Jas shrugged “at the time they set an example for me. it gave me a chance to see what good guys did, what the hero’s were supposed to be like.” He tilted Nick’s head back into the water to get the larger out before repeating the shampoo again. “I tried my best to fit that standard.”
"Well, I think you need no standards because I like you the way you are." Nick grinned. "Don't change okay?"
He smiled and pressed a kiss to Nick’s lips. “Thank you my love.” He rinsed off his hand and covered Nick’s eyes so lather wouldn’t get in them as he tilted his head back once again to wash out the shampoo. He found a bottle of conditioner and massages it into Nick’s hair to leave in for a bit
"That feels good!" A shiver went down his spine. "You should do this more often. You could be a professional at this."
He chuckled softly “what? Shower with people and wash their hair or just wash hair?” He asked “cuz I’m only showering with you, no one else.”
Nick laughed lightly. "I mean wash hair. It feels nice when you do it." Nick wrapped his arms around Jas and pecked his lips.
He laughed softly and nodded to the kiss. “I might look into it love,” he mused, running his hand through Axel’s hair to get the tangled out.
“No~ I was joking. I only want you to wash my hair.” He hummed. “You are reserved for only me…” he said softly.
"always and forever yours, my love," he stroked his cheek and pressed a kiss to his head "No one elese." he promised
"Good." Nick grinned. "Alright, let me wash your hair. I was the one who turned it blue so there.
Jas laughed and turned "so does that mean you have ultimate ownership over my hair?" he asked, taking out the braid and letting the chunk of hair fall with the others
"Yes, that's exactly what it means." he grinned. and took the shampoo and massaged it into his head.
Jas shook his head with a smile and tilted his head back with a small hum, reveling in the feel of Nick's hands in his hair.
"Does it feel good?" Nick grinned. He took the showerhead and rinsed out his hair. "Why did you want to wear boxers in the shower?"
He nodded slightly in response and closed his eyes.
"For what I said before. i'm not ready for that yet. I know I promised you when we got home and I'm fine with that. I guess I didn't want the temptation of doing it here, especially in a hospital.
"Ah…" he nodded. "Don't worry about it. Wait did you just say that my body was hot and that it turns you on?" Nick smirked.
Jas glanced over his shoulder at him and smiled "If that's what you got from my statement then yes, yes I did." He turned and tugged Nick close by the waist. "You're my temptation love, you always have been."
"I'm glad then." Nick wrapped his hands around Jas's neck. "I love you." he giggled and kissed Jas's lips, running a hand through Jas's hair.
“I love you too,” He nudged into the kiss and nodded his head to the kiss, his hands trailing the scars on his back and sides, whispering words in between the kiss
Nick's eyes would open and then flutter shut. "You're such a….t-tease…" Nick trailed kisses down Jas's neck. He pushed Jas against the wall. "I'm still a top, do not forget that," Nick whispered before starting to wash his body with soap.
Jas moaned softly and shut his eyes "yes my love, I know." he bit his lip and ran a hand through Nick's hair "now it's all soft and silky." he smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips "You're mine. Never forget that."
"Yes, my prince, I know." Nick grinned. "Let me finish washing your hair." Nick put shampoo in again and then went to the conditioner. "My hair is always going to be soft, silky, and white."
He leaned into Nick's hands with a small, satisfying hum, tugging him close by the waist.
"I like it~" he trilled softly, gently combing through Nick's hair with his hands
"So, do I." Nick kissed his forehead before rinsing the conditioner from his hair. "Now your hair is soft and silky."
Jas ran a hand through his own hair and smiled "yay!" he rinsed it again just to make sure all the shampoo and conditioner was out. "ready to get out or are you too comfortable?"