Jade chuckled briefly before she realized how much she was doing that around him. And how much she had smiled at him. It was a little surprising now that she thought about it. Even around Sophie, she wasn't this… She couldn't think of the word to describe how she was acting with him. It felt really good… but he was also strong and lived a similar life to hers, so he understood better than any of her civilian friends could. And he could handle himself very well in those specific situations. She bit her lip thoughtfully as this new puzzle buzzed about in her head.
Killian drove to the pizza place, parking the motorcycle and taking out the keys. "I want to steal this." he said with a grin, turning to look at her. His green eyes were bright and teasing. "Now come on, I'm starving." He got off the bike, and held out a hand to her to help her off.
”Won’t do you any good to try. I can lock down and recall it anytime and just about anywhere.” Jade smirked as she took his hand and slid off the bike. She took off the helmet and walked next to him as they entered the restaurant. ”Do you have any preferences on different types of pizza?”
Killian sighed. "Oh. That's disappointing." he replied, smirking at her to show he was only teasing. "Eh…I prefer pepperoni or meat-lovers or whatever. I don't care for veggie pizza." he made a face.
Jade laughed and playfully punched his shoulder at his teasing. ”Hey, veggie lovers isn't that bad but don't worry, I'm not a big fan of it myself.” she shrugged. ”Pepperoni is a classic though… Think they have cheese in the crust here?”
Killian chuckled, and nodded. "Alright." he shrugged back. "I don't really know. Probably?" he replied, shrugging again.
Jade gave him a causal smile. ”Honestly, as long as it's not thin crust, I'll be happy.” she admitted, just now realizing she was still holding his hand.
Killian chuckled, realizing that they were still holding hands at the same moment. He blinked, and let go of her hand quickly, blushing a little. "Alright." he replied.
Jade cleared her throat as she blushed a bright red and let go of his hand at the same time. Second really dumb thing I've done today. ”S-sorry.”
"It's fine." he replied, leading her up to the line to order. "So, what are we getting?" he asked, eyes flicking over the menu carefully.
Jade nodded, looking at the menu. ”Pepperoni sounds real good. Do you want a large or medium?” she asked not making eye contact, for fear of blushing again.
"Hmm…depends. How much can you eat?" he replied with a grin, looking at her from the corner of his eye, then back up at the menu. "Because a large might work best."
Jade smiled a little shyly. ”I can actually eat a fair amount. I just work out a lot. A large sounds like a good idea.” she agreed.
Killian chuckled. "Alright then." he replied with a grin. "I'll pay. So. A large pepperoni, and two sodas?" he asked. "Anything else?"
”That sounds perfect.” Jade said wide a bright smile but without thinking. ”Thank you, but I don't mind paying either or we could go Dutch.” she suggested.
"Dutch?" Killian asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm afraid that I don't know what that means." he said with a soft laugh.
Jade chuckled softly and looked at him. ”It just means that we split the bill 50/50.” she smiled. ”I don't know where the saying came from but… Apparently, it's a thing.”
"Ooh, okay. Sure." Killian replied as they moved farther up the line. He looked around, humming for a moment.
Jade smiled as she breathed in the fresh-baked smell. She wasn't a regular but she loved coming here. It had a very homey feel to it, you could even see the brick pizza oven from just about any seat. Despite the familiar comforting atmosphere, she had butterflies… and she wasn't really sure why.
"Do you want the stuffed crust or a normal crust?" Killian asked curiously. He looked up at the menu again, gauging prices.
Jade hmmed in thought for a moment. ”If you don't want to get stuffed, we can get the regular. I guess I should have asked if you liked it first.” she ended with a light embarrassed chuckle.
Killian chuckled. "I'm good with either kind." he replied, looking over at her with a small smile.
Jade smiled back. ”If we get stuffed, I’ll pay the difference.” she offered with a shrug. ”I know it's not very healthy so I don't always get it as much as I enjoy it.”
Killian shrugged. "Alright." he chuckled softly. The line moved forward again. "We going to eat here, or somewhere else?" he raised his eyebrows, looking at her.
Jade raised a brow almost teasingly but mostly curious. ”Are you uncomfortable around groups of people?” she asked before looking around. The restaurant wasn't too busy but it was starting pick up. ”Or are you just asking so you can drive the bike again?” she chuckled.