Cas nodded and eventually opened his eyes to watch the horizon pass by again. He was quiet for the rest of the ride, but he didn't seem to be upset. He was just worried for Sorrel.
Cas nodded and eventually opened his eyes to watch the horizon pass by again. He was quiet for the rest of the ride, but he didn't seem to be upset. He was just worried for Sorrel.
Minutes after, Sorrel and Cas were greeted with the entrance to the petting zoo and aquarium. "Let's go!" Sorrel said, as he hopped off of the trolley.
Cas grinned and followed him off. "Make sure you don't go too fast! I'm short, remember?" He trotted after Sorrel.
"Alright! sorry!" Sorrel apologized, as he slowed down substantially. He showed his tickets to a guard person, and they let the two into the aquarium. The whole place was decorated with the creatures of the sea, which swam all around them. The aquarium itself seemed to be a fish-bowl for humans.
Cas couldn't stop swiveling his head to look around, starry-eyed with wonder. "Wow…" He whispered, slowing down again so he could take everything in.
"Don't you love it? So many animals, living their own lives in captivity. I feel their feelings, sometimes." Sorrel admitted. A whale in a nearby exhibit called, its sounds were music to the ears of the people. Sorrel couldn't help but smile even wider.
(Daaamn how do I get to this aquarium? I've never seen a whale before in captivity lol)
He nodded, a soft smile growing onto his face. "It's beautiful here… and really big. How will we ever have time to see it all?"
( I don't know to be honest. Beluga whales are adorable in captivity- )
"It's early dawn, and we have the entire day to lounge around." Sorrel promised the other. "So therefore, we'll spend every second gazing at animals together."
"Sounds great to me, love." Cas smiled softly and stood on his toes to kiss Sorrel's cheek before he turned to look at some colorful fish in a tank beside him.
Sorrel completely stopped in his tracks. His heart stopped, too. Cas… called him love, for the first time… Did that mean he liked him? Did that mean that he was getting somewhere? Oh well for confessing, Cas just stared everything up by himself.
Cas was too busy looking at fish to notice Sorrel's expression or to realize what he'd said. "C'mon, Sor! There's sharks over here!" He tugged Sorrel along, grinning.
Sorrel followed Cas, willingly as he could. Once the two of them got to the sharks, his gaze went everywhere. They were adorable. "Look at that one!" Sorrel exclaimed, at a great white shark.
Cas grinned, placing one hand up against the glass. "I didn't think they were allowed to keep great whites in aquariums. Something about them always dying or something."
"Hm? Maybe they're trying to keep the species alive. You know… breeding." Sorrel thought, aloud. "You might be right, though. Maybe we've got a mystery unfolding in front of us." He told Cas, with a sly smile.
"Maybe." Cas hummed thoughtfully to himself before he moved on, dragging Sorrel over to a tank full of fluorescent jellyfish.
Sorrel loved how Cas was dragging him around. He liked being in less authority, and this seemed to be great for them both. "Look at all the colors! They're so pretty." Sorrel mooned over the adorable jellies.
"Mhmm!" Cas seemed entranced by the bright, glowing jellyfish. "They look like little balloons floating around in the water like that."
Sorrel giggled at Cas's extremely unexpected description of the animals. "You're right! Imagine owning a jellyfish balloon, oh that would be adorable." He said, practically howling with laughter after that. It was too cute, Cas was too cute, everything was cute.
"What's so funny?" Cas asked, giggling a bit as well. "They're just little floaty jellyfish bois. Floatin' around like balloons."
Jellyfish bois. Sorrel thought that was the most intriguing term, probably to ever have existed. "Just, woooh, they're so adorable. I can't even breathe when I think of them, they're so hilarious. I mean, what would become of us if we were jelly boys just doing out balloon things?"
"Well, I can't swim, so I probably wouldn't do too well." Cas snickered again, stepping a little closer to the tank. "Might be fun, though. I don't think jellies can breathe, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad."
Sorrel looked at them, and wondered if they could even think. He looked at the frame of the thing. How did it actually eat things? How did it make out with other things? How in the world did it even exist?! He came to no conclusion to any of it. He took his time with it, tilting his head at one that was almost touching the glass.
"I like them anyways." Cas decided. "Wanna go touch the starfish?" He asked, starting to lead Sorrel away again.
(Sorrel: Haha what if we were fish
Cas: I can't swim
Sorrel: surprised pikachu)
( lol right!! )
"Sure!" Sorrel said. Once the two of them reached the starfish, he reached out to a little gold one. It curled around his fingers, and he screamed a little bit. "Is it supposed to do that..?" He asked, very quietly.
Cas jumped at the scream. "I-I dunno! I've never been to an aquarium before!" He gently touched a starfish, which thankfully stayed still.
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