forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(I mean, suppose somebody was inside their house and saw a little kid shoot at a man with what could potentially be a gun, then another one beats him over the head)
(I'd call the police, too)


Ryan started crying and started running away. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't even know the kid, he tried to tell them that this was a bad idea. And the kid shot him. He didn't like him, he just wanted to go home.

@lxvender_darling language

Fluffy looked toward the others, as Yuri picked her up and cuddled her, while seeing the man get up, flat out pissed. "We need to g-go." He mutters, seeing the man run toward the tree house.

@lxvender_darling language

Yuri paused, before wincing and aiming the gun up at the man, before he grabbed his wrist and punched him in the nose, as Yuri felt blood trickle down his nose, whimpering. "I-I hate you.." His father froze. "Excuse me?"
Yuri felt hot tears rolling down his cheek. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU AND MOM! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" He screamed, tears rolling down his face. "YOU NEVER SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME! YOU JUST HIT ME AND- AND TREAT ME LIKE YOUR LITTLE RAG DOLL! I'M DONE WITH YOU AND MOM! I'D RATHER DIE THEN HAVE TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" He yelled, angry as he shot him in the foot with the bb gun, sobbing and he ran away. The officer arrested the man, and paused. "Your coming with me. Why would you abuse him?" He asked, walking off with the man.