Cat nodded and pecked Aurelie on the lips. "Good, I cant wait," She says smiling. "I think there's a festival going on so really its perfect!"
Cat nodded and pecked Aurelie on the lips. "Good, I cant wait," She says smiling. "I think there's a festival going on so really its perfect!"
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that!” Aurelie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. “It’ll be so much fun!”
"It really will be!" Cat said smiling wide. she looked down at Aurelie's dress. "Do you have any common clothes though? They can be slightly fancy since some dress up for the festival but it's more likely you'll get robbed."
“I have a few less fancy dresses just in case something like this happened,” she admitted, grinning. “I’ve snuck out to the village occasionally when I got bored of the castle.”
"Perfect," she said looking Aurelie in the eyes. "I can meet you here tomorrow morning."
“Sounds great!” She threaded her hand through Cat’s.
Cat nodded resting her head on Aurelie's shoulder. ”it is. I don't know about you but I don't really want to leave just yet, ” she admits. If her plan tomorrow works this could be the last time she does this.
“Leave?” Aurelie asked, her heart skipping a beat. She couldn’t leave.
"I just mean go to my room for the night," She said gripping Aurelie's hand. "I just want to stay like this." She closed her eyes lightly smiling.
“Oh, right, of course,” Aurelie replied, relaxing instantly. “Me neither.” She sighed contentedly, feeling a bit dumb for assuming the worst.
"Good," She whispered. "Let's just talk." Her eyes opened and smile still on her face.
“Okay,” Aurelie agreed, smiling as well. “What do you want to talk about?”
"What exactly is the curse?" She hesitantly asked. She's been wondering for a while not sure if it would be comfortable to ask.
Aurelie took a deep breath. “Oh. Well, on my eighteenth birthday, I will fall into a deep sleep and can only be woken up by a true love’s kiss,” she whispered, looking down at her lap.
Cat gripped her hand even tighter. "We'll figure something out," she mumbled. Her free hand went over ther joined hands,
“Yeah, like finding my true love,” Aurelie sighed, sure that was the only way to end the curse. She wondered if it could possibly be Cat. She really liked Cat, but did she love her?
Cat stayed quiet. Not moving her head from Aurelie's shoulder as she thought.
“Um…that’s what everyone said, anyway,” she added, trying to fill the silence.
(just a heads up i won’t be on a ton for the next couple of weeks so my replies will be kinda sporadic)
”like I said we’ll figure it out, ” Cat tried to reassure lifting her head and kissing the princess on the cheek.
Aurelie smiled faintly, slightly nodding. “Okay, thanks,” she mumbled.
She hesitated keeping her forehead of Aurelie's shoulder for a moment. She tried thinking of a plan or at least something to say to make Aurelie feel better, but she couldn't think of anything. "I'm sorry," She whispered sitting up.
“Why are you sorry?” Aurelie asked, confused. She turned to Cat with her eyebrows raised.
Cat blushed. ”I just I don't know what to do. I don't want you to get hurt, ” she mumbled. This wasn't right. She usually had a plan for everything how could she suddenly not?
“Oh, um, it’s okay,” she sighed, having adjusted to the idea, finally. Aurelie no longer had the blind faith she had as a little girl or the defiance she had a year or twi ago. But it still set off the butterflies in Aurelie’s stomach when Cat said that.
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