good person?" Jas replied, chuckling lightly as the man began to scream before he suddenly dropped limp in the chair.
"You rest while we wait." Jas murmured, plunking down in his chair once again, eyes aglow in the dim lighting of the building

@rui group

Connor had seen it on the monitors. The conversation, the lies, the poking fun at a man. He didn't want to say he was innocent, but he didn't want to say he was a bad man either. When it came to things like this Connor was very neutral. That's why they send him out most of the time because Connor can't be swayed by his emotions. Partially because he rarely shows them. "Angel your up!" the chief called.
He always hated that name, 'Angel'. He doesn't have divine power, nor is he immortal, he just shapeshifts. Connor sighed shifting into a raven and flying off to go meet the villain that he could somehow never takedown. Probably because he kept throwing them off roofs. He landed on a wire and then the ground transforming back into a human. He took Jas's wrist and held it above his head. "Why are you like this? I never see the point in all these little games you play. I'm always assigned to clean up after you. It gets tiring after a while."


"ah but what fun is making your job easy? Besides, you know you love me." Jas purred, twisting out of his seat stepping closer to Connor. "Someone has to keep our little game interesting. Since you've been slacking in that department, I've had to take up that responsibility." He teased, leaning in close. "Besides dear, are you really that concerned about him." He tilted his toward the man passed out in his seat. "It's not like he's dead…at least not yet. I've been a good little kitty. Not a single dead body added to the morgue by me in the last..maybe month or so." He grinned, eyes shining bright. "I honestly should be getting some sort of thank you for sacking this conartist. I have a few thoughts in mind as to how that can be carried out." He pouted slightly and tilted his head.

@rui group

Connor's face turned red ever so slightly when Jas got close to him, thus making him move away. "I have to say it keeps me busy, but all I'm hearing is that you take an interest in annoying me." Connor shifted his gaze to the man pasted out in the other chair. "If he so bad, why not become a hero. Or is it the fact that we have a no-killing policy?" Connor let go of Jas's hand roughly. "Do you want a prize or something for not killing people, cause I can give you one…in jail that is. Since you have powers it wouldn't exactly work. How about I cuff you with these and then you could go have fun in the basement of the Hero Association, where they keep people like you." Connor held up cuffs that make it so powers can't be used. His voice was dry and flatlined. He wasn't in the mood for Jas's games. Jas always seemed more energetic every time he was tired. He already took down 10 villains today and he knew he wouldn't be able to catch Jas cause he always finds a way to slip through his fingers. Literally. "The reason there is "not a single dead body added to the morgue" is that I was the one who saved them. Every time. I just don't get why you're so persistent."


"no darling, just interested in you in general." Jas trilled with a small laugh as Connor pulled away. He plunked down into the chair and crossed his legs, sitting pretty. "Because every story needs a good villain. Why not fill in that gap?" He asked with a shrug. "Besides, that policy takes all the fun out it." Jas warily eyed the cuffs in Connors hands. "You'd have to catch me first darling. And as much as I want you close to me, I don't think that's how my dream would play out. But you are always welcome to try." Jas spread his arms out as if receiving a hug and leaned back into his chair. "Why not persist? In the name of love. For lives I've been trying to catch your attention, why stop now when I have you so close?"

@rui group

Connor walked over the chair and bent down to meet his eyes level. He placed his right hand on the tip of the chair right next to Jas’s shoulder. “See, that’s where you’re wrong. You caught my attention long before.” Connor was staring right into his eyes. They were so close that Connor could feel Jas breathing. “Just not in the way you’re hoping.” His tone changed from dry to angry. Jas has been doing this for years decades centuries and remembers all of it. “I have worked my ass off to catching you life’s work is catching you. Why do you think I’m always the one who comes when you decide you want my attention. I assigned myself to you, so one else has to deal with your bullshit.” Connors hand that held the handcuffs was lingering over Jas’s wrist. “I could cuff you right now and this could end. Maybe my life with you would stop. But what’s the point if all you’re gonna end up doing is breaking out of jail and starting this stupid cycle again!” Connor sighed. He shook his head with a laugh. “Why do you…” He got frustrated and when he gets frustrated he goes quiet. Connor untied the man and set him aside. “Why do you care so much? Why me?”


Jas' eyes softened at first, finally Connor understood. But then Connor's voice changed, and Jas understood he truly would never have Connor. Jas leaned back in his seat, a soft frown falling into his lips. He didn't react when Connor came in close. He barely even heard him. "Why do choose to deal with me then? Why don't you handcuff me? Sure I might get out but it's a temporary victory for you." Jas watched as Connor untied the man, "why? Why do I care for you?" Jas laughed and slowly stood up. "Because for as long as I can remember, it's always been you. It's always been me against you. But for far longer, I've always thought that it could be me and you. But you've never even entertained the idea. So, for so long, I've tried to capture your interest. Even in the worst way. Such as this. I've tried so hard to make you care for a shred of my soul." Jas shook his head and raised his hands. "But clearly, it's not worth it. None of this, has been worth it." He shrugged and have a sad little smile. "Cuff me if it makes you happy. I won't try and escape jail."

@rui group

Connor looked up and in that moment, he didn’t know what he felt but it wasn’t a happy feeling. Connor finished untying the man and laid him down flat. “Listen I didn’t mean…” Connor scratched his head. The question, “Why don’t you handcuff me?” donned on him. He didn’t know why. He felt like it was pointless. He didn’t want a little victory he wanted a long term solution. “Well, if I handcuff you what fun would you have. As you like to put it right?” Connor didn’t smile or laugh he walked towards Jas, looking down at the ground. Connor didn’t go over there to put the cuffs on him instead he sat in front off the chair and sighed. He started blush, and you could see it. He kept thinking about the phrase, “you and me” made him tingly. He knew what he meant and the more he thought about it the more his face would turn red. “You know when you said you and me you meant in a relationship right not me helping you out as a villain, right?” He was still looking at the ground. I guess maybe a part of me wanted to talk to him more. Even though these interactions keep me awake at night thinking about weaknesses, it’s still nice to look back on…what I am saying…


"that is correct," Jas said, watching carefully as Connor came close. To his surprise, not to cuff him, but to sit. He took a deep breath and sat on the side of the chair. He shrugged slightly, desperately wanting to reach out and touch Connor but he held himself back. "That's for me to know and for you to figure out my darling." Jas mused "I'm selfish. There are a lot of things I want that have to do with you." He finally turned his gaze to Connor. "But I can assume, most of my desires don't quite line up with yours, do they?" He huffed a small laugh. He titled his head at the man "he'll wake up soon by the way. Give an hour or so." He said with a wave of his hand

@rui group

Connor looked back to the man, but quickly turned his head back to Jas. “Well, when you say it like that it doesn’t exactly sound wholesome.” Connor sighed and glared at Jas jokingly. He never really jokes around but this is a first. He still wasn’t giving in to his “charms” but he would I guess try to understand him more. Connor then realized his entire company is watching this. “You do know that at some point I probably will have to handcuff you.” Connor stood up from the ground. “Let me ask you a question, is this guy a good guy or a bad guy? Like someone who does bad things because there is no difference to you.”


"i'm not what you'd call a very wholesome individual, dear." Had replied with a small smirk. "But you knew that already, don't you sweetheart?"
Jas took a deep breath and glared around the room. Of course they'd be watching. "Yes, I do know that." He watched as Connor stood and arched an eyebrow, he rested his head in his hand and shook his head. "That's where you're wrong, my love. While I'm not the best person in the world, I'm no where near that corrupt, backstabbing scum bag. He pulled out a file from thin air and handed it off to Connor. "The past 10 years of this asshole's life." He explained, leaning back with a small sigh. "Call me what you like. You and your little organization can think of me as whatever villain you may choose just to make yourselves feel better, but don't you dare alliniate my actions with his." He growled softly, his sudden bravado gone

@rui group

He read the files and scoffed. “You wonder why I think you would make a great hero. You’re doing my job for me.” Connor pulled out the handcuffs he had earlier. Fist he cuffed the guy who was still laying unconscious. Then he pulled out another set turning towards Jas. “Alright times up. It’s either I hand cuff you now or I go on a wild goose chase. Then I end up staying up all night thinking about how I got stop you.” He swung the cuffs around his pointer finger. “These don’t effect me by the way. It’s programmed not to. So if you tried putting them on me I could probably break out off them. The only this is I would have to shape shift to do that.” Connor set the file under one of the chair legs so it wouldn’t blow away. Connor cracked his back. “I think I’m getting to old for this.”


Jas smiled softly "you have no idea how much joy it brings me to know that I fill your thoughts at night." He is eyed the cuffs warily, not quite as keen as having his powers surpressed now. He fidgeted in his seat as Connor came firwards with the cuffs in hand. "Oh I'm fully aware of what these do to us dear. May I remind you I only need just a moment to get out of those, if I so choose, and another split moment to disapesr,." His eyes glimmered with mischeif. "It'd probably take you 30 seconds to get out of there while I'm across town, sipping wine by a fire and enjoying the thoughts of you fuming as you stalk the streets looking for moi." He chuckled lightly and stood from the chair. He held out his wrists with a small sigh. "But as I said before, I won't try and escape. Do with me what you will." He said softly, his entire body itching to fight against the humming of the cuffs and to leave the area.

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He looked at Jas's wrists, then looked at Jas, and back to his wrists. "Alright…" Connor took his hand and moved them behind his back. He opened one handcuff putting them on one side, then doing the same with the other. He locked them both tight and they activated. "Off to the organization. You know you should really think about joining us, plenty of villains have become heroes over the years." He plopped Jas in the chair with a smirk. "The car will be here in a minute to pick you up. I have some other business to attend to called, sleep. So, all I have to do is watch you and make sure you don't fall runaway. You're probably not even comfortable like that." Connor laid back on the ground started to feel relaxed. "Honestly I could sleep right now."


Jas tried to focus on Connor's voice instead of the feeling of being stripped of his abilities. "I'd love to. But there's a problem with me and following the rules so I'll pass. He said softly, gladly taking a seat. Gods above he felt so normal, so powerless. He gritted his teeth and bit down on a frustrated yell. Instead he gave a humorless laugh. "Of course I'm not. How would you feel if your abilities, something you'd had your entire life, suddenly taken away?" He pinned Connor with a glare for a few moments before turning away. "Go ahead. It's not like I can go anywhere." Jas mumbled, rotating his wrists to see if he could loosen the cuffs. No chance. "You certainly seemed please." He noted with a deep breath. "Enjoy your victory my dearest. Apparently it's the only way I can see that beautiful smile."

@rui group

Connor closed his eyes. "Well, you are the one who let me handcuff you. So, yes I will have my victory." As he waited for the car to come he kept looking over in Jas's direction. He wanted to make sure he was okay because usually villains would be kicking and screaming for their powers to come back, but he's unusually calm. He tried those handcuffs once and they were not the best feeling. He started to hum as he spoke, "Are you sure you're okay over there?" He was honestly worried. The fact that he was just sitting there made him anxious.