"It's my secret kind of thing. It's a perfect blend I actually accindentally came up with when I was fussing in the kitchen one day," Lee admitted with a chuckle. "I wasn't sure how it happened, but it made the perfect blend for… Well…. It works on other things besides grilled corn."
Silver smiled, "Well every cook has his secrets." he said, "I actually have a couple blends myself, but they're all at home"
"Maybe you can bring them over next time and we can try them out on ribs or steak or sirloin or something," Lee said, putting his fork and knife down to have a sip of water. "That would be amazing…."
Silver grinned, "You're making me hungry just thinking about it!" he said, finishing off his portion.
"Well, I can always make dessert or something – maybe pie, cake, cupcakes, cookies…. Whatever you want, really…." Lee finished his food too. "Or if you're full, I respect that."
"Pastries sounds like fun" said Silver, "Though I have to warn you it's the one thing I was never able to master"
"Maybe I can help you," Lee said with a smile, standing up. "To be truthful, I was never really able to cook – no matter what it was…" He picked up his dirty dishes and took Silver's, assuming he was done. "But here I am, crafting the best grilled corn," He laughed, setting the stuff in the sink.
Silver grinned, clearing away some of the dirty dinner dishes, grabbing the rest with a flair of silvery aura. "I've always wanted to try baking a cake, but I always burn it…" he said wryly.
"It depends on how long you bake it at what temperature. I truthfully don't have a recipe of my own for cake, and that's why I have this–" He slapped a book on the counter. "It's an entire book of recipes passed all the way down to me from my great-great-great grandmother. Plus some of the signature ones the other generations came up with along the way. My mother was a tad disappointed when she realized she had to pass the book to a son rather than a daughter… But I still have it…." He forced out a grin.
Silver laughed, "And who said guys can't cook!" he said, laughing, "So, did your grandmother have a good recipe for cake?"
"Well, lets have a look…." He flipped through it. "Unfortunately, some of the secret ingredients that the much earlier generations used have… Have gone extinct, so there's no possible way to make them…" He stopped at a certain page. "But my grandmother does have something she calls a sunflower cake. Don't worry, it really doesn't have any seeds or anything in it. It's all about its appearance…"
Silver came over, "Can I see the first one?" he said, "Just because it hasn't been seen in awhile doesn't mean it's extinct…"
"Hmm? Oh…." Lee flipped back to one of the front pages. "It's this one…" He pointed to a sepia picture of a cake with dark flower petals on it. "I would bake it, but it needs hibiscus petals, and I heard that the climate has changed drastically, and… They can't grow anymore. Well that's what my mother told me anyways." Even though it seems warm enough right now for them to grow.
(I'm just making stuff up don't worry.)
(I know, I'm making stuff up too!)
Silver frowned, "I've seen that flower before, though I have no clue why you'd put it on a cake…" he said suspiciously.
"It's possible that it's for decoration only. It says here that she won the award for the best looking cake, not necessarily the best tasting cake." Lee shrugged. "And now that I read it, you need some hibiscus nectar or something…. Honey?? It's quite confusing, and even I haven't had the courage to make it." He rubbed at the picture. "But if you know where you can find them…" Then I may as well call you my savior!!! He joked.
"Yeah, but there's one problem…" said Silver, "I can understand putting flowers on a cake for show, but not that one, it's petals are known for being covered in juices that can be lethal it you ingest them."
"Maybe that's why we never made that cake… It's only purpose was to show…. Yet who knows…" But I'm too scared to find out if those petals are actually lethal. "Perhaps we should try something else?" Lee asked quickly, feeling discomfort settle in.
"Probably a good idea." said Silver, "Though I'm curious as to why that's there…. Unless of course it's a case of misidentification… but I'm usually good with that sort of thing.."
"We can't tell for sure… But we'll just play it safe…. Does the sunflower cake sound good? It's just chocolate cake with standard yellow frosting…" Lee shrugged. "But we better pick fast, or it'll be finished by the time I'm ready to go to bed, and you…. Erm… Have to go back home."
Silver nodded, "Sounds great to me" he said happily, giving Lee a bright smile. "And I don't think you have to worry about me having to get home in the dark, believe it or not I'm actually somewhat nocturnal…"
"Oh!…. I wasn't really expecting that…" He glanced back at the book and began listing things off. "For the cake, we need… Hm…. Butter, flour, sugar, vanilla extract, and…. Eggs…. Which I should have plenty of…."
Silver quickly searched Lee's cupboards and pulled out each thing as he read it off. "Check, check, and check." he said, grinning.
"Good…." Lee bent down and pulled a mixing bowl from the cabinets below. "And I'll get the measuring stuff…" He hopped to another high cabinet and pulled out at least a half a dozen dry measuring cups. He set them down and let out a sigh. This might take a while… As all cakes do…
Silver watched as he got the stuff down, checking the book and starting up the oven.
Lee managed to measure everything and put it into the mixing bowl. He put it under the countertop mixer with the right fixture and turned it on, mixing everything in delicately. "Now as the cake bakes, we'll make the frosting so by the time it comes out, we can frost it right away after it cools for a few minutes."