(I'm totally down! I don't think Cas would admit it without a lot of coaxing, though. Or maybe he 'feels weird' and asks Sorrel for help since he doesn't know what love feels like)
(I'm totally down! I don't think Cas would admit it without a lot of coaxing, though. Or maybe he 'feels weird' and asks Sorrel for help since he doesn't know what love feels like)
( That makes sense! Sounds good! )
"You see the lights ahead?" Sorrel asked, looking at an array of colors. He gestured to the place ahead. "So pretty."
"Mhmm." Cas agreed, looking up at the lights contentedly. He held a little tighter to Sorrel's hand and sighed, a soft smile on his face.
"It's a small festival." Sorrel informed the other. "I don't know why they hold them all the time but it's exciting." He said, with a smile.
"I've never gotten to go to one before." Cas hummed softly, still eyeing the lights with curiosity. "What is it like?"
As they edged closer, Sorrel thought about the best description of the festa itself. "Food, friendship, fantasies, and fun." He said. For some reason, he liked the matching of the first letters. "I really like the pier, it's goregous. In half an hour it'll be gleaming. Oh! And they legally do fireworks."
"It sounds wonderful." Cas replied softly, staying silent for a few seconds after that. "Can… would you mind if we… can we go?" He asked.
"Of course!" Sorrel said. He made sure Cas was holding onto his hand well enough before he took off towards the lights. He forgot that Cas was smaller, and didn't regard it at all.
"S-Slow down!" Cas had to sprint so Sorrel wouldn't be dragging him across the asphalt. He stumbled a bit and almost fell, panting and clearly struggling to keep up.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Sorrel exclaimed. He slowed himself down to a stop, so that Cas wouldn't run straight into him. "I forget sometimes, I'm sorry,"
Cas stopped and took a minute or two to catch his breath, shaking a little. He wasn't necessarily unfit, but he wasn't used to running that fast, especially when he was prepared for it. "It… it's fine…" He panted, looking up at Sorrel weakly after he could breathe again.
"At least we're a step away from the place," Sorrel noticed. He looked down at his feet, and the colored lights left marks literally a step away. "Shall we, kitten?" He asked, proudly.
Cas blushed at the nickname and nodded, taking Sorrel's hand again. "Let's… let's walk this time, shall we?"
Sorrel nodded. "Sure, anything for you.~" He said. He stepped into the lights with Cas, at a much slower pace than usual. It seemed to suffice better than running did.
Cas relaxed after a minute or two of the slower pace, able to look around and properly take in his surroundings. "It's so pretty here…" He said softly.
"I can agree. I love the way the people all seem to be getting along, it's like a happy fest." Sorrel said, softly. He admired everything, the world seemed to be so put together.
"Yeah. I've never seen anything like this before." Cas adjusted his grip on Nix as they walked.
Sorrel laid his eyes on some cotton candy, both in baby blue and pink flavor choices. His mouth watered at the sight of them. "Mmm," He mumbled, looking at Cas with asking eyes.
"What's that?" Cas asked curiously, clearly eyeing the cotton candy. "It looks like a cloud or something."
"Ohh, that's right. Aye, two cotton candies!" He shouted at the stand's worker, who whipped them up skillfully. "There you go!" He said, giving them to Sorrel, who tossed a few dollars at them in thanks. He held them out to Cas. "Pink or blue?"
"Um… I don't care. Is there a difference?" He asked, looking up at Sorrel after looking between the two cotton candies.
"Nope, you get pink, then." He said, giving Cas the pink one. Sorrel licked the fluffy mass, and it melted in his mouth. "I love how it's just sugar, but it's so good," He said, with a happy little glance at Cas.
Cas examined his cotton candy for a few seconds, not entirely sure how to eat it. After watching Sorrel, he just tentatively touched his tongue to it.
( Good morning..! how are you..? )
Sorrel laughed as Cas licked the cotton candy, so gently. "Sugary, right?" He asked, before taking another lick of his own.
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