forum True loves kiss (Lesbian romance O/O)
Started by @Spider-man

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"Do you have any plans for today, or we just going to wander around until we tire of it?" Aurelie asked, her hazel eyes shining with excitement. Her hair, which was in a bun today, had loose strands around her face that had fallen.


”Mainly just wander around. I have to check in with a few people around town though but that's for later, ” she explained. When it was their turn she told the baker their order and went to get her money.


"Oh my goodness you mean like your friends? Can I meet them?" she fired off, beaming. Her excitement was almost palpable. "If that's okay with you, I mean."


”of course you can meet them! But not all of them will be my friends a few are just… acquaintances. They probably won't recognize you so we can still go with the fellow maid facade, ” She said whispering the last part after she paid for the food and handed Aurelie her sandwich. ”come on I know where we can sit and eat.”


(that's a mood)
Cat walked towards a small alleyway. One of the buildings was short and boxes stacked against the wall looked like stairs. She started walking up with them with ease. She looked over her shoulder at the princess.


"You'll see," she says as they get closer to the roof. It was a flat roof with a few chairs facing the town. They weren't high up but they were high enough to see most of the town.


Cat unwrapped and are her sandwich. She heard someone else climb up. "Gatti!" A girl yelled when Cat turned around. She was actually glad for the embarrassing nickname.
"Hey, Linn!" Cat said using the other girl's fake name so she knew to use hers.


Cat glanced between Aurelie and Linn. ”oh yeah! Linn this is Mary she works with me in the castle and Mary this is my friend Linn, ” Cat said smiling softly trying to hide her nerves.


Linn looked like she was about to say something but then Cat spoke in Italian. ”Don't talk about Jobs, ” She said still with a sweet smile. ”what are you ding up here.” cat switched to English.
Linn smiled and shrugged. ”Just here for the view!”


Linn nodded. ”well like I said before it's nice meeting you Mary and nice to see ya, Gatti, ” She said getting ready to leave.


Linn nodded and turned around waving goodbye. "Told you we would run into people," Cat said once she was gone. At least it was just Linn she wouldn't blow her cover or recognize Aurelie.