“So yeah, I guess we are girlfriends,” Aurelie confirmed to Eli, beaming.
Eli chuckled. “You are too cute. Off to the village, I presume?”
“Yep! The usual alibi, I presume?”
“Sounds good. Have fun, you two!” Eli replied.
“So yeah, I guess we are girlfriends,” Aurelie confirmed to Eli, beaming.
Eli chuckled. “You are too cute. Off to the village, I presume?”
“Yep! The usual alibi, I presume?”
“Sounds good. Have fun, you two!” Eli replied.
“Thank you Eli and we will,” Cat said smiling. He didn’t seem bad…for a guard.
Aurelie and Eli hugged quickly before Aurelie took Cat’s had and let her around a corner in the direction of the village.
Cat clutched Aurelie’s hand and followed. “Lee-lee,” she chuckled.
Aurelie rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. She blushed as she led the other girl off the castle grounds and into the village.
Cat paused. “Wait,” She said still holding Aurelie’s hand. She smiled and looked at the princess.
Aurelie paused, turning back towards Cat. “What is it?” she asked.
Cat just smirked and lifted aurelie’s hood over her head. “Almost forgot your amazing disguise,” she said before giving her a quick kiss. It would be the last on they could have for a while.
Aurelie giggled. "What would I do without you?" she joked, also realizing that they wouldn't be able to have another kiss for a while.
”Who knows my amore, ” she whispered smiling softly. She tightened her grip on Aurelie's hand and Continued there walk. She hesitated before talking again. ”We might run into some…friends of mine. We can say you work with me in the castle. I don't think any of them would recognize you.”
“Okay, sounds fun,” Aurelie agreed. She brightened again. “I can be your fellow maid for a day!” She giggled.
Cat nodded and chuckled. Her thumb rubbed Aurelie's hand slightly. ”You sure you can pull that off your highness?” she joked playfully bumping into her.
“Your highness? Who do you think I am, the princess?” she asked, quite convincingly. She winked at Cat.
”good one mi amore,” she whispered chucking softly as they got closer to the center of town. Music and sweet smelling food filled the air. “I know some hidden places in town by the way. Just Incase the crowds get to much.” She smirked.
“I can handle crowds,” Aurelie replied, sticking her nose in the air decisively. This wasn’t her first time sneaking out; she could handle herself.
“Ok then if you want some alone time,” she said tempted to kiss Aurelie on the cheek but she knew she shouldn’t. She really shouldn’t do any of this but here she is. “What do you want to do first?”
“I don’t know, I’m a bit hungry though, so maybe we could find some food?” she suggested excitedly.
"Ok, what are you in the mood for? The festival has almost everything!" She said looking around at all the stands.
“I don’t know, something warm?” she said, taking in the aromas of herbs and spices which mingled with freshly baked bread and tender meats.
Cat nodded looking around at all the carts. She didn’t want to test her luck with merchants that she may or may not have stolen from so she smiled softly at Aurelie. “Ok follow me,” She said leading her by hand deeper into town
Aurelie smiled. This was all an adventure before. She hadn’t ordered food from most of the venders here for fear of being recognized, but it smelling amazing. She was awed at the bright colors and the homely, but careful, way many of the stalls were set up.
Cat led her to a small pastry stand that had all kinds of hot pastries, sandwiches, and fresh pizza.
Aurelie breathed in the savory aroma, glancing at Cat happily. “This all smells so good,” she commented, surveying the food.
”glad to hear. This stand is from my favorite bakery. What would you like?” she asked. Her eyes wandered around the crowd.
“A sweet roll sounds good, or maybe a sandwich? No, definitely a sandwich,” she decided.
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