@ElderGod-kirky group
He stuck his tongue out slightly as he worked, slowly adding layer after layer, the detail slowly coming together. His mind drifted off as he worked, as it usually did.
He stuck his tongue out slightly as he worked, slowly adding layer after layer, the detail slowly coming together. His mind drifted off as he worked, as it usually did.
Jynna focused back on her work, humming slightly when she took a break next and the majority of the one wing was finished.
Rhydar was almost done with his picture. He went heavy on the shading and highlighting of the flowers and vines, making them pop out quite a bit from the wall. They weren't exactly realistic, but they were his and that was all that mattered to him. They were like a cross between a rose and his interpretation of a generic flower. The vines weaved in and out of the flowers, overlapping and ducking under petals. He was quite proud of his latest piece.
The butterfly she was attempting was very obviously her first attempt, though she smiled with pride at her work. She glanced at his artwork and nodded, "That's super cool," She said.
He stepped back to get a better view. "Bit girlier than my usual stuff, but I got a princess to impress." He winked at her.
She laughed lightly and rolled her eyes, "You don't need to impress me Prince, I think you already accomplished that."
He grinned and looked at her butterfly. "Damn. That's better than my first try."
"Nah, bet yours was better," She replied, blushing ever so slightly, "I just did whatever and only paid attention when it came to the details.'
"Mine was a blobby blue cloud, " he said, snorting at the memory. "Yours is definitely better."
Jynna laughed, imagining the picture in her mind, "I guess mine is better than your first try then, though now mine stands no chance against your art."
He gestured to his painting. "This is years of practice. You'll get there in no time."
"I can only hope," She replied, walking over to him and studying some of the other graffiti on the wall.
There were older pieces peeking out from beneath slightly less older pieces peeking out from beneath newish pieces peeking out from beneath new pieces. Abstract stories and thoughts put into splashes of color. Not all were as detailed as Rhydar's or Jynna's, but they still showcased their artist's skill.
Her eyes drifted from piece to piece, causing her to smile at some of them and almost take a picture of others that amazed her.
Rhydar leaned on the shed door, hands stuffed in his pockets as she watched Jynna with a small, idle smile. "Graffiti usually gets a bad rep. Associated with trouble makers and whatnot. It's not always the case–though I am one such trouble-maker, so I'm not an exception."
"I know it can get a bad rep, I'm always just amazed of how they get the art in the places they do." She glanced at him and gave him a small smile, "What's the craziest place you've graffitied?"
"Under a bridge that was going over a small river," he said immediately. "The night that we met, I had just graffitied my old school's lockers. Hence the can of paint that turned out to be an effective weapon."
She laughed and raised an eyebrow, "You spray painted your school's lockers? That's insane, and you didn't get caught?"
He smirked. "Who knows? I left before they could do anything."
"So you didn't get caught," An amazed smile appeared on her face, "Wow..that's insane, what did you paint?"
"It was more like a message with a few splashes of jewels. I usually incorporate them into my work." He shrugged, a grin spreading across his lips.
"I'm slightly curious as to what the message said," She replied, reaching over to the cans of paint she had used to pick them up and put them away.
"I'd prefer to not repeat it." He smirked at her and grabbed his paint cans as well. "Preserve your innocent ears."
She laughed and rolled her eyes, "You're worried about my innocent ears?" With the cans of paint in hand she headed back to the shed so she could put them away.
"Mhm." He followed her, holding open the door for her. "I basically said 'eff you' and some other stuff that would've definitely gotten me expelled."
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