forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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(:D (gdhbkgjfb XD))

Nik dug in his pockets until he managed to find a key, and opened the door to the apartment, turning on the lights as he headed inside.


After a little while, Nik started to sing softly. "You belong among the wildflowers / You belong in a boat out at sea / Sail away, kill off the hours / You belong somewhere you feel free."

(song is Wildflowers. My favorite version is by The Wailing Jennies, but it's originally by Tom Petty)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oo, I'll have to check it out)

Derlik couldn't help but find irony in the lyrics. Feel free? He doubted Nik would ever be able to ever again. Still, the man felt comfortable enough to sing the song to himself, so Derlik wasn't going to ruin this for the man.


Of course Nik knew the lyrics were ironic; he was well aware of that, but he liked the song, and wanted to sing it. "Run away, find you a lover / Go away somewhere all bright and new / I have seen no other / Who compares with you." his voice was a soft tenor as he sang to himself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh lord, this was almost too much. Nik was either dense, or the man understood just how impossible this song will ever be for him. Derlik sat down, listening less to hear the lyrics and more to hear Nik's voice finally. It was nice, the god admitted. He also had to admit there were too many ideas that popped up in his head as to how he could do things to Nik involving the human having to sing.


He went silent after another moment, closing his eyes and knowing that the whole message of that song was impossible for him. Then he started to sing one that, after he'd heard it the first time, meant more to him than most would guess. Although if they knew his past, and listened to the lyrics, maybe they could. "White lips, pale face / Breathing in the snowflakes / Burnt lungs, sour taste / Light's gone, days end / Struggling to pay rent / Long nights, strange men."

(you probably know this one lmao. it's "A Team" by Ed Sheeran)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik tilted his head some when there was silence again. Had Nik found it too embarrassing with Derlik listening in? When the human picked up the next song, however, Derlik found it much more fitting. The god ran his fingers through his own hair, holding back a laugh. It probably meant a lot to Nik, and he doubted laughing would make him feel any better about Derlik.


"And they say / She's in the Class A Team / Stuck in her daydream / Been this way since 18 / But lately, her face seems / Slowly sinking, wasting / Crumbling like pastries / And they scream / The worst things in life come free to us." to be honest, he had mostly forgotten that Derlik could probably hear him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik pulled his legs up, listening quietly. There was no way in hell he wasn't going to bring this up later, but he'd let Nik have this time to himself for now. He crossed his legs, humming along softly to the song.


"'Cause we're just under the upper hand / And go mad for a couple grams / And she don't wanna go outside tonight / And in a pipe she flies to the motherland / Or sells love to another man / It's too cold outside / For angels to fly / Angels to fly." he turned off the water, going quiet as he did, and started drying off.


He considered the question for a moment, then went back to his room and grabbed some extra clothes, putting them in a bag, along with some toys for Smoke.


Nik came out of the room with the bag slung over his shoulder. He didn't know if he would ever get to come back, so he had grabbed the few things he owned that he had wanted to keep with him, even though he knew there was a distinct chance of Derlik taking them.


Nik followed Derlik, not really looking where he was going. There was a man up ahead, taller than Nik but a few inches shorter than Derlik, whose eyes narrowed when they landed on Nik and Derlik.