forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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He eyes closed softly and wrapped his hands around Jas. “We should probably head home huh,” he mumbled against his lips.


"hm? Yeah, it's getting late." He replied against the others lips, kissing him once more before standing


"not at all." He waved his hand and opened up a split in the dimensions. He took Nicks hand in his and walked through

Deleted user

As soon as he walked through the breach he kiss Jas and walked up against the door.

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He smirked and kept on kissing Jas. He started to kiss up and down his neck.


His breath hitched slightly. His hands trailed over Nick's scars on his upper back, careful not to hurt him. "Beautiful, extraordinary, gorgeous."

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“I’m fragile too you know,” he mumbled in Jas’s neck. He smiled, “You are beautiful, gorgeous, and extraordinary than any life on this Earth.”


Then how come I feel as if I'm the one who's gonna break?" He breathed. "You're strong love, stronger than you care to admit." He pulled back slightly to look at Nick "you're here after all that hardship aren't you?"

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He chuckled and shook his head, “But aren’t you too? I’m only here because you game me the strength to keep going. Without you I would be lost. You’re my light shining in the dark. You make me strong and that means you’re stronger than you think.”


He smiled softly at his words "even if I was a thorn in your side two of those years?" He teased lightly, fiddling with strands of his hair

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“You were never a thorn in my side. If anything you healed my scars. I’m great full for you coming into my life,” he leaned into Jas’s Hand.


He breathed a happy sighed and rested his head on Nick's chest "why does our passion filled kisses turn into heartfelt words?"

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“Because there are somethings a kiss can’t tell the other,” Nick chuckled stroking Jas’s hair


“For everything. For giving me second chance at love. For finding me again and again even if i didn’t want you to. For loving me even if it’s the last thing I deserve.” He said, burrying his face into Neck’s neck

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“I will always give you a change, if you run and keep running all the way to Mars I’m going to come after you no matter what, and love is always going to be the first thing you deserve. You weren’t really loved by anyone and that broke you. The first thing you deserve is love so you can learn how to love others the same way people love you,” Nick smiled. “Can I see those beautiful eyes of yours?”


He smiled softly and peeked out from his hiding spot, his dark hair falling into his eyes "you can't really run to Mars."

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“You know what I mean! The point is I would get to you know matter how far you go,” he chuckled ruffling his hair. “Want me or you to cook tonight?”

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“I’ll cook later mmm” he mumbled and held Jas close as he kissed him.