forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Jas glanced down after Nick fell asleep and smiled "I've always been yours my love. You've had my heart since we met that faithful day in the alleyway, your charm and nature drew me in and I was desperate to keep what I'd found, at any cost. Including becoming your enemy. Now I know we could've avoided those two years of fighting and been together all along." Jas gently turned on his side so that Nick's back was against the couch "I promise I'll make up for those years we lost together,"

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he took deep breaths in and out and snuggled up against Jas. In the morning his eyes opened tiredly and smiled. “Jas,” he kissed his ear and neck. “It’s time to wake up.”

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“I’m sorry but I can’t let that happen,” Nick smirked as his hand moved under Jas’s Shirt. “I said it was time to wake up. If you don’t fallow orders, punishment is in store for you.” He left marks on Jas’s neck.


Jas arched his back into Nick's touch, a slight moan of pleasure escaping him. "And since when do you know me for following any sort of rule or order, hm?"

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“Well you did help me when I asked for it so yes that is an order that you took. Did you know that love?” He whispered, then licked his ear while moving his hand lower.


Jas huffed a laugh "that was not an order, that was a request. I didn't have to come along nor did I have to play nice when the situation arose." He defended, tilting his head and bunching the fabric of Nick's shirt in his hands, careful not to scrape the scars

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“But you did…” he smirked an kissed Jas’s lips while Nicks hands traveled wherever they wanted to.


Jas rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around the others waist, gasping slightly when Nick's hands reached his burn marks near his waist "lovely creature, careful with those hands," he muttered softly

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“Of course love, I’ll be more careful,” he said softly. Nick’s lips traveled down to his chest while his hands travel his thighs.


Jas sighed softly and shut his eyes, "you just love to torment me, don't you?" He asked softly, voice turning rough as Nick explored

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“You guessed correctly, you get a treat,” his hand and mouth switched places. His mouth inching up more every time he kissed his thigh. Then the door busts open. Nick stayed still slowly turning around. “Hey, Charlotte, Mellissa, Melody what brings you here?”


Has jumped as the door opened, quickly grabbing the blanket to cover himself, even though he was wearing shorts and a shirt "you know these three?" He asked Nick,

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“Yeah….Charlottle is my sister the other two are just friends from high school who fell in love with me. They still chase me knowing I’m gay.”
“What are you doing with him!” The girls yelled.
“Well, he’s my boyfriend.” Nick answered.


Has waved "hello! Uhm….this is very akward……Nick, please tell me this is your apartment and not your sister's…"

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“It’s mine my sisters just have the key,” he chuckled.


Jas nodded and relaxed a bit into the couch "cool, uhm I'm Jas, nice to meet you," he said to the three girls, still standing near the doorway

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“Z-Zoltan doesn’t belong to you he belongs to us actually so back off. He loves us not you!” Mellissa and Melody pulled Zoltan away from the couch and the both took one arm.
“Now now ladies let’s not-,” he looked over at Jas who didn’t look okay, kind of angry actually.


Has tilted his head slightly and snapped his fingers, opening a breach in the dimension. He stood, the blanket like a cloak around him "then I'll let you three have your fun," he growled softly, keeping eye contact with only Nick. He stepped through and closing the breach behind him

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“Jas!” He shook the girls off his arm and opened a breach himself. “Don’t you dare fallow me! When will you learn that I only love Jas!” Nick breached himself to wherever Jas has been. He closed it right after. “Hey, Jas, babe, you know I only love you, right?”


Jas sat on top of a roof and huffed a laugh "is that what you say to everyone after they figure out you have other livers invade the first one fails?" He knew the words stung, he knew he'd regret them.later but he didn't care at the moment, jas' had his heart torn out and broken enough times to know when things weren't going right

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“Jas, you know I don’t think like that. They’re just friends, but they don’t seem to get that. I’m sorry that they said those things to you. Do you remember what I said last night? So you believe them or me. I would never ever play with someone’s feelings. Especially yours. You know that don’t you?” Tears started to run down Nick’s face. “Right?”


"friends that you were so ready to let down easily with your words. I saw that change in tone when you spoke to them, the fake in your easy smile when you addressed them." He accused, tears staining his face as well. He should stop, accept the minor mistake made and move on. But hadn't that action cost him his heart teme and time again?

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“Well, one is my little sister and two I was nervous. I was thinking about you the whole time. I was thinking about you might feel. When they said those thing I wanted to punch them, but I don’t like punching girls. When you left I snapped and lashed out on them. Remember that promise ring I gave you and the promise that came with it? I promise that I will love you forever and will one day make you mine forever,” Nick reached to touch his face and wipe away the tears. “You remember that right?” Nicks tears grew thicker and more flowed.


Jas leaned into his hand "I don't want a promise. I don't want to 'one day' be yours. I don't want that feeling of losing you Everytime someelse makes a claim on you. That bold claim they made, 'he loves us not you're that's what tears Me in half." He said, more tears streamed down his face