forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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He closed his eyes as his Body became calm. “What are you doing to me Jas?” He chuckled.

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“Is that all you’re doing? You know that my heart stops whenever you smile right?” He chuckled, lacing their fingers together.

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“I don’t think love is a sickness,” he laughed. “We should go now.”

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“Good, looks like no one’s here,” he smiled walking through the breach. “Now, go get dressed then we’ll head out.”


Jas flicked a hand to close the breach before heading over to the dresser to grab some dark jeans and a white shirt along with a longer black coat from the closet

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“You look very mysterious right now,” Nick chuckled.

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“Yeah,” he smiled and took Jas’s hand and laced their fingers together. They walked the hall to Central command. “Hey, captain! Got any work…for….us?” As they walked in the room they saw everyone gathered by the Tv watching a replay of his mission yesterday.

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The captain turned around, “There’s no work. Just one question. Why didn’t you tell us you were gay?”
Nick looked to the side. “Well, I thought you knew and I’ll tell you right now. Surprise I’m gay,” he held up Jas’s hand that was laced with his.

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Nick blushed and looked away, “So?”
“Nah, you’re fine it was obvious that you were gay, you too newbie,” the captain shook his head and chuckled. “You can have a date day I don’t mind. Make sure you come back in one piece.”


Jas was going to ask how they could come back in more than one but decided against it, fearing the answer was too suggestive or just odd. He smiled and nodded "ya know, for people who were hunting me down half the time, you guys aren't as bad as I thought you were."

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“Well, we could see that you weren’t really kill or hurt other people. When we saw you in the streets, you wouldn’t glare at people you talked to, especially children. You’re always so sweet when they talk to you. Not to mention you smile a lot more also,” Nick stated.


He blushed and smiled, hiding his face in Nick's shoulder. "I..I never really noticed the way I interact with others…"

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“Yup, totally cute,” he chuckled. “We’ll be on our way captain!” Nick yelled walking away and stroking Jas’s hair. “Very cute.”

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Nick blushed at the sound, “You so are! Maybe a little too cute. Never show this side of you to anyone else got it!”

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He snickered and whispered, “Or else you’ll get punishment. You don’t want that now do you?~” Nick put his hands on Jas’s shoulder.


He laughed softly "and here I thought you were the good guys, you're not supposed to punish." He teased, leaning on Nick's shoulder

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“Well, I’m a bit different,” he chuckled. “Come on I want to show you something,” Nick smilies and took his hand lead Jas out of the building.