forum "The ocean is prettier with you beside it." | One-On-One | Male/Male Romance | Closed!
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They hopped off of him when the bowl was set down and started lapping at it hungrily. Nix stretched, checked to make sure Cas was doing alright, and headed over as well.

Deleted user

Sorrel smiled at Nix. "You're so well for keeping care of Cas." He said, softly, before leaving the kittens to drink up. He grabbed two plates and put the eggs and toast on them. He then returned to the couch, and held onto Cas's plate. "I brought the food,"


Nix quietly lapped at the milk as well, ignoring the bouncy kittens around him. Cas stirred at Sorrel's voice and looked up. "Hmm? Oh… food, right. I'm not used to seeing food so early." He sat up and stretched.

Deleted user

( bouncy kittens- oh I love that )

"One day you'll be, maybe I should slow myself down." Sorrel said, somewhat. He grabbed his egg and laid it onto his toast. "Either way, I'll only learn how to do what's best for you." He said, as he began to eat the toast.


Cas watched Sorrel and mimicked him, placing his own egg on his piece of toast. He took a bite and seemed pleased. "It's nice… just bread and eggs?" He asked, taking another bite.

Deleted user

"Yep. And if you want more, I've got a kitchen to completely destroy." Sorrel said, with a tired laugh.


"I think I'll just stick with this." Cas laughed weakly as well and glanced over his shoulder to look at the cats.

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Sorrel pulled his phone out as he continued to eat his toast. He checked on his small ticket reservations, and grinned. "You've got a good day ahead."

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Sorrel laughed, and his eyes traveled Cas's face. He honestly loved seeing the other, he seemed… to be getting better. It was great to see.


Cas looked up at Sorrel curiously. "What're you looking at?" He asked. "Do I have something on my face?"

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"You. Your existence." Sorrel replied. "I've noticed you looking a little better. Happier, maybe better in general."


Cas blushed a bit. "I-I mean… yeah, I guess. I'm not on the streets and I've got a nice guy to live with. Who wouldn't be thankful?"

Deleted user

"You'd never know." Sorrel said, simply. He got up, and nodded at Cas. "I'll go and clean myself up a little bit, I don't wanna look tired as I am for the day." He said, with a grin. He left the other, then, as he went into his bathroom.

Deleted user

"Whatever you think would be best for an aquarium and a zoo!" Sorrel replied, loudly. He grabbed some pale foundation, and smiled at the stuff. He dabbed a small brush with it under his eyes, a visible effort to hide his dark marks. Sleepless, yet sleeping all the time. It made him wonder things sometimes.


I guess that's what we're doing, then… Cas slipped into Sorrel's room and took a couple articles of clothing before heading back to his own room.

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Sorrel did a few other things to himself that helped him look better than he usually does. He'd never admit i, but his tired appearance made him feel a little unusual, and frustrated. He walked out of the bathroom, and smiled about himself. He knew he was cute today.


Cas soon came out of his room wearing one of Sorrel's pastel colored sweaters and jeans. "Where did you put that belt?" He asked, holding the jeans up with one hand.

Deleted user

"Oh uh-" Sorrel said, looking at Cas before blushing a bit. "Probably the couch, let me get it," He said, rushing into the other room. He found the belt, relatively near the couch. He returned to Cas with some speed. "Here ya go," He said, with a smile. He handed the belt back to Cas.


"Thanks." Cas slipped the belt through his belt loops and tightened it significantly before it could actually do its job. "How do I look?"

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Sorrel glanced at the other, taking in every inch of clothing and skin that he could observe. He nodded, before deciding on what to say. "You look better than anyone I've ever seen." He said, with complete honesty.


Cas blushed, seeming a bit surprised. "Um… th-thanks, Sor." He smiled slightly and looked away, flustered.

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"Shall we?" Sorrel asked. Cas's flustered feelings didn't seem to get to him at all, despite the circumstances. Sorrel approached the door, with a sparkle in his eyes.