"What do you want to do now?" Cas asked after a few seconds of hesitation. Nix was now grooming Cas's hair affectionately.
"What do you want to do now?" Cas asked after a few seconds of hesitation. Nix was now grooming Cas's hair affectionately.
"Do you like television? Movies?" Asked Sorrel. He knew if Cas couldn't read, or do a lot of things, he might like tv. It was simple, easy to understand.
"We never had a tv in my house, so I have no idea. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't like it, though. Do you have any favorites?" He asked.
"How about we watch one about cats, and other things." Sorrel said. He assumed Cas, and Nix, might like it. "I have this one that's all about how to really make cats and yourself have really good days, it's interesting."
"Sounds good to me." Cas went over to the couch (I can't remember if we're already here or not) with Sorrel.
( We probably were but whatever happens happens right? It might have been another couch for crying out loud lol. )
Sorrel turned the TV on and flipped through a lot of movies, mostly about cooking for some reason. He finally found it, 'Kitten Care' was the title of the thing. He pressed play, and the movie began. A cat and a person appeared on the screen, and they began to do randomized things.
(Lmao true)
Cas couldn't read the title of the movie, of course, but still watched the screen attentively. The way the tv worked was intriguing to him, considering he'd basically never seen one, but he tried not to make it too obvious. Either way, he liked the kittens on the screen.
Sorrel's smile grew at Cas's intrigue. He laid his head on the guy's shoulder, as he continued to pay attention to the scenes appearing. Cats were doing a lot of stuff, mostly funny things. He laughed every time a cat was in a box, he loved those kind of things.
Cas was smiling softly as well, and the kittens were trying to bat at the cats on the screen. Nix stayed asleep on Cas's lap, clearly having little interest in the tv.
"That one looks kind of like Nix..!" Sorrel exclaimed, looking at a certain cat. He pointed at it, and his eyes shone with admiration of his own skills. "I wonder what you'd look like if you were a kitten." He purred, with laughter.
Cas giggled a bit, quickly covering his mouth to hide the noise. "Me or Nix?" He asked, laughter still evident in his slightly muffled voice.
Sorrel blushed a little. "You, but it'd be cool to know what Nix looked like too," He said, with a happy shrug.
"I'd probably just be a ginger cat, to be honest. Red hair and stuff." He gestured to his fluffy hair.
Sorrel stroked the top of Cas's head, feeling through all the hairs for what seemed to be the millionth time. "That's adorable." He muttered. "And I can imagine you with a really cute tail," He added, snorting before he completely busted out laughing. "Adorable, one hundred percent."
Cas flushed red and hid his face for the hundredth time. "Noooo… I'm not cute." He whined. "I might be kinda like a cat, but I'm not cute…"
"You are too cute. Don't you deny it." He demanded. His eyes glittered. "Plus, cats are okay, but you actually speak words I get." He added, with a laugh.
Cas whined again, keeping his face hidden. "Sometimes… when I'm not crying or something. I don't say much intelligible when I'm crying."
"Oh Cas, a lot of your words make sense then. You wouldn't know it, but you really make sense of things when you're sad." Sorrel reasoned with the guy.
"I guess so… I just don't like crying in people usually because… well, my walls break down. I rarely only talk about what upset me in the moment when I'm crying. I dig up all the past pain."
"Oh. I get it. It must be awful." Sorrel muttered, as he paid close attention to Cas's words. "I'll to pry less, then. I apologize for everything I've caused you to remember."
Cas shrugged. "It's fine. It… it's kinda nice, actually. It's been years since I've had anyone to open up to in the first place."
Sorrel tilted his head. He couldn't get Cas, not one bit of him understood the other, but it was okay. He shrugged, simply as he could. "I bet," Was all he could say. He wouldn't admit it, but they had a lot of stuff in common.
Cas lay his head on Sorrel's shoulder, sighing softly. "Thanks for letting me stay… I know I've already said it, but it still means a lot."
"It's nothing. I'll keep saying that until you realize it," Sorrel promised him. He 'booped' Cas's nose then, and smiled to himself. "More or less, I should thank you for staying."
Cas blushed when Sorrel touched his nose, looking up at him. "For company or something, right?" He asked, his voice a little bit soft and dreamy.
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