"oh yes you are." he smiled at the kiss and nodded "of course. want to keep going since you're doing so well or do want to rest a bit more?" he asked with a tilt of his head, glancing up at he saw movement in the window. He narrowed his eyes slightly and tightened his grip on Nick.
"What's wrong?" Nick asked looking at his hand. "What did you see?" Nick looked at the window.
"Someones here. Someone who shouldn't be here." he brandished his knife and nudged Nick away from the window. He walked to the side of the door and waited, watching the window carefully for more movement
Nick stayed quiet. He knew he couldn't fight, nor did he have his powers back yet. He felt a little helpless.
(ok, before i keep going, are you ok with bringing the dude who shot Nick back?)
(Sure it create more drama lol)
(oki cool)
Jas kept an eye on the door, moving swiftly as it was flung open to a young man. Jas quickly twisted the man's arm behind him and held the knife to his neck "I thought i told you never to come near me or my fiance." he growled lowly in his ear, eye turning white around the edges
"You think I would fallow that rule? Besides, I'm not under his sister's orders any more. So, I can do whatever the hell I want. Kill me I dare you. Kill me in the middle of the hospital I urge you to do it." Ryder smirked.
"W-Who is he?" Nick asked. He wasn't exactly there when they interrogated him. He was clueless.
"The one who shot you." he replied.
"I don't have to kill you hear," he purred in his ear, something that would almost sound seductive if only Jas wasn't so angry. "I could always breach you to Antarctica and kill you there."
Nick's eyes widened. "L-Let him talk. He can't be here to kill right? In the middle of a hospital. If he says or does anything wrong, then you can kill him, but let him speak"
"You are so not worth Jas's time. Anyway, he is right. I'm not armed. You can send me out or…you can hear me out. It's about your weird-ass fiance with white hair.~." Ryder cooed.
Has growled animalistically before shoving off of him and walking to the door to lock it. He then walked over to Nick and pulled him close against his chest, holding the knife out in from of them both. “You should be glad he’s still alive, otherwise you’d be torn to shreds.” He still held a low growl in his voice but it relaxed slightly when close to Nick. His eyes still flowed brightly with power. “What do you want?”
He put his hands up, surrendering. "Cool down man. Anyway, I know you had surgery to get the thing I put inside you removed. Though, there is something else you have to do to get it out. Wanna know what it is?" He hummed.
Jas held tightly to Nick "Let me guess, you're not going to tell us unless we give you something first?" Jas rolled his eyes with a smirk "how fun, and I suppose there's a time limit to this one time offer?" he laughed harshly, his eyes wild with rage. He always got theatrical when he got mad, a way to release some tension as well as a way for him to rationally talk with someone without ripping their head from the rest of their body
"Honestly I would say break up with him and come with me. But that would break your little heart wouldn't it white hair. Anyway, you don't have to give me anything, but I know someone who does. Everything you need to know is on this drive…but there is something else you need to know…"
Jas narrowed his eyes suspiciously, the air around them growing cold. "That's awfully generous of you." his body started to fade from view, his eyes were the only thing that were clearly visible. "Oh? a third party? how interesting." his voice sound distanced though he himself had not moved from his spot close to Nick "What would that be?"
"No matter what happens do not and I mean do not let me touch you, listen to your voice, or look you in the eyes. That's how he controls you. Of course, I'm telling you this for your sake not your fiance's. I still would very much like to kill him. Until he can stop my bullets I wouldn't be doing so. Any questions?"
“Mm, isn’t that just torture for you.” Jas chuckled softly and came back in full view “yes actually. Why tell us any of this? Hm? I’m sure you’d love to have me under any control and have him dead. Why warn us?”
"That would be awesome if I was that guy, but I'm not. I warned you because then I wouldn't be able to do things like this." Ryder sat up and pecked Jas's lips.
Nick grew angry at this action. "You don't touch him!" he yelled.
"What are you going to do about it huh? Anyway, bye-bye. See you next time!" Ryder jumped out the window and landed on the ground safely.
Jas immediately backed away from the kiss and wiped his lips. He glared at Ryder and watched him leave, shutting the window after him and running a hand through his hair in frustration. He then silently walked over to where the drive was and pulled out his laptop from his bag. He pulled Nick to him as he settled on the bed and scrolled through files and videos.
Nick was angry, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Nick took Jas’s chin and kissed his lips. He wrapped his hands around Jas’s neck. “You’re mine and only mine!”
Jas’ features softened when Nick kissed him and he turned his attention to him. “Yes my darling creature. I’m all yours, tangible and intangible.” He pressed a long slow kiss to his lips
Nick kissed back, sitting on his lap. "Once I get my powers back, he'll pay. I'll make sure of it. Even though I'm still a hero I can have revenge once in a while right?" Nick kissed Jas's neck and then back to his lips. "I think I'm allowed to."
He laughed softly and tilted his head “so you draw the line at kissing me, not shooting you? Love, I think your priorities are a bit off.” He peppered Nick with kisses and hugged him close, still on edge. “You’re only allowed as long as I can come with, I need a bit of vengeance too. He’s come and gone alive one too many times for my liking.”
Nick nodded frantically in agreement. "So…what exactly did he give you?" He turned around and looked at the computer. He began to scroll seeing what was there.
“I’m not entirely sure. There’s a lot of articles on the gun he used and about the wound out come but we’ve already seen al this. There’s nothing new. I haven’t checked the videos yet so there might be something there.” He said, resting his head on Nick’s shoulder as he read over the pages