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"I'm ready to do out even though it i really warm in here, my boxers don't want to be in here." He laughed. Nick turned off the shower head and stepped out. He grabbed a towel drying his body before drying hair.
"I'm ready to do out even though it i really warm in here, my boxers don't want to be in here." He laughed. Nick turned off the shower head and stepped out. He grabbed a towel drying his body before drying hair.
Jas shook out his hair in the shower before stepping out and grabbing a second towel and drying himself off. "let me know when you're done." he said, stepping out of the bathroom to let Nick have privacy while he pulled on a shirt and wrapped a towel around his waist
Nick nodded. Nick sat down and changed his underwear and put on some pants. He stopped at the shirt and sighed. "I-I'm done, but can you help me with my shirt. I don't want to rip any stitches.
Jas peeked in and shut the door behind him "of course love." he took he shirt and nodded to him "raise your arms up as much as you can." he said, looking at the scars and frowning softly
Nick raised his arms up, but only half way. "Hey….none of these scars are your fault. They're either me because reckless or abuse. So, don't put it all on yourself okay?"
"if I had been there with you like I promised to always to be, you wouldn't have gotten shot and you wouldn't have had to gotten surgery. You wouldn't have gotten that thing inside and you wouldn't have gotten scars fro the surgery." He took a beep breath and slid down so his head rested in Nick's lap. "I swore to you that I would stay with you and to protect you always."
"Look at me." Nick raised Jas's head. "None of this is your doing. They were targeting me from the start. Weather you were there or not. It's not your fault. You aren't the one supposed to be doing all the protecting. I'm here too. I do rely on you, but you also rely on me. So either way one of us would be in the hospital because we won't let the other die. I love you okay?"
"yes but if I was there..I…" he shook his head, determined not to cry again "it should've been me. you don't deserve any more pain my love." He kissed his hand repeatedly and rested his head in Nick's lap "I love you too, more than I could ever tell you." he replied softly
"There is nothing you could've, should've, or would have done to stop it. Things turned out this way. So what? I'm still here I'm still breathing. i still have you and that's all I need." Nick kissed his forehead and played with Jas's hair. "Now, help me put o this shirt before i call my sister to talk some sense into you."
"She'd probably get you too since you're interrupting her time with her girlfriend." Jas laughed softly, sniffling slightly and wiping his eyes. He stood up, pressing a kiss to Nick's head and slipping the shirt over him. "can you stand up or do you want help?"
"Probably and a little help please," Nick laughed. He reached out his hands. "I'm glad I get to go home tomorrow too."
(it's ok!!)
Jas gently pulled him up and hugged him close, both to help Nick gain balance and for his own comfort. After a few moment, he guided him back to the room. "Me too, finally I get to have you all to myself without all the doctors hanging around."
Nick laughed. "Why are you planning to do naughty things to me?" He teased.
"No, not necessarily. I just like to have you in the comforts of my own bed instead of in some hospital bed countless of people have lied on." he said, walking Nick around the room a bit more
"You know they sanitize the bed and change the sheets every time they fix my bed right?" Nick laughed and kissed his cheek. "This is a hospital it's meant not to get people sick."
"Yes but still, if you do think about how many people have lied on the bed, it's an unsettling thought to have while kissing you." He smiled and slowly let go of one of Nick's hands, letting him walk with less dependence.
Nick didn't even notice he was walking. "Think of how many people had sex in that bed." Nick laughed.
Jas shook his head and cringed slightly "I highly doubt that they'd allow patients to use the beds for that but it's still a very disturbing image." He gently took his other hand back but stayed close to Nick incase he did fall
"Allowing and doing are two different things. You know how many laws we have and how many people don't fallow them." Nick pointed out.
"true. but I still don't want to think about it." she shook his head and took a step back with a smile "you're doing great love,"
“Doing great at what?” Nick asked.
Jas arched an eyebrow at Nick and raised his hands to show him he wasn't holding him anymore
Nick look looked down and found that he was standing. "Oh…Oh! Were you holding my hand the whole time we were walking?!"
Jas laughed and nodded "You were doing so well so I started letting go." He came back to his side and wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him into a hug. "you'e so cute."
"I am not cute! I'm just proud that I did it myself." Nick kissed Jas. "And thank you for helping me."
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