"Um… thanks." Cas followed him into the kitchen, holding Nix close to his chest. He yawned again and hovered around Sorrel while the other 'cooked'.
"Um… thanks." Cas followed him into the kitchen, holding Nix close to his chest. He yawned again and hovered around Sorrel while the other 'cooked'.
Sorrel smiled as the waffles popped out of the toaster. "Order up," He joked, sending one flying towards Cas. He put his own waffle on a plate, and searched for some food for the kittens.
Cas managed to catch the waffle and took a bite, holding it in his mouth while he helped Sorrel search.
Sorrel looked in a certain cabinet, finding some random beans. "Do kittens eat this?" He asked Cas.
"Uh… well, they eat pretty much anything. Deli meat and stuff is usually a good bet, um…" Cas looked over at the kittens.
"Oh okay, I got some roast beef. It might be okay." Sorrel replied, opening his fridge. There was a pack of roast beef right there, sitting as it was chosen to be eaten. Sor opened it and placed it in a small bowl before putting it on the floor.
The kittens hopped over to it and started eating. Cas smiled softly as he watched them. "They're not too picky."
"That's good." Sorrel said, as he took a good bite of his waffle. "Whatcha want to do today?" He asked Cas, tilting his head as a smile grew on his face.
"Um… I dunno, we could just stay in if you want." Cas shrugged. "I'm even less picky than the cats."
"Honestly that sounds good to me!" Sorrel replied. He thought of what his house had to offer. "How about we play a board game?" He asked, as he thought of the ones he had.
"Sure. I haven't played a board game in years, so you're gonna have to teach me, most likely." Cas went into the living room.
Sorrel went and found a simple game, with even more simple rules. "This might do.." He muttered. He met back with Cas in his living room. "Okay, this game is fun. All you have to do is guess things based off of description, first to five wins." He said.
"Alright." Cas sat down on the couch with Sorrel. Thank god I don't have to try and read anything… He looked at the game curiously.
( Oh boy can he really like, not read, oh goodness that poor baby )
Sorrel took out the cards the game was played with. Each one had the name of an item, and various description words. He put the pile in between himself and Cas. "I'll let you go first." He said, taking a card. He looked at the descriptions. "I am round, orange, and tangy."
(Nah he can't read lmao)
"Um… an orange?" Cas guessed, going slightly pale when he looked down at the cards. Well, shit… that's… shit.
( baby I love uuu, I'll teach you how to read— My heart- )
Sorrel smiled, and handed him the card. "Exactly! Good job!" He exclaimed. The game really wasn't hard. It was practically too easy.
(Baby boiiii)
Cas picked up another card and looked over the scrambled letters strewn across the paper, his heart racing. "Um…" There were words there, he could tell that much, but he couldn't make them out at all.
"Hmm?" Sorrel asked. "Is it a mumble?" He guessed, unbeknownst that Cas literally could not read the card. He tilted his head a little bit, wondering if he was right.
"Hell if I know…" He muttered. "Uh… sure. Yeah, it's mumble." He tossed the card aside, blushing in embarrassment.
Sorrel leaned across the table the two were at, gently grabbing a hold of Cas's chin. "Dude, you're so high strung, still. Remember, remember, it's okay!" He said, with a smile. His eyes shined with care, compassion for the other.
Cas blushed harder, making nervous eye contact with Sorrel. "I-I… uh… thanks." He murmured. He didn't catch on, I guess?? Thank god…
Sorrel noticed his blush, and honestly he thought it was cute. He gently reached out to the guy and ruffled his hair. "Cutie pie. I see games aren't really your thing, I get it. How about something else?" He asked.
"Um… anything you want to do is fine with me, honestly." Cas replied quietly. He decided to let his hair stay as fluffy as Sorrel had made it.
"How about…" Sorrel thought, trying to find something Cas might not be as awkward at. "How about I teach you how to dance?" He asked. H honestly just wanted to find something that Cas loved.
"Sure, if you want." Cas shrugged. He wasn't too familiar with dancing, but he was willing to try if that's what Sorrel was interested in doing.
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