“I dunno.” She glanced at her drink before giving him a puzzled look, “Wait, what would you do if I drove to my place on the motorcycle?”
“I dunno.” She glanced at her drink before giving him a puzzled look, “Wait, what would you do if I drove to my place on the motorcycle?”
"You, missy, are not driving anything. Especially that thing." He lightly poked her cheek in emphasis, his other arm wrapping around her middle to hold her tightly against him–though his grip was still somehow gentle.
She scowled "I'm not that drunk, you can trust me." Even as she said it, she knew it was a lie and a small smile appeared on her face even as she tried to hide it.
"Hmmm, do you even know how to use a motorcycle properly? Sober, that is." He chuckled and kissed the side of her head again. "Sorry, sunshine, but I'll have to say that I don't trust you in this state. You're grinning like a lunatic."
"I think I know how to." She shrugged, "If not, there's a first time for everything." Jynna reached out and grabbed her drink as she continued, trying and failing to stop grinning, "And again, not that drunk."
He shook his head, eyeing her drink that she grabbed again. "Nope. Not gonna happen. I may like you better than most people, but my trust only goes so far."
She sighed and shrugged, “Worth a shot, I guess that means you’re driving back if I’m not?” Swirling her drink around, she glanced around the room absentmindedly.
"Yeup," he said, popping the p. "We going now or not? Or do you want me to buy you another drink, 'cause you seem to like it a lot."
Her eyes flicked to her drink and she bit her lip, "I shouldn't, I'm going to have a hangover in the morning if I drink too much..but one more drink wouldn't hurt, would it?"
He couldn't hold back his amused grin. He leaned back to get the bartender's attention. "Hey, another one of these please?" He pointed at the drink in Jynna's hand. The bartender gave Rhydar a thumbs up and started working on it.
"So," She started, draining the rest of her drink before setting the empty container back on the bar, "When we leave, are you just going to drop me off and go home or not?"
"No. I'm going to keep an eye on you until you get some shut-eye to make sure you don't do anything stupid." He grabbed the drink that the bartender slid to him, passing over the money as he did so. He handed the drink to Jynna. "Your beverage, milady."
She giggled slightly and took the drink with a nod, "Thank you my Prince, remind me to pay you back later for the drink."
"It's on me, so no need." He looked around the cafeteria-like area and back down to the beautiful girl in his arms before him. "Hey, you wanna go someplace quieter?"
"Sure," She agreed, her turquoise blue eyes scanning the space before she looked up at him, "Somewhere quieter sounds nice right now."
He smiled and kept an arm around her waist as he led her through the building. They walked away from all the cheers, deeper into the building. Soon enough, there were so many walls separating them from the fights that the screams were muffled.
They entered a cozy room with cushioned chairs and a single sofa seated around a coffee table. A simple but elegant rug covered the floor beneath the furniture, protecting the polished hardwood floors.
"This place is nice, and quiet like you said,' Jynna said with a smiled as she looked around the new space, starting on her second drink.
"I've stayed true to my word for once. Be happy," he said with a smirk. He escorted her to the sofa, then sat down.
She gladly walked with him to the couch and sat down beside him, setting her drink down on the coffee table so she could relax.
He raised a brow at the drink. "I specifically brought us here for you to drink in peace," he said, his tone amused.
“I’ll drink some more in a few minutes,” Jynna replied, waving a hand in dismissal towards the drink, “Right now I’m just enjoying the quiet.”
"Mmm," he hummed. He tilted his head back to rest it on the back of the couch, eyes closing. He, too, needed some peace and quiet for some time.
She pulled her legs up and crossed them on the couch, reaching out carefully to grab her drink as she did so. Drink in hand, she leaned back against the couch as well.
He tried his best to not fall asleep. He really did. But once he got comfortable in a room full of silence, his brain just switched off and he was out like a light. Thankfully, he wasn't a snorer. Maybe Jynna wouldn't notice that he was sleeping.
When he fell asleep, she really didn't notice right away. Her focus was on the dwindling amount of her drink left in her glass, eventually just causing her to shrug and down the last gulp. "Well Rhydar, I'm ready to go when you are." She said, putting the glass down and leaning against him. She still hadn't noticed he was asleep.
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