forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"Ooh, I see! That's cool!" The girl hummed to herself. "If she's got a crown, then she must be rich! That's a reason for us pirates to take her prisoner!" Azami climbed back up the ladder and pulled some twine off the ball. She struggled with it for a moment, before cutting it with her teeth. The girl bound Peppermint's arms to her body, and tied her wrists together behind her back, tying her ankles together as well. Azami took a rag that was lying on the floor, and tied it around the doll's head, covering her eyes. She was sure to double-knot everything when she was finished, and stepped back to admire her work.
"That's how real pirates tie up prisoners," the girl explained, using another length of twine to tie the doll to the mast. "Now she can't escape, not until we make her walk the plank!" Sure enough, the tree house did have a plank, overlooking a kiddie pool full of water and toy sharks. "There's sharks in that water, you know. We put 'em in ourselves."

Peppermint didn't understand 'pirates', but she was more than annoyed at being tied up. Still, at least she got attention. So, she didn't bother struggling against her bonds. Even when the topic of sharks was mentioned.


Ranaldo was absolutley accosted. Her mouth. He was in her mouth. HER MOUTH.
He deserved better than this, better than getting bit, he clutched his flipper and frowned. That hurt.


Ryan followed them up the ladder.
"So what are we playing?"


Ryan gasped, "Ooo, pirates!!"
He adopted an accent and grabbed a twig.
"Arrgh, we be pirates Peppermint, and we be wanting you to walk the plank ARGH" Yelled Ryan in his best accent that he could muster.
He giggled and poked the back of Peppermint.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Woah…" Rosie stared with wide eyes when Azami tied up the doll.
"You're really good at this!!" She grinned some. "But… How is she gonna walk the plank if her ankles are tied?" the girl giggled a moment, looking up at Peppermint on the mast.

She turned to Ryan when he came up, giggling some.
"Pirates! Can't you see, we already have a prisoner!" She had Ranaldo in her hands, now that she was up in the ship and talking. She wiped off her spit some, smoothing down his fabric from how it had bunched up. She turned back to Azami.

"Are the sharks gonna eat her?" She asked. "Cause, cause I'm sure she's sweet like candy!"


"Fine, I just thought it would be fun to throw one off the ship." Ryan said, a little disgruntled.
He gave Ranaldo back to Rosie.
"So who's the hero?"


"I can't believe this" Ranaldo thought to himself, "First cook, and now shark bait. Little insolent beings. I don't know why I try with you."
He brushed himself off before fully committing to the role of cook. Even though he hated it, he never shrugged off an opportunity to play.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"We can throw Peppermint off later," Rosie promised. She gratefully took Ranaldo back, pulling him close and kissing the top of his head.
"Sorry about that, cook," she said giggling some. She looked up at Ryan's question, holding Ranaldo in one arm.
"Well, I don really now if we have a hero," she said.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Rosie tilted her head.
"Well, all the toys have jobs already…" Rosie thought a moment. She held Ranaldo in her arm still, looking down at him.
"Hey Azami, you wanna be the hero?" She smiled some, moving Ranaldo to one hand. She sat down, humming to herself as she pulled Caramel and George over to herself. She set them all in her lap, grinning.

@lxvender_darling language

Yuri knocked on the door, before seeing his parents and darting away, panting with a mixture of fear, and worry.
I don't wanna die… He thought, before hearing a gunshot, thinking it was his father before hiding at the playground.

@spacebluelily language

(Also, I could totally try to add something to mine to incorporate Carmel more if you'd like, @Laffy-Taffy)

(That would be nice. Now excuse me while I try to find my bag of apple slices that somehow disappeared off the table.)

@spacebluelily language

(Thanks! Also, I found the bag. It was under the couch. I believe my fan blew the bag away. How it got under the couch, I have no idea.)

Caramel looked up at Rosie and smiled. She felt loved. And she enjoyed that feeling. There was nothing like a toy being loved. She had a small suspicion that she was the favorite out of all of Rosie's toys, but even if it was true, it wasn't like the others would notice, seeing as Rosie seemed to care for all of her toys equally. She looked at Ranaldo. "You're not really going to kill someone, right?" The bear asked, terrified of the thought.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh dear indeed)

Rosie, if asked, wouldn't hesitate to say Caramel was her favorite. She loved the bear, so, so much. The bear reminded her of a happy memory with her entire family, before her momma left and her daddy got so sad all the time. She put her hand on the bear, lightly rubbing her some. She really, truly did love the toy.

@spacebluelily language

(Sooner or later, I feel like Ranaldo is going to find a way to get rid of Caramel. Y'know, the way Woody wanted to get rid of Buzz because he was no longer the favorite toy.)

She didn't get a response from Ranaldo, which weirdly enough, made her feel better. He was probably lost in thought or was ignoring her. She turned to look at Peppermint who was still tied up and sighed. "Poor Peppermint, she doesn't have the slightest idea what's going on, does she?"