forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Name: Azami Centero
Age: 8
Personality: Azami's adventurous, and loves to explore. She's always loved pirates, and loves to dress up with her brothers and play pirate. She usually plays with action figures, and likes building things with Lego, especially pirate ships. She's outgoing, and cares lots about her friends. She can be blunt and straightforward at times, and is usually really silly in general.
Appearance: Azami is about the average height for her age, and a little bit on the skinny side. She has caramel-colored skin, and sky-blue eyes. Her hair is short and black, with the tips are dyed blue, a bit darker than her eyes. She always wears t-shirts, with either cargo pants or shorts, and sneakers, with a hoodie if it's colder. When she dresses up as a pirate, she wears an old vest she found in a thrift shop, and a pirate's hat she got for her birthday. She almost always carries a wooden pirate sword she made herself.
Backstory: Azami never knew her parents, but was adopted along with three boys. They all grew up together, and although their adoptive parents are rarely home, Azami and her brothers share a close bond.
Other: She has a treehouse in her yard that she shares with her brothers. The treehouse is built to resemble a pirate ship, complete with a sail and ship's wheel.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oooooo, @Ash-is-gonna-struggle-through-Inktober I really like both of your characters!)
(No threats against the roleplayers, now, keep it between the characters please)
(Shall we get started then?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Daddy was having another Bad Time. That's what Rosie called it when he didn't acknowledge her in the hall, already shuffling into his room to drink after a long day at work. It didn't happen a lot, but she knew Daddy ignored her because of how much she looked like Mommy. She was holed up in her own room with her friends, pretending nothing was wrong. Still, she held the toy in her hand closer to herself, smiling as she heard the crying start.
"Daddy had a bad day again…"

@lxvender_darling language

Yuri yelped as his mother hit him harshly upside the head. "Ow! What was that f-for?" He asked, whining as his mother scoffed. "Get that make-up off of you." She hissed, glaringat him. "W-Why? I like it!
His father looked at him, before glaring at him. "Listen to your mother, worthless piece of shi–" He ran as fast as he could, slamming his door behind him.
W-Why do they not love me?
He thought, hugging a stuffed animal.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami swung her legs back and forth as she sat on the edge of Rosie's bed, her wooden pirate sword resting on her lap. "Again?" The girl twisted around, lying on her back with her arms and head dangling off the bed. "Huh. He's got a lot of those." The bored tone in her voice was evident as she spoke. "Wanna go to my house? My brothers all went to Boy Scout camp for the weekend, so we don't gotta fight 'em for the treehouse." Azami grinned, waving her sword in the air. "Not that I mind a fight, of course! A pirate never minds a fight!"


Ryan sat there, bored, and tired. He had just gotten finished with a pageant, he had been a sailor boy. And though He opposed it, he had a lot of fun. He saw his brother's friends out there, and he was afraid they would make fun of him, but he hasn't seen them since, so he was unsure. He sat there, in his room, trying to make his voice sound deeper, and more refined.
"My name is-" He cleared his throat.
"My name-" He coughed.
"My name is Ryan~" He frowned. It still sounded high pitch and relentlessly adorable.

@lxvender_darling language

Yuri looked out the window, before looking back at his door, and opened the window, running for his life before ending up at a house. He didn't know anything, he was bruised and bloody, which made his vison blurry.
"H-Hello?!" He yelled, knocking on the door.


Ryan bellowed "MY NAmE Is rYan"
It was the literal embodiment of hell. It sound like a cat got thrown into a blender. Ryan stomped a couple times before rolling into his bed, tears falling down his face.
"Ryan, what on earth- oh sweety? What's wrong?" Hi mother said, coming in to his room and sitting oh his bed.
"I sound like a 3 year old." Ryan said, pooching out his lips.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Your house?" Rosie tilted her head a moment. It wouldn't be smart to ask her father to go at the moment, but that also meant he wouldn't worry if she left.
"Sure, let's go! Can I bring some of my toys?" Rosie stood, smiling still. Anything would be nice to ignore her daddy at the moment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Two things to keep in mind, guys- try to keep the characters at least in the same area, we need everyone to be interacting hopefully (especially since you guys chose to have all the toys be Rosie) And there are still toy characters to roleplay! I don't mind if they interact with humans or not, but please remember you still have them. If you need to remember who is who I listed everyone's characters in the first post through an edit <3)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"Yeah! They can join our pirate crew!" Azami rolled over and slid off the bed, landing on her feet. "I'll be the captain, you can be… my first mate!" The girl looked around the room, surveying all the toys. "Which toys are you gonna bring? You have so many!"
(We could have them all meet up in Azami's yard, maybe?)