Jade raised a brow at his guarded expression. ”I would like to know you, Killian.” she told him gently. ”Do you go out anywhere for fun? The last book you read, favorite type of music… You don't have to tell me anything personal or painful. I already gave you my word that I won't use anything you tell me against you.” she reminded carefully.
"Alright." he said slowly, leaning back in his seat and thinking. "The last book I read was The Hobbit, by J R R Tolkien. I enjoy listening to…a lot of different types of music. I don't go many places." he shrugged a little.
Jade sighed slightly as he answered her questions with short responses but seemed to avoid the part where she was more interested in him. But instead of pushing him, she nodded. ”I haven't read that book in a while but I did enjoy it. I’ll have to pick up again. But why don't you go out?”
"Mhm. Uhm…" Killian let out a breath, looking away. He shook his head. "I would rather not answer that question." he said, looking over at her. "For…personal reasons."
”Alright.” Jade relented. ”Ummm… Do you have any hobbies? Besides reading and fighting.” she added with a light smile.
He chuckled. "Eh…binging TV." He replied with a chuckle. "I get behind on my TV shows, so then i gotta binge watch the ones i missed."
”Oh? Which shows?” she leaned forward slightly, intrigued by his answer to this question. ”I don't know if that counts as a hobby but I do a fair bit of binge-watching as well.”
"Hmm. The Flash, uhm…Supernatural…I watched Firefly and Serenity…" He shrugged. "Oh, Lost in Space. The Netflix one."
(same! But I'm only in season two lol)
Jade smiled brightly. ”I love Firefly! Serenity was really good as well but I feel like they could have fit another season in between but…” she shrugged. ”I’ve never really seen Supernatural before but I’m interested.”
Killian nodded. "Agreed. Supernatural is… interesting. Hard to describe. Everybody dies." He laughed softly.
Jade chuckled. ”So I've heard. A bit morbid honestly but I’m too curious for that to deter me.” she smiled.
He chuckled. "We can watch the first episode, if you want." He finished his second slice, and sipped his soda again.
Jade blinked at the offer but nodded with a small smile. ”Sure. I… I’d like that.”
Killian grinned. "Okay. When we're done eating, then." He replied, stretching and leaning back in the seat.
Jade smiled. ”Ok. Anything you can tell me about it without spoilers? I’ve already done some research into the show so I do know a few things.” she asked as she finished her piece of pizza.
Killian thought for a moment. "All of the main characters are hot." he replied with a laugh. "And…everyone dies and comes back a bunch of times."
Jade threw her head back in laughter. ”I heard about that. Honestly, I think that Sammy got the better looks while poor Dean got the worst of their dad.” she sighed.
(I'm on the final season…. I recommend rewatching episodes though, for you'll notice things that might not have the first time around.)
(oof no spoilers, again only on the second lol. and alright)
Killian grinned. "Hey, Dean's cute too! Just…in a different way." he chuckled softly, looking over at Jade.
She shook her head. ”I didn't mean in appearance, I meant growing up. But yeah, he's good looking.” Jade shrugged.
"Oh, true. He definitely had a harder time of it." Killian agreed with a shrug. He chuckled softly.
Jade nodded, ”It’s almost admirable. He went through all that as a kid and he grew up into kind of a badass who’s secretly a big sweetheart.” she smiled softly at the thought. ”I guess that's where most of his charm comes from.”
"Mhm." Killian agreed. He chuckled softly. "Anyway…shall we watch it now, then? If you're done eating?"