forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Name: Ranaldo
Personality: Very quiet, and quite creepy at times. He will always care for Rosie, but the other stuffed animals feel unsettled around him.
Appearance: He is new, a present from Rosie's aunt. He is a plush penguin. He looks like every other normal penguin, except his eyes, one is blue, the other is green.
Owner: Rosie
Brand: National Geographic
Other: Rumored to have hurt other stuffed animals for more attention from Rosie. He loves Rosie, none else.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh yeah, that's totally acceptable! Note to everyone, you can totally have a human character if you want to, or even be a stuffed animal of a friend! I do ask we keep it to just two characters each, of course)


Name: Ryan Whitaker
Age: 8
Personality: He wants to be older. He so desperately wants to hang out with his brother's older friends, but he won't let him. He wants to be a 'big boy' but that doesn't stop him from playing with his best friend Rosie. He is a good kid, a but possessive at times, but good nonetheless.
Backstory: He met Rosie when his mom started babysitting her, Ryan never saw her father, but he never payed much attention to it. His parents were loving, and quite frankly, overbearing. They always showered him with love and attention, and he hated it. They made him go to mother-son pageants, and he hated that too. But deep down inside, he enjoys dressing up and looking good. But only his stuffed animals know that ;)

@lxvender_darling language

Name: Yuri Eali.
Age: 8 1/2.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Shy, awkward, and very girly. He normally plays with makeup, and dresses.
Shirt: A normal shirt, plain white tee-
Pants: A pair of ripped shorts, tucked in with the shirt.
Shoes: A small pair of Vans.
Hair: Short, and brown, along with fluffy.
Eyes: One is green, and he is blind in the other.
Other: He has scars all over to his eyes.
Backstory: Yuri was just a little boy when his mother hurt him. SHe beat him everyday, along with his father, but he had his stuffed toys to keep him happy. He's been abused and attacked for being his girly self.
He's also really weird-

@spacebluelily language

Name: Caramel
Personality: Caramel is adventurous and caring. She hates when Rosie or when the other stuffed animals get sad, so she tries her best to cheer them up (Obviously the stuffed animals.) She also can be a bit stubborn, and she can be definitely be seen as childish at times.
Appearance: Caramel is a black stuffed bear with brown eyes. Her paws are brown and the footprints are black. The nose is brown with black and the inside of the ears are also brown. Sometimes, you can't really see the eyes because it's sometimes hidden by her fur. She's starting to fade to a lighter shade of black. And here's a picture.
Owner: Rosie
Brand: Black Bear Diner (Yep, they have stuffed animals. They have like a small gift shop when you enter the restaurant.)
Other: Caramel was bought by Rosie's mom when the family went to a restaurant.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Name: Peppermint
Personality: Peppermint's sweet and kind, at first. She can be selfish, without knowing, and has manipulative tendencies. She loves attention, almost as much as she loves her tiara.
Appearance: Peppermint's a princess doll, about a foot tall. Her hair is white and in a bob cut, with pink swirls and pink space buns. Her skin is pale, and she has three freckles dotting each of her cheeks. Her eyes are wide and pink, and they can open and shut. Her limbs and head are plastic, and the only joints are on her shoulders, hips and neck. The outfit she comes with consists of a silver plastic tiara with a peppermint candy, and a dress that reaches down to her knees. The dress has short, puffy sleeves and the skirt is puffy as well, swirled pink and white. She has white leggings and pink mary janes, and she comes with a lollipop accessory that she can hold, as well as a little cloth purse. There's a separate outfit that consists of a pink-and-white striped pajama set, and a little pink teddy bear.
Owner: Rosie
Brand: I do not know lmao