forum "The ocean is prettier with you beside it." | One-On-One | Male/Male Romance | Closed!
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Deleted user

Sorrel kept himself where he was, not noticing that Melanie had brought their dishes out. She clearly didn't want to be in the boys' way. "I'll tell you this one time, Cas. You'd be the best thing that ever happened to my house and I, no matter what kind of a burden you expect yourself to be." Sorrel said, instinctively. He looked at Cas with determination.


Cas looked up at Sorrel nervously. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Like, are you absolutely sure that you just want to invite a stranger to live in your house?"

Deleted user

"Of course I am, you don't remind me of one of those killers, so you're fine." Sorrel said, with a soft smile. Small memories clouded his mind then. A scent caught up to him, right as he imagined the worst of his past. "Oh- food- I'm gonna ease off now, haha." He said, letting go of Cas. He turned back to his chair, and made his way back to it.


Cas looked up at Melanie, still blushing. He thanked her with as steady of a voice as he could and tentatively took a bit of the food. Oh my god. It's been way too long since I've eaten real food.

Deleted user

Melanie nodded at Cas, with caring eyes. She admired the guy, shoot, Sorrel rarely brought anyone in, nor did he treat them this well. She went back over to another one of the waitresses, and they began to converse. "I love the flavor of the- mmf- sauce! It's so good, truly marvelous." Sorrel said, trying not to speak too much while he ate.


Cas nodded, using every bit of willpower he had to not just scarf down the entire meal in two seconds. he ate slowly, really, really not wanting to concern Sorrel any further. He knew he'd have to go grab his things before he headed to Sorrel's house, which meant Sorrel would see where he lived. He was really not looking forwards to that.

Deleted user

( Aw baby don't be scared :-: )

Sorrel's attentiveness was quite demolished when he was eating, not wanting to pay any attention to anything but his food. He was absorbed in it, the cheesy noodles were so great. He slurped the things up, honestly making somewhat of a mess of himself. He laughed, softly. "You're lucky, they taste the best they ever have today!" He said to Cas, with a sloppy wipe of his own mouth.


(Baby boi)

Cas watched Sorrel quietly as he ate more of his dish. He was almost done, as he could only control himself so much. He passed a piece of chicken down to Nix, who ate it eagerly. "It's pretty good, yeah." Pretty good is an understatement… I've literally never eaten something of this quality in my entire life.

Deleted user

Sorrel gobbled up more and more of his pasta, and before he knew it, it was all gone. He ran a careful finger down the edge of his plate, collecting the last tidbit of sauce on it. He licked it off of his finger after that. "Mmm~." He muttered. "Enjoying it, aren't you?" Sorrel asked. He honestly loved how Cas seemed to be enjoying the 'date', or at least from the outside.


Cas nodded, finishing soon after Sorrel. "It's very good, Sorrel. I see you definitely enjoyed it." He nodded towards Sorrel's clean plate and picked up another piece of bread, slipping a small piece into his lap for Nix.

Deleted user

Sorrel giggled softly. "Haha, yeah, I eat probably too much for my own good." He said, with a guilty smile. He brushed a few crumbs off of his lap, and he sipped up the last few drops of his drink. "Delicious, oh this was great, and now I'll spend more time with Cas, oh what a great day this is. He's such a sweet person!" He told himself, not realizing he was talking out loud.


Cas blushed, seeming a little taken aback. "Uh…" He said awkwardly, glancing off to the side and then back to Sorrel. Does he realize he's speaking aloud? He wondered, entirely unsure what to do. I guess I'm glad he's enjoying himself, though…

Deleted user

Sorrel suddenly yelped, a little. "Did I say any of that?" He asked, noticing Cas's sudden change. "I'm so awkward, good gosh I'm so awkward!" He said, with a little frustration. He laughed, and rubbed his neck. "I'm too much for even my own self!"


Cas nodded awkwardly at the question. "Um… it's fine. I'm glad you're having fun." He smiled softly, though his blush didn't fade.

Deleted user

"Thanks for your chillness, honestly. It's such a relief to have someone around that doesn't criticize you for being totally stupid." Sorrel said, with a laugh.


Cas laughed as well. "Well, I'm pretty stupid myself, so I'm not exactly in any position to judge anyone else."

Deleted user

Sorrel felt that, on so many levels. "Haha. I guess we're even then." He said. He then paused, for a mere second. "Oh shoot, I've got to pay- I'll be back!" He said, frantically. He grabbed a tiny wallet and raced towards the cashier's plot.


Cas watched him run off with a quiet chuckle, a weak smile growing onto his features and then fading when he remembered that he'd have to take Sorrel to his 'home' to get his few belongings. "You ready?" He asked once Sorrel had returned.

Deleted user

"Definitely." Sorrel replied. He reached a hand out to Cas, gently wanting to bring him up from his chair.

( Might make a sucky few sentences, I feel really sick right now- )


(No problem <3)
Cas took his hand and allowed Sorrel to help him up, hesitating for a few seconds before deciding not to let go of Sorrel's hand. "Um… I… I should probably get my things, if we're going to your place." He said quietly.

Deleted user

"Alright then! Would you like me to follow, or should I wait here?" He asked. He never intruded on anyone's home, he found it eccentric.


Oh, thank god. "You can wait here, if you'd like. I won't be long.* Cas let go of Sorrel and walked off, running once he was out of sight. He made it to the little alley he lived in soon enough, panting from exhaustion. He grabbed his clothes and a couple kittens, sticking the latter into his hoodie pockets and holding one hand over them as he ran back.

Deleted user

( Kittens omg aww! )

Sorrel walked outside of the restaurant, plopping down on a bench."He's so interesting." He muttered. He pulled at a few pieces of his hair.


(He's the cat king lol. He owns all the stray cats)
Cas soon returned with clothes in one arm and Nix in the other. He was still protecting the kittens, of course He saw Sorrel and went over to him, still panting from the exertion. "S… S-Sorry…" He apologized. "I couldn't leave them…" He sat beside Sorrel and gently pulled the kittens out of his pocket.

Deleted user

"C-Cats?" Sorrel asked, stuttering a little. He'd have NEVER expected that. "I love those! I'll make do with them, too! Maybe I have a spare beanbag for them to sleep on or something," He said, wondering if he actually owned the thing or not. "Well, shall we?" He asked.