forum "The ocean is prettier with you beside it." | One-On-One | Male/Male Romance | Closed!
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Deleted user

Sorrel carefully sat down at the edge of the pier, water lapping just below his shoes. The end particles of the sunset reflected off of the water, beautifully complimenting the new stars. "I'm so glad you're here for this," Sorrel mumbled, just loudly enough for Cas to hear.


"Me too." Cas smiled softly, sitting down beside Sorrel and resting his head on the other's shoulder. The water wasn't near his feet like it was for Sorrel.

Deleted user

( lol )

Sorrel slipped an arm around the other, as a firework took to the sky. A ripple of cold went through him, and it settled down as he realized it was completely alright. "Fireworks, a fair, and a perfect new friend, could life get any better?"


Cas jumped when the firework was suddenly sent up, huddling a little closer to Sorrel. At the question, he blushed a bit and shook his head. "It's pretty good…" He murmured in agreement.

Deleted user

Sorrel laughed, softly, but remained silent. He saw no reason to speak again, as the many lights exploded in the night sky. His smile explained how he felt, completely. He leaned into Cas, careful not to go overboard with his newer movement.


Cas smiled softly as well, his eyes reflecting the bright fireworks in the sky. "It's so beautiful here…" He kept his voice soft, like before. He didn't want to ruin the moment by being loud. Nix was curled up contentedly in Cas's lap.

Deleted user

Sorrel nodded, as an extremely big firework let itself shine above the two. "It really is," He whispered, admiring Cas's attentiveness to the quiet. He giggled, as he looked towards Cas, being subtle as he could.


Cas was watching the fireworks and didn't notice Sorrel looking at him. He scratched behind Nix's ears, prompting the cat to purr softly. The quiet noise was occasionally audible between fireworks.

Deleted user

Sorrel looked at Cas's featured, for what seemed like the millionth time. Then, he looked at Cas's lips, for the first time. Soft, sweet things, he thought. "You're so… sweet." He mumbled, on accident.


Cas blushed a bit and looked over at Sorrel, seeming a bit confused. "How so?" He asked. Nix looked up when Cas paused his petting.

Deleted user

Sorrel leaned closer to the other, somehow not appearing aggressive. "Your face, it shines under the light of the fireworks," He mumbled, again, on accident. He wasn't meaning to spill his feelings, not like this. "U-Uh,"


Cas flushed harder, his eyes wide, but not with fear. "Um… th-thanks, I guess?" He laughed nervously, a little flustered grin appearing on his face.

Deleted user

Sorrel bit his tongue to restrain himself from saying his next words. He wanted to kiss the guy, to be very blunt, but he didn't know if he would be alright with that. "I-Impulses, I swear," He mumbled, with a cautious laugh. He rubbed the hair behind his neck.


"No, no, it's okay. I kinda like impulsive, remember?" Cas's smile softened as he looked up at Sorrel fondly. He hadn't known the guy long, but he'd grown to rather like him.

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Sorrel gently held Cas's face in his hands, and sweetly brought him the smallest bit closer. "I hope you don't mind this, then," He whispered, before his lips met the other's for the first real time.


Cas mentally cursed himself for not expecting that. He was clearly a bit surprised, but not angry. He tentatively returned the kiss, but he'd never kissed anyone before, so he wasn't quite sure what to do.

Deleted user

Sorrel, after some seconds more, pulled off from the kiss. He was astonished that he didn't get pushed away, it had him smiling wildly. After it hit him, he backed up a little. "Oh my God, I just kissed you-!" He screamed a little bit, but restricted his volume.


Cas jumped at the sudden loud noise, his face pretty much completely red. "I… y-yeah, you… you did." He laughed breathlessly, his heart fluttering.

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Sorrel felt relieved, to say the most. His mind raced with so many words, yet he chose only a few to voice his current feelings. "I hope things can feel this good, forever." He whispered, brightly. The fireworks seemed to be invisible at this point, only Cas mattered to him.


Cas nodded in agreement. He felt the same way, but a particularly loud firework startled him out of his thoughts. Nix rubbed up against him to calm him down.

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Sorrel noticed Nix's movements, but simply assumed the cat was what Cas needed most. He tried his best to pay attention to the sky.


Cas turned his eyes back to the fireworks, stroking Nix and soon seeming to relax. "I'm glad I met you." He said softly after a bit.

Deleted user

Sorrel almost stopped breathing then. Cas's words shook him to his core. He sputtered as he tried to respond, though, being unable to comeup with something new to say. "I…"


Cas looked over at Sorrel when the other started making strange noises. "You okay? Did I say something wrong?"

Deleted user

"I don't know how to erm, respond. You've got me tongue tied." He said, with a great feeling taking over him. "I haven't been speechless in a while."