forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Ryan whimpered, and his mother started petting his head.
"It's ok Ryan, that's just a part of growing up. Would hanging out with Rosie for a few help you out?"
Ryan gleamed and nodded.
"Ok, I'll go call, and we'll see what we can do."

((Also, are Azami and Rosie together? I just set it up where I come over to Rosie's house, and if Azami is there, that'll help, also, dang Yuri, what a way to meet someone. And are we going to be realistic to the point of child services? Because you just ran inside a house, cring and bleeding~ <3))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(That might be a good idea!)

"Aum…" Rosie looked around a moment. "Well, we have to bring Caramel," she said. She went over, picking the bear up in her arms.
"And… well, what animals would do good on a pirate ship?" Rosie thought a moment, then remembered an old story her mommy had told her about a giant flood. The pictures always had giraffes in the picture. She grinned, going to pick up one of the older toys. She hadn't even named it herself yet, and didn't know they already had a name from their past owner.
"Would they do good?" She asked, turning to Azami.

(First off- Azami and Rosie are still at Rosie's house, and the room is on an upper floor of a giant mansion cause her daddy rich. Please try to keep in mind the setting other characters are in before trying to get into the scene <3)


Ryan's mom walked in.
"Good news, Rosie and Azami are hanging out today, and they would like you to join them at Azami's house, sound good?"
Ryan lept up and down, celebrating before starting to pack some of his things.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I think it would be a good idea to do what Ash suggested! Also, @iiclxudy_baby, please no teleporting <3)
(And @its_tom_riddle I'm going to do my best to give your stuffed animal a chance to actually be in the rp, same with you @Ash-is-gonna-struggle-through-Inktober but I figured Peppermint was at Azami's house)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"We're pirates, so we need a prisoner!" Azami looked around the room, before her eyes settled on a princess doll. "How about her? We can tie her up with string, and make 'er walk the plank!" The girl grabbed the doll by the arm, her sword in her other free hand. "Caramel can be our navigator, and then the giraffe… they can be the cannoneer! We have cannons on our treehouse!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(So many characters to keep track off @~@)

"Okay!!" Rosie grinned some, holding the two toys in her arms close. She looked around one more time.
"Any other toys to bring?" She hummed a bit.
"Oh!! What about my penguin?" She picked Ranaldo up, looking over at Azami with a grin.

(Well, Rosie is already holding George, so maybe a reaction to that?)

Deleted user

(Oh, okay.)

George stared, blankly, as they were picked up by Rosie. As long as she was happy, they were happy too, no matter how roughly they were treated.

(Hey, does this place run by Toy Story rules? Can toys move when their owners aren’t looking?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Mm, I'm thinking it's more along the lines of they move and talk, but kids don't really notice? Or misinterpret it. Of course, if it would make things easier we could totally switch to kids and toys being able to fully interact with each other)