Cas nodded, glad that Sorrel wasn't mad at him for bringing kittens along. "Do you wanna hold one?" He asked, holding the little tabby kitten out to Sorrel.
Cas nodded, glad that Sorrel wasn't mad at him for bringing kittens along. "Do you wanna hold one?" He asked, holding the little tabby kitten out to Sorrel.
Sorrel's eyes glittered with admiration for the thing. "Of course! Hey there little Cloud!" He said, unexpectedly naming the thing. "Such a cutie pie!" He exclaimed, holding it like a baby to his chest.
Cas smiled softly and set Nix on his shoulders so he could carry the little ginger and white kitten more easily. "I'm glad you like them. Lead the way."
Sorrel began to walk down a sidewalk, in the direction of his house. Homes got more and more big, here, and a really little one seemed to be prominently in sight.
Cas was just humming quietly, more calm now since he didn't have to take Sorrel to his 'home'. Honestly, as long as the house had walls and a roof, he was going to think it was magnificent.
Sorrel and Cas got even closer to the house. "See the small one, with the black walls? That's our final destination." He purred. The house looked modern, extremely modern. Its white roof directly contrasted the walls, and plants were freaking everywhere.
Cas nodded, taking in the house and trying not to look too amazed. "It's very nice." He said, scratching behind the kitten's ears.
As Sorrel arrived at the doorstep, he opened the door. The living room was the first thing to be seen. He had some awesome modular sofas, and a coffee table. A TV stood on the wall, free of its cables. "It's nothing much," Sorrel said, modestly, unbeknownst of what Cas actually had to live through.
"Are you kidding? It's amazing." Cas murmured, unable to contain his awe any longer. It had been so long since he'd actually been in a house, so this was a pretty surreal experience for him. And it was clean, and it didn't smell of beer, and it had functioning electricity… to him, this place was absolutely fantastic.
Sorrel gently sat Cloud the kitten down, and raced around for a second, before an "Aha" came from a closet. He pulled out a little beanbag chair. "This can be for the kittens." He said. Cloud stumbled over to the chair, and pounced into its seat. "Well, if you say so." He said, smiling. At least someone appreciated him and his home.
Cas set the little ginger and white kitten on the beanbag as well. "Really, it's really nice." He repeated. "Well, nicest house I've seen, anyways."
"Oh, Cas, you're so sweet." Sorrel replied to Cas's words. The guy kept complimenting him, it really was different. He looked at the kittens and couldn't help but smile more.
"I'm just telling the truth, Sorrel." He shrugged, still looking around in awe.
Sorrel thought about Cas's actions for the moment. He appeared in wonder of his simple house. "Would you like to see the room you'll be in?" He asked, with a soft smile.
"There's more?" He asked, bewildered. Oh god. I'm acting weird. Shit.
"Of course!" Sorrel giggled a bit, Cas was adorable when he was in awe. He picked Cas up, bridal style, and carried him off into the room he'd come to live in. It had a pastel blue kind of bed, and a nice nightstand. A lamp, and random seaside designed decor.
Cas flushed red when Sorrel picked him up, but didn't struggle for fear of falling. He honestly felt like crying when Sorrel brought him to the room, unable to fully process that he was allowed to live here.
Sorrel laid Cas on the bed, and then backed way away. He wanted to make sure the lad knew he respected boundaries. "If you need another color scheme, or if you need more blankets, I'll buy some. It shouldn't be a problem." He informed Cas. He was willing to do a lot for this guy, and Hell, they hadn't even known each other but maybe half a day.
"N-No, I… I couldn't possibly ask you for any more. I've never been in a room this nice. There's like, an actual mattress on the bed. I must be dreaming…" Cas held his head in one hand, trying to take everything in. His eyes were wide and curious, but a little nervous as well.
"You're surprised by a mattress?" Sorrel asked. He looked a little bit confused, and tilted his head because of it. "I guess it is kind of surprising, I hadn't bought it until about a few months ago." He 'explained', laughing off his questions. He wondered why Cas seemed so shook about everything in his home, but didn't mind it.
Cas laughed weakly. "Y-Yeah, um… sorry about that. I'm weird." He ran his fingers through his hair nervously, continuing to look around. He figured he'd be sleeping pretty well tonight if he wasn't too anxious.
"We've all got a little weirdness up in ourselves. Some just hide it better than others." Sorrel replied, with a wink. He loved Cas's flustered expression at the moment, and loved the way he played with his hair even more. "You're cute when you're weird." He said, softly.
Cas blushed a little harder when Sorrel called him cute and hid his face in his hands. "Sorry, sorry…" He sighed. Nix rubbed up against him, purring quietly. "I'm just not used to being in nice places."
"I get it! I get it, it's okay!" Sorrel exclaimed. He creeped closer to Cas, not exactly keeping five feet of distance anymore. "You won't have to worry anymore, I've got you for as long as you'll have me..~" He whispered.
Cas glanced up at Sorrel tentatively. "As long as I'll have you? As far as I can tell, you're doing most of the 'having'… I… I really can't give you anything in return."
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