forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik took the chance while Nik's eyes were closed, looking over him again a moment. He still couldn't help but want to do things to the human- even if just to see how he reacted. To see fear in his eyes, to see the man tremble as the god stood over him. But no, Derlik would keep his word.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, so maybe Derlik would keep his word for now. He had no guarantees he wouldn't ever do anything again. He probably would sooner than they would think. Instead, though, he looked away, curious as to what the man was thinking about.


Nik was mostly just thinking about how he wanted a change of clothes and a shower and a real bed, not sleeping outdoors on a rock, but he wasn't about to request that of Derlik.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik raised an eyebrow, not facing Nik. Really? That was all he wanted at the moment? Derlik could easily provide all of those things and was more than willing to, but he wasn't going to bring it up yet. He figured Nik wouldn't like the god snooping around in his mind again. Instead, he let out a sigh, laying back on the boulder.
"I'm bored," the god stated. "Anything you want to do?"


(we still doing our idea where they run into the ex, right?)

"I don't know." he replied after a moment. "Take a shower, maybe. Shave." he rubbed a thumb against his cheek, where he could feel the beginnings of stubble beginning to grow again, as he hadn't been able to shave in a while.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


"Hmm… Well, we don't really have anything around here that could help with those. Gods don't normally really need to do that to stay fresh. Perhaps we should head into town? We could potentially even head back to your place for you to do that." Derlik waited for Nik's reaction to those things, to the chance to go back to his place. The chance to go back to his home, where he had been told he would never be able to go to again.


(alright cool)

Nik bit his lip for a moment. The idea of going home sounded…great, but…he couldn't stay there. It wasn't even all that great of an apartment, but it was home, at least in his mind.


"I…okay." he said slowly, uncertain what would happen if he showed too much enthusiasm. Would Derlik pull the rug out from under him, change his mind and not let him go? He didn't want to find out the hard way.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Here, we'll head this way. We should be in town soon." Derlik took off in what seemed, and sounded, like a random direction. The only clear thing was that is wasn't where they had first appeared from.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik put his hands in his pockets, glancing back occasionally to make sure Nik was okay. As promised, it wasn't long at all before the trees began to thin, and they were stepping out into an area close to Nik's home.


Nik followed him quietly, chewing faintly on his lower lip.

(hey were we ever going to bring Astral into this? I thought that was the plan at one point but i don't remember)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Aah, I don't remember whether we planned anything or not lol, but I am 100% here for Nik to see Derlik interacting with Astral. You know, Astral making comments on Nik and Derlik actually defends the human to everyone's surprise)

Derlik fell back finally, walking right next to Nik.
"Do you want to lead the way from here? It is your house, after all."


(dfkgjhsbdfhg yeah! or Astral getting ahold of him somehow because I love putting my characters through hell lmao)

Nik nodded faintly, unsure if he had a key for the apartment in his pocket or not. He did take the lead though, heading for the apartment building.

(gonna bring in the ex as they're leaving)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yes I am completely here for that (and yeah I could tell XD))
(And got it!)

Derlik hummed softly, keeping pace with Nik. Really, it wasn't so bad doing this- Derlik did actually feel like he could have more control over Nik now, even if he wouldn't take advantage of that.