"yes, yes you are." He smiled up at him and let himself be led outside "oooh a surprise?"
"yes, yes you are." He smiled up at him and let himself be led outside "oooh a surprise?"
“Of course what else would it be?” He chuckled. “Ready love?”
"ready, I think…" He smiled excitedly, clinging close to Nick as they went through the door
“Awesome!” Nick smiles walking along the city. “I never really expected to show this so soon. It’s only because I proposed to you early. I wanted to propose to you next week on a Saturday because that’s when the sun is most beautiful,” he chuckled. “You are full of surprises.”
"well then I'm glad we can see it now." He smiled up at him. "How am I full of surprises?"
“Well, first off you told me you wanted to get married to me, you also stole my first, second, and third kiss, then you stole my heart, you aren’t a villain because you care about children, speaking of which wanna adopt?”
Jas stared up at him in Surprise "no-now? I mean I'd love to adopt but I don't think we're ready for that quite yet,"
“I don’t mean now,” he chuckled. “I mean when we are ready. I’m not going to push you to do anything hun.”
He relaxed and leaned against the others shoulder "yeah, i'd love to adopt. Raise a family."
“Great, we’re almost there,” he smiled and continued to walk and stopped at a tall building.
He tilted his head up to the building "and here is where exactly?" He asked Nick
“It’s not the building it’s what’s on top of the building. Come on,” Nick pilled Jas along into the building and and steeped in the elevator. “It’s not much, but I got the institution to do it for me. I wanted to propose to you here,” he smiled pressing the highest level. “We’ll have to take that stairs after we get off the elevator.”
He nodded, his smile widening "I could just break is their if you'd like." He suggested
“No it’s better if we don’t use our powers because I can show you something that I did by hand. It’s special,” he smiled and walked out the elevator as it stopped on the right floor. “Over here,” he pointed to the stair case.
"and when did you find the time to set this up?" He asked, intriged by Nick. He clung to his arm "your completely adorable when excited."
“Well, every night I would make arrangements. I have connections,” he said as they started walking up the stair case and made it to the top. “Okay, close your eyes and I’ll guide you.”
Jas nodded, excitement rising "ok they're closed."
Nick took the right off Jas’s Finger and kneeled I front of a sign that had a sunset behind. The sign read ‘Will you marry me my love?’ “You can open now.”
Jas slowly opened his eyes, his breath hitching as he took in the beautiful scenery and the sign. His eyes softened as read the sign and returned his gaze to Nick "you stole my first and second proposal to you."
“You stole my first, second, and third kiss. So now we’re even,” he laughed. “Will you marry me Jas?”
He laughed and nodded "how many times will you ask before you understand that I'll always say yes to you." He knelt down and hugged the other close "yes, yes, yes and a million times yes."
He chuckled hugging Jas back. He slipped the ring back on Jas’s finger. “I love you so much.”
He pulled back slightly to gaze up at him "I love you more." He replied, tracing Nick's jawline
“I love you most,” he closed his eyes and leaned into his hand.
He pulled Nick close into a tender kiss, savoring his sweetness and the natural curves of his mouth
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