forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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(Yay! Can you send the last post you had please? ☺️)


Jas' heart fluttered at Nick's words "my love you will never be lost." He tilted his head up to brush his lips against the other's

Deleted user

Nick pecked him. “I will always be lost in your love darling.” He smiled and kissed his neck. “As long as your lost with me I’ll never truly be lost.”


He simpered softly and leaned his head on Nick's shoulder "how dare you break me down to my rawest form so quickly love?"

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“How dare you steal my heart so quickly when I first met you. You took it and ran, never giving it back,” he argued.

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“Oh yeah…” he smiled and stood up from the couch and walked to his bedroom. He took something from under the bed and walked back to Jas. “Now, it isn’t much but I wanted show my love for you. So I got you this,” Nick opened the red velvet box with two rings in it. “They’re promise rings.”


Jas waited patiently as Nick went to his room. He glanced up at him when he came back with a box, eyes widening when he saw the contence. "It isn't much?" He whispered "live this is so much more than you know, he pulled Nick close to his chest "how long have you've had these?"

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“Since I met you. I was just waiting for the right time to give it to you,” he chuckled and his eyes softened. “Do you…do you like it?”


"I love it, they're beautiful." He said softly, still holding onto Nick and kissing his cheek "why did we wait so long?" He asked softly

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“It’s just a lot has been happening and when I got them you weren’t mine yet,” he took one of the rings. “May I put this on your finger.”

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“I promise to never stop loving you and one day make you mine forever,” Nick looked into his eyes while saying those words.


Jas beamed at him while taking the other ring "and I promise to love you uncontrollably. You've made your claim on my heart since we first met. Now I'm done running from what I've known all along. I'm ready to give myself up to you, I love you, "

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Nick’s eyes shimmered as he placed his hand on Jas’s cheek. “I love you too,” he said and kissed Jas, pulling him closer.

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He leaned forward and pushed Jas under him on the couch, still holding the kiss together. Nick kissed Jas with all the love he had for him maybe even more. He didn’t realize it but he was crying. “I love you…so much.”


Jas, surprised by the furiosity of the kiss but also understanding of the passion for the other behind it, wrapped his arms around Nick's neck and tanglinging his hands in his hair. He pulled away slightly when he felt something wet fall on his cheek. "Baby, are you crying?" He asked softly, freeing one of his hands and brushing away the tear

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“Oh, I didn’t realize. I’m just so happy, I’m definitely to old to be crying. I’m sorry,” more tears ran down his face. “I’m sorry, I’m such a baby,” he chuckled. Nick leaned down and placed his head in Jas’s chest. “Can we stay like this? Just for a little bit?”


"of course my love." He ran his hand through Nick's hair "you're not a baby just because you cry," he muttered

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“Maybe…” his breathing started to steady as he closed his eyes. He yawned a couple times. “I’m…..sleepy….” he whispered.


"sleep my love," he muttered softly "you'll wake up right here, in my arms." He pressed a kiss to Nick's temple

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“You better….be….right….” he whispered then fell fast asleep after yawning one last time.