forum Potato Farming 101 (O/O)
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Deleted user

"Well, it's cake – of course it'll smell good," Lee plated it up with a fork and handed it off to Silver. "Here's yours…"

Deleted user

Silver took it happily, slipping a fork into the end and then into his mouth. "This is amazing.." he said happily.

Deleted user

Lee cut another piece as he heard Silver indulge in his. He likes it…. That's a start… But I suppose all cake really tastes good. Maybe. Who knows. He cut himself a piece and set the entire cake aside, putting the piece on his plate and taking a bite. "Holy cow, this is really good!"

Deleted user

"You definitely did…" He said, continuing to eat. Maybe I should remind him that he needs to go home?… It is very late and I need to go to bed soon if I need enough energy to sit through another day of doing nothing…. "This day was great while it lasted," He told him quietly.

Deleted user

Silver looked out the window, "I guess I probably should get going." he said sheepishly, quickly finishing his share of the cake.

Deleted user

"Hmm… That's too bad…" Lee frowned, finishing his up as well. No…. Don't say it…. You had him for lunch, you had him for dinner and dessert….. "Maybe you can come over some time later this week?… I mean I had a lotta fun with you today." That's better…

Deleted user

"I could meet you in the market tomorrow" Mused Silver.

Deleted user

"Um…." Lee hesitated. "I…. I don't know if I should go back there…." I get so little business, and even if Silver still wants me to stick around, I'm just not getting enough…

Deleted user

"Well, is there somewhere else we could meet?" he asked,

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Lee shrugged. "I don't really spend all that much time up in the city since I spend all day on the street… Well, how about your place? I still have yet to see your shop." I bet it's a wonderful place… "Unless you have somewhere different…."

Deleted user

"It's not really a shop.." said Silver sheepishly, "but we can meet up there," he went over to the counter and scrawled out an address, "Here" he said, holding it out to him.

Deleted user

"Ah, thanks…." Lee took it from him. "At what time? I'd prefer if it was after noon… If you can make that."

Deleted user

Silver nodded, "I don't get busy very often, so feel free to stop in whenever" he said, "Either way I should probably be going now so you can get some sleep." he said,

Deleted user

Lee nodded. "I'll wrap the cake up and stick it in the fridge – maybe I can bring some over…. But yeah…. It is very late for me."

Deleted user

Silver nodded, heading for the door. "I'll see you sometime tomorrow then." he said, slipping out the door.

Deleted user

Lee watched him leave, and his face became a red, steamy mess. "I can't believe he still wants to hang out with me…."
Max came loping in, whimpering when he didn't find Silver. "Don't worry, boy… He'll be back sooner or later." He said with a smile. Silver…. Don't worry…. I'm making my way to confession….

Deleted user

Silver made his way down the lane, happy and content. Gods I really am in love…. I wonder if he feels the same… He sighed, shifting to wolf form. His silvery fur glinting in the moonlight.

Deleted user

Lee scratched Max's head and smiled. "He'll be back…" As long as he actually loves me… He went upstairs and into the bathroom to take his nightly shower. I mean… He was teasing me quite a bit… Which I didn't really appreciate… He closed the door, stripped down and hopped in, soaking himself in warm water.

Deleted user

Silver looked back one last time, before loping off into the night, heading for the woods to take the long way back to town.

Deleted user

He finished up and got out, drying himself off and getting in his boxer shorts. He did call me adorable on several occasions… Lee thought, flushing. And I think he wasn't necessarily talking about Max…. He brushed his teeth and went off to his bedroom.
The dog came in, panting happily and jumping up on his nearly made bed.

Deleted user

Silver ran faster and faster through the woods, his mind constantly trailing back to Lee. His smile, and scent, he loved everything about that man.

Deleted user

Lee climbed into his king-sized bed, letting Max crawl up to the spot next to him. "I can't wait until tomorrow," He said with a smile. "I should wear my nice clothes, even if we're just stopping by at his place…" He said out loud. "But tomorrow will be amazing…" He tugged his lamp and it turned off, and he pressed a button on the wall, which turned on the overhead fan to a slow and comforting breeze.
Within minutes he was asleep.

Deleted user

Silver sighed as he came to a small clearing, pausing on a small rise as he looked out over the half moon. Slowly he lifted his head and let out a low pitched howl, haunting, almost mystical. His cry lasted a long time, resembling a song of sorts, letting out all his anticipation of the following day.

Deleted user

Max's ears twitched and he sat up. The dog heard a howl of sorts, and he began barking.
Lee was startled. "Max!! Calm down, or I'll –" he yawned, "I'll kick you out of the house!"
He whimpered but kept trying to respond to Silver's distant howl.
Lee rubbed his eyes. Oh my… This might be a long night….