@ElderGod-kirky group
He sat next to her and shrugged, tilting his head back to look at the sky. "I dunno. Whatever worlds for you. This is the place you wanted to go to." He smirked and said without looking at her. "I know something, actually."
He sat next to her and shrugged, tilting his head back to look at the sky. "I dunno. Whatever worlds for you. This is the place you wanted to go to." He smirked and said without looking at her. "I know something, actually."
"Yeah?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and looking over at him with a small smile, "What is it?" Her gaze drifted around to the trees and lake after she had asked the question, she had forgotten how much she loved this place.
"Skinny dipping." It took all his willpower to keep a straight face and not look at her.
She blushed and didn't say anything for a moment, "Skinny dipping?" She started, "I mean, I'm down for it."
He slid his gaze over to her, quite surprised by her response. "I was kidding, but if you're down for it…"
"I've skinny dipped before, though usually I'm drunk or dared to." She said, her face heating up even more, "If you were kidding we don't have to do it, I'm fine either way."
"Well if you really want to…" he said slowly, tilting his head back down as he fully looked at her. His eyes glinted with amusement.
She glanced at him before looking away quickly, "No, no, you were joking, and like I said I don't usually go unless I'm drunk or dared."
He snickered and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close so he could plant a kiss to the top of her head. "Alright."
Jynna leaned against him and wrapped her arm around his waist, "So, instead of skinny dipping, what do you want to do?"
"Already told you I dunno." Rhydar sheugged slightly. "Nothing really comes to mind."
"Well, you're no fun." She sighed, tilting her head up to kiss him on the jaw. "You must have some other ideas."
"Oh, I have ideas, but they're not exactly your kind of activities nor do they involve the park."
Once again, her face flushed and she rolled her eyes, "I don't know what you consider my kind of activities, you did just jokingly suggest skinny dipping and I didn't say no."
He shrugged, not correcting her trail of thoughts with what he was actually referring to. "Ah, but you did indirectly say no by saying that you only did it when dared to or drunk."
"True, but, I still said I would," She countered, waving a hand dismissively, " Nevermind that though, just spit out your ideas, no matter how crazy or how 'not my kind of activities' they are."
"Kay." He ticked them off on his fingers as he listed them. "Go 'borrow' someone's stuff for a bit–preferably a classmate to see how long it takes them to figure it out. Graffiti. Watch some underground fights. The like." He looked at her to see her reaction.
Jynna thought for a moment and shrugged, "The first one didn't sound fun, but the other two would be interesting to try and see."
Rhydar blinked at her. And blinked again. And once again I have misjudged my Princess. "Wait, really?"
"I'm curious alright?" She defended, pretending to scowl at him, "You do that stuff for fun, plus you've come to my favorite spot so it's only fair."
He chuckled. "Okay, which one you want to do first?"
She shrugged, "Whichever, I don't care. I only want to see one of the fights and try graffiting something."
"Well, graffiti is easy to do since all you need is paint and an empty spot. Let's do that first." He winked at her. "Time to see you're artistic capabilities, Princess."
"Oh no," She replied jokingly, grinning slightly, "And time for me to judge your artistic abilities Prince." Looking around she started to stand up, knowing she needed to put the table away before they left.
Rhydar stood as well, stretching. "I am quite talented with a spray can. Paint brushes though? I'll pass." He glanced at the table, and then Jynna. "You want help with that?"
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