@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group
Jade laughed as she put on her civilian helmet and slid on the bike behind him. ”If you say so, Magic man.” she teased, wrapping her arms around him again.
Jade laughed as she put on her civilian helmet and slid on the bike behind him. ”If you say so, Magic man.” she teased, wrapping her arms around him again.
Killian grinned. "Mm. I thought my name was Hex?" he asked teasingly. He started up the bike.
”Oh, just shut up and drive before you give us both away.” she teased back, quickly looking to make sure no one heard him say that. Fortunately, it appeared that no one did over the sound of the bike starting.
Killian laughed, and started driving away. "Fine. My place, right?" he asked as he drove, smirking a little. He sighed softly.
Jade nodded, leaning forward against his back. ”That sounds nice.” she agreed.
Killian chuckled, and headed towards his house. "Alright." he replied. "This bike, though…I want to steal it." he chuckled again teasingly.
”Not happening.” Jade smirked. ”I told you I can just get it back but I didn't mention the anti-theft features I put in.” Killian wasn't the first person who had that idea… There was one time she had to let her bike be stolen to track down who was behind a series of motor vehicle disappearances. She was unhappy during the whole job until she found them and beat them up a bit so they wouldn't be able to resist arrest when the cops showed up.
Killian sighed loudly. "But I'm in love with it!" he exclaimed teasingly. "It wants to stay with me!" he flashed a teasing grin over his shoulder at her as he drove through traffic.
Jade laughed heartily at his playful whining. ”You don't even know half the things my baby can do. You're only driving as a civilian.” she reminded him coyly as she rested her head back on his shoulder.
Killian sighed loudly. "Mm." he shrugged a little. "Your baby is in love with me!" he said in a playful, whiny voice.
Jade hummed slightly. ”Are you sure Sparky’s not just treating you good because of me?” she raised a brow, still teasing. Not just because I’m here but because of everything you've done to help me since… she sighed softly to herself.
"Nope. Sparky fell for my charms." He winked at her over his shoulder, smirking a little. He drove to his house, and parked the bike when they arrived, getting off reluctantly.
(Sparky’s not the only one. ;-D)
Jade smirked as she got off and unclipped her helmet, shaking her hair out a bit. ”If that’s true, why’d he just call you arrogant?” she taunted as she bumped against Killian’s side.
"Whaaaatt?" Killian gave the bike an accusatory look. "Well. I am a bit arrogant, I suppose." he chuckled, shaking his head laughingly.
Jade laughed again at his reaction and the silliness of them arguing over her bike. Maybe I should install that voice module to his programming… ”You know it's not all that bad. There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence and Sparky likes confident people.” she smiled.
"Hm." Killian snapped his fingers, and the cups of soda appeared in his hands. He handed Jade hers, taking a sip from his own. He winked. "I don't think there's a difference between arrogance and confidence, for me." he chuckled softly.
”Why do you say that?” Jade asked as she accepted her drink from him, a little surprised that it was still as cold as before.
Killian shrugged. "Uh…because?" he chuckled softly, and headed inside. "Come on, I'm hungry." he added, looking back at her over his shoulder.
Jade rolled her eyes at his lack of an answer but followed him inside. ”You're not the only one.” she smiled. ”Be sure to set the alarm on my bike before neither of us have it.”
Killian blinked, and set the alarm. Then he tossed her her keys, pulling out his house keys and opening the door to his house, leading her inside. He set his soda down, and snapped his fingers. The pizza box appeared on the table, still piping hot and steaming.
Jade caught the keys easily and slid them into her purse. She had to work hard to keep up her physical skills up so she could do her job… Even if it wasn't enough last night… No, stop thinking about it. You can deal with that later. She shook her head and smiled, ”So, was that some kind of pocket dimension or something?” she asked, gesturing at the pizza.
Killian blinked, then shrugged. "Uh…maybe?" He shrugged again, sitting down. "I don't know. All i know is the pizza went bye bye." He chuckled, taking a drink of his soda.
Jade held back a small laugh at his childish word choice as she sat down with him. ”So you know how to use it, but not how it works?” she questioned. She had always thought that, even if his power wasn't inherited, he had studied quite a bit to become so fluent with his magic.
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