forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Jas took a deep, controlled breath and shut his eyes "fantastic~" he growled, pressing his hands to his hand and rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looked down at Nick's sleeping form and sighed softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his head. "You don't deserve this, my love. Not you, such a beautiful person." he kissed his lips and gently pulled away, tucking the pillow to replace the missing warm, next to Nick.
He glared over to Ryder before pulling out his phone and making a few calls to Immortals he knew, hoping at least one of them knew of a Decayer.

Deleted user

Ryder threw his hands up in defense.

Nick has stayed quiet. Everything he heard was breaking him. The more impossible it seemed, the more he wanted to give up. “I’ll be okay right? I won’t die right?”