forum "We're just their playthings, can't you see?!!"/ Closed Group RP! Come stalk if you'd like!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@spacebluelily language

"Is that really a good idea?" She said to no one but herself. Caramel didn't quite understand what was happening, but what she did understand was that the kids were going after the man that appeared in Azami's backyard, but for what, she didn't know. She wasn't paying much attention to the situation.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Rosie held Caramel closer to herself some, resting her head on the toy when they came to a stop.
"W-well…" She gusto seemed to be gone now. "Guys, I-I don't think it's a good idea either." She looked around some at the unfamiliar settings.
"W-we're just kids, and he's so big…"

@lxvender_darling language

Yuri sighed. "I-I'll go." He said, taking steps before aiming the gun at the back of his neck, a pressure point and pulled the trigger and flew backward due to the kick back, screaming in fear. "OH MY G-GOSH!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Rosie let out a gasp when the man fell, taking a shaky step back.
"A-azami," she said, afraid now. What had they done? This wasn't pretend anymore.
"I-I think we s-shouldn't have done this…" She held Caramel tight to herself for comfort.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"He hurt my friend," the girl stated. "Nobody hurts my friends."
As Yuri was kicked, Azami glared and raised her sword up, taking it in both hands before swinging down, her target the back of the man's head. "Stay down, sea monster!"

@lxvender_darling language

Fluffy, the small, cute bunny Yuri had was looking out the window, scared. "Oh no… Buddy.." She muttered, looking toward the others.
Yuri paused, before thinking. "H-He…o-oh…" Suddenly, they heard police sirens. "Oh no…""