forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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"Well, let's check the videos. It looks like their documented days of an experiment of some sort. Probably about that thing that used to be inside me." Nick pressed play and listened.


Has watched in silent anticipation. What else could possibly be in Nick? The doctors had said he was fine and that the surgery had been fine. Was it really possible that they had missed something? He squeezed Nick close to him in worry and kissed his head

Deleted user

The video showed two men fixing a camera. One stepped back. "Do you think that's good Ray?" he asked. The man, Ray, nodded. "Okay, I guess we'll start. Hi there this is day one of the solution that we've put inside out young lady here. Of course we had a guy, just encase there were different effects. Anyway, this drug?" he looked over at Ray then shrugged. "We'll call it a drug. This drug consists of ingredients that can take away peoples powers. But to maintain that loss of power. The drug we'll keep spreading. So we made the drug alive. Isn't that cool?! I think it's pretty awesome. Anyway, we did a few tests already and it seems to be going well. No harm to the body yet. Of course, being able to stop this is simply taking it out, right? Before we do that though I want to see how this progresses. Ray mind showing the X-ray?"

Ray nodded. "No, touching the bodies, Zach." Ray made an X-ray of the of bodies and put it up o the projector. It showed, what looked like, a clumpy white blob slowly spreading from the place where it was injected.

"In fact this thing is purple and fill lots of thing that will make the human body….well….how do I put it…."

"Shrivel?" Ray answered.

"Yes, that's the word thank you very much. Other than that. That our daily report for today this is Ray and Zach signing off." Zach smiled and turned off the camera. The video ended.

"The hell…" Nick had a disgusted look of his face.


Jas watched mortification until the video ended. he slowly shut the computer off and set it to the side "we got that thing out of you right? that's what the doctor had on the tray when they finished the surgery. he told me you were fine, that all you need was rest." Jas brought his knees up to his chest and clasped his hands in front of him, trying to keep them from shaking "they said you were fine to go home…"

Deleted user

"Hey, hey, they probably missed something. Let's watch the rest of the videos okay? Maybe there's something in there." Nick turned around and kissed Jas's lips. I don't know what's happening inside my body and that scared me more than anything. Let's watch the rest ad see if we find something."


Jas shook his head "no, I can't watch anymore. what if it's something worse?" He peeked up, tears streaming down his face as he looked at Nick "they promised me you were ok." he whimpered softly and buried his head in his knees, trying to control his breathing and his shuddering

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Nick cupped his cheeks. "Listen to me! How will I ever get better if we don't know what's going on? I promise you I'm and deathly afraid to see what comes next. I don't know what's going to happen to me. But I am trying my hardest not to smash this computer to the wall and crawl up in a corner. So pull it together."


Jas leaned into his hand and released a shaking breath, shitting his eyes tightly as more tears fell. “If id been there with you…” he trailed off, knowing now that he could wish all he wanted, nothing was going to change The present. He scooted close to Nick and wrapped his arms around him, burying his face in his neck. “I’m here.” He said softly, peeking at the computer screen

Deleted user

"That's all I need." Nick kissed his lips before turning back around. Nick scrolled down to a video that read 'Take out day!' He assumed that meant they were taking it out. "Are you ready?"


He whimpered softly at the title of the video but nodded, holding on to Nick tightly as he watched the screen, his heart pounding. He had always hated anything that had to do with medical practices. he knew that the men and women who worked as doctors and nurses meant well but the practices themselves made him sick to his stomach. Watching this was no different, though it wasn't for the good of anyone this time, it was for an experiment. An experiment that was continuing in his fiance's body. He gritted his teeth in frustration hugged nick close, wishing that he had the power to remove whatever it was that was in Nick

Deleted user

Once the surgery was over, Zach rid his forehead on the sweat. "Can you take another X-ray, now that it's out." The other doctor with him nodded. He put the X-ray up on the projector. "Nothing wrong with the girls body. Though, this is interesting. In the guy body there seems to be a seed inside. Not sperm or anything. Hey, do another X-ray, but keep it on the board so we can see in continuously."

Ray nodded and did exactly that. The picture started to change slowly and vine like thing would grow in the body.

"What the hell is that?! Isn't so…interesting!" Zach analysed the picture. "What exactly is it doing. This is not weird." He moved to the body and opened up the chest. "I can't see anything even though it right on top of the heart. I can't see a thing." He looked in between the body and the X-ray. "Huh. Now what's it doing?" The vines seem to be spreading through the body. It seemed to be slowing down though. "Okay, okay, well, this is a fine discovery. He seems to still have all his powers, but this thing has like a mind of it's own. I guess, that's all for today. This is Zach and Ray signing out!"

The video stopped and Nick sat there. His eyes had no more color in it. Everything was gone. Tears ran down his eyes. He didn't whine nor did he move he just had there, lifeless.


Jas gaped at the video, silent tears from his eyes. He gently turned Nick’s head away from the screen and pressed his head to his shoulder “they’re wrong. That’s not in you. The doctors would have found it when they did the surgery. Ryder gave us the wrong drive or something.” He rambled, slight sobs escaping him.

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Ryder popped up from the window. “Excuse me, but what reason do I have to lie. You already have it out for me. If I didn’t tell you you’re boyfriend would be dead in a couple of weeks. Do an X-ray and see for yourself.”


Jas snapped his head to the window, eyes rimmed darkly. He let out a slight growl and pressed Nick close. “get out of here. I don’t want to see you or any of your colleagues again. You’ve caused us enough pain, don’t you think? I hope you’re happy with yourself.” he swore to himself he wouldn’t cry in front of Ryder, he wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction seeing his tears, but the pain in his eyes was something he couldn’t hide.

Deleted user

“You think I’m happy about this? If I’d known what that bullet was going to do I wouldn’t have done it. The guy just said it could take away his powers. You think wanted to see both of you suffer? Jeez if want to blame anyone blame the one who created it.” Ryder laid across the windowsill.


I blame you cuz you shot the gun, no one forced you to.” He was shaking at this point, whether from anger or from fear for his Fiancé, he couldn’t tell. “how do I get it out of him?” he asked, equally fearing whatever sick procedure would come from this

Deleted user

"I don't know you have to watch the video. Something about the heat. Or was it ice. I think it was both. Watch the next video." Ryder shrugged. He sighed and walked towards Nick. "We're in the same boat you know. I had this too. I mean I was the test subject. I'm okay now. Which means you'll be okay."
Nick looked over to Ryder and cried. "I don't want it!" Nick dug his head into Jas's neck.
Ryder smiled and walked back to the window. "Let him cry for a bit it helps."


Jas held Nick close, nuzzling his head gently,letting new tears fall. he looked at Ryder "you might be ok, but are you the same as before?" he asked, not expecting an answer, instead he turned away from the window, shielding Nick from his and seemingly from any other harm.

Deleted user

"No. I still have my powers. I'm not the way I used to be though. How can I? I had vines wrapping around my organs. It's something you can forget." Ryder sat back on the window still and smiled. "I didn't have anyone to comfort me I was alone. But he has you. I think that's all he needs right now."


Jas didn't know what to say, instead he just held onto Nick a bit more tightly "what purpose does this serve? Is he just another experiment? or was this some cruel thing you and your people came up with to torture him?!" he took in a shuddering breath and buried his head in Nick's shoulder "I promised you, i promised no harm would come to you and I failed…" he sobbed quietly

Deleted user

"My people are dead. Every last one of them controlled used and killed. Thrown out like trash. I don't know if he's an experiment. Like I said I did know this would happen. If I had known I wouldn't have done." Ryder looked out the window. "But one thing that you do need, is to get it together. You have a boyfriend to save."


He wiped away tears and gently shifted so that Nick was in his lap and the computer was in front of them "and this tells us how to get it out of him?" He asked, facing Ryder again, tempted to shove Ryder out the window but knew he'd probably come back or not die some way.

Deleted user

"Well, there is another day which is how you get it out of him. Now you know what's growing inside him." Ryder sighed. "My knowledge goes no further after that."


Jas nodded and shut his eyes momentarily, needing to calm his nerves and powers down a bit. "I hate you, whatever that's worth." he opened his eyes and glared at the screen, watching as the pair came on screen again. he clutched Nick close, stroking his hair and resting a hand on his stomach beneath his shirt, needing to feel his warm and skin.

Deleted user

Nick had cried himself to sleep. He wasn’t even listening to the conversation.

“Heyo~. We’re back. We figured out a way to break the vines. So the vines are basically like cages. It’s protecting the body and organs. But it’s only going to expand. Thus, exploding the body. Now, we predicted that that person has about 20-25 days. This growth is very slow. Back on topic. So, these vines are basically plants. You use whatever you would use to kill plants through this will end in the person dying. Plant chemicals don’t go well with humans. So, you can either rip it out of the body. But. I think you know how that will end. Death. You have to find someone with a decaying power. Then they can internally destroy the plant. This has a 5% chance of working. The other 95% results in death. Is that all Ray?” He turned back.

“Yeah, I believe so. Oh! People with these powers might not want to help you or can hurt you more because they can have more than one power.” Ray commented. “Anyway, see ya later!”

The video ended.