forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik covered the man's mouth with one hand, letting him continue to shrink after Derlik had returned to normal. Then, at the size of Derlik's palm, he was shoved into Derlik's pocket.
"Nik," Derlik said softly. He knelt down, gentle with his attention.


He shook his head faintly. He wasn't safe, though, not really. Maybe safe from Arthur, the ex, but not safe from Derlik. Not safe from him, yet another man that got to have control over Nik's life.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Nik…" Derlik let out a soft breath. "I'm a god of my word. I'm not going to hurt you." He had no idea how much Nik had seen of what had happened to the ex- he hoped none of it.
Derlik sat down on the ground, to make himself seem less intimidating.


"He said that too." Nik mumbled. "They all did, right up until they decided they could live with hurting a whore, and then it didn't matter anymore."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik let out a breath, noding.
"I… believe me, I understand that you don't trust me. I… well, to put it simply, I don't give a fuck what you've done, what you might think. Hell, I encouraged it myself. What I do know, though, is that I don't want you to get hurt anymore like this." Derlik's eyes flicked down to Nik's stomach a moment.