forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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“Okay, what I meant by make you mine forever was to marry you. I know it isn’t the best place but you said you didn’t want a promis or a some day so. Jas, the love of my life will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?” Nick held out a ring.


"wh-what? Now?! Here?! But…" He glanced around the rooftop and sighed in defeat "you jerk, you just love seeing me struggle don't you?" He relaxed and looked at Nick with a smile "I might make you wait for it," he threatened, whiping away tears

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“I do love seeing you struggle. That’s fine with me,” Nick wiped away his own tears. “May I kiss my prince?”


"ah but I didn't say yes or no yet, how do you know I'm still not mad at you?" He asked with a tilt of his head, a smile spreading across his lips

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“You’re right I don’t know. But you don’t need to say yes to my proposal to yes to my kiss,” Nick smiled himself and moved closer to Jas. “Now, I’ll ask again. May I kiss you?”

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“No, it would just mean I get to kiss you. If you really don’t want me to then I won’t. I respect you and your choices,” he looked up.


He sighed softly and leaned his head on Nick's shoulder. "I'm sorry for the outburst earlier, I could've handled that better without storming off."

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“It’s alright, just know I’ll always come after you no matter what it takes,” he yawned. “It’s early in the morning though and I’m hungry!”


"yeah I noticed, you broke through the breach." He laughed and snuggled into Nick's lap "by the way, my answer is yes."

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He smirked, “for what the kiss or my proposal?” He joked.

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He kissed back and slipped the ring on Jas’s finger. “Perfect fit.”

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“I got it before you were my boyfriend,” he smiled. “Do you like it?”

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“Yep,” he chuckled. “Seriously I’m starving can we go get something to eat or can you cook?”


"I'll cook, I have no money on me." He laughed and stood "I was gonna propose to you, you did the promise ring and I was gonna do the engagement ring." He whined, opening up a breach and stepping through

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“Propose to me then,” he smirked walking through the breach.


"don't worry love, soon." He teased, appearing at the institute "when will your sister and friends be gone?"

Deleted user

“They might be gone knowing my sister. I’ll go check. Wait here,” he stated and opened a gate to his apartment. No one was home so we went back to Jas. “They’re gone.”

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He nodded as they reached his apartment. “You better make something good because I’m hungry!” He yelled and stretched himself out on the couch.