@ElderGod-kirky group
"Oh, Josh is cool. He just likes to tease me on a daily basis." Rhydar followed her lead, still munching on his Twizzler.
"Oh, Josh is cool. He just likes to tease me on a daily basis." Rhydar followed her lead, still munching on his Twizzler.
Jynna nodded and laughed lightly, "I know the feeling, I have friends like that." Crumpling up the wrapper to the candy bar, she started on the other one while shoving the wrapper into her pocket.
"Hungry?" he asked with a laugh. His eyes darted around, making sure a certain group of people didn't show up and cause trouble.
"Just a little," She replied, once again leaning against him, "Do you know when the next fight will start?" She was completely oblivious to him looking around and was instead focusing on the last bite of the Snickers.
"In a few minutes, if I guessed correctly." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders when she leaned against him. "You seem a lot more chill about this than what I expected. You never cease to amaze me," he said, looking down at her with an impressed look.
She smiled and shrugged, "This hasn't been as bad as I had anticipated it to be." Her eyes drifted around the room for a little while before she looked back up at him, "Are we going to stay here for the next fight? Or did you want to leave?"
"We can head back over if you wanna watch the next fight." He didn't care either way, just as long as they stayed far away from him and his girl.
"But what do you want to do? I don't really care, I'm fine with either." She replied, her arm looped back around his waist.
"I want to spend as much time with you as possible," he said.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, "You're not helpful, you know that Rhydar?" After debating what to do silently, she kept her arm around his waist and started towards the ring again, "Remind me to buy a drink before we leave."
He grinned at her first comment about him not being helpful. "I try," he teased. When she started leading him towards the ring, he didn't complain. "Will do, Princess."
She led him back to the ring somewhat easily, trying to remember which hallway they had come down to get to the bars from the ring.
He quietly let her try and figure out the way on her own. He figured she'd want to do it on her own. Besides, she was doing fine so far. He didn't need to interject just yet.
"This one, right?" She asked herself out loud but softly, opening a door and hoping it was the right one. It wasn't and she moved onto the next door, a small smile on her face when it was the one she was looking for.
"There you go," he praised, holding open the door for her like the gentleman that he was.
She smiled, “Thank you.” Heading through the door, she stopped to watch the start of the fight, trying to decide who would win.
There were two guys circling each other. One was big and extremely muscular. The crowd was chanting, "HULK! HULK! HULK! HULK!" so it was easy to figure out who he was. The other guy, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as big as his opponent, but he did have muscle and he bounced on his toes, keeping a safe distance from his opponent. He seemed to be analyzing the bigger guy.
"Who do you think is going to win?" She asked, her eyes focused on the fight while she asked Rhydar the question.
He cocked his head as he went over possible strategies, also analyzing the two fighters. "Big dude has strength on his side, but that comes at a cost of speed and steam. He'll be slower and get tired quicker. The scrawny dude," his lips twitched up slightly, "Obviously has speed and dexterity, as well as brains. A quick thinker as opposed to a hard hitter. He'll probably dodge until he can find a weak spot–a kink in the armor–then wear him down and hit him hard. At least, that's what I'd do."
"So you're voting for the little guy?" She smiled slightly and nodded, "Alright, I'm going to agree with you on this one."
"Yeah, I'm gonna go with him. Birds of a feather gotta stick together, right?" He slung an arm around her shoulders as they watched the fight take place. Either one had yet to make a move on the other. The big guy was clearly getting frustrated with the wait, annoyance twisting his face.
She laughed lightly and poked him in the side, starting towards where they watched the fight before, "I suppose, you twig."
He shot a grin her way before turning his attention back to the fight. The big guy got fed up and charged headfirst towards the smaller guy. Just like how Rhydar had predicted it, he ducked and rolled between the other guy's feet, popping back up and slamming his elbow in his opponent's spine.
Her attention stayed on the fight as she finally stopped walking, wincing slightly from the move. The fight reminded her of Will and Rhydar suddenly and she tried to push the thought away, even though it came back a few minutes later.
When she winced, Rhydar lightly squeezed her shoulder while looking down at her, a little worried. "You good, Princess?" He asked quietly, though still loud enough for her to hear him.
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