Lachy nodded, wrapping his arms around himself, "Yeah.. I though Gareth might have made it but- but they were firing too hard."
Lachy nodded, wrapping his arms around himself, "Yeah.. I though Gareth might have made it but- but they were firing too hard."
He bit his lip, as if that would make the pain inside go away. After a minute of silence, he finally found it in himself to speak again. “We need to keep moving, staying here is too risky for us, especially since we’re both drained.”
Lachy sighed though his nose, not bothering with a worded reply before he started down the river, following it north. It felt wrong to leave them there with no burial. But they had not choice, if they were being followed then they had to move fast.
Aidan stayed quiet after that, and stayed a few feet back, knowing Lachy needed his space. He hoped they’d be able to make it by nightfall but that might be a bit too ambitious. He didn’t want to spend the night stressing over if they were going to get attacked.
It was to be another two day journey at least for the two of them, Sasha had told Lachy. 'Follow the river until you come to a split. Follow the left path to the old railway track until you see the Arrow. The rebellion will be waiting. Protect Aidan.' He didn't let those words leave his head.
Aidan would leave Lachy alone for an hour or so, also just caught up in his own thoughts. Would the people at the rebellion recognize them? And if they did, would they still accept them considering what happened? Finding his thoughts getting too negative, he sped up until he was right next to Lachy.
Lachy jumped a little at Aidan's sudden presence, too wrapped up in his own head to notice. He looked up at him, worry etched into his features as he asked, "Are you okay?"
“I’ll be fine.” He replied, maybe too quickly, and forced a smile. “How about you?” He asked gently. Truth is, there had been that part of his mind that had been worrying about Lachy’s wellbeing ever since they’d left the carnage behind.
There wasn't an ounce of Lachy's being that believed Aidan, but he didn't say anything about it when he replied, "I'm fine." He wasn't, though. He was used to death, when it was on his terms, at least. Seeing other people die like that.. he'd known it would come with this prophecy thing and yet he was more shaken then he would want to admit.
Similarly, he didn’t believe Lachy was telling the truth either. Now most people would find a very subtle or polite way to say this. But Aidan was Aidan. So what he went with was simply, “I don’t believe you.”
Lachy rolled his eyes slightly, looking at the path ahead and anything but Aidan, "You don't have to. But I'm fine." He insisted, letting out a soft sigh.
“Come on. If we’re gonna be working together for the foreseeable future, we need to be honest with each other.” He said, knowing damn well he himself was also lying. But if asked again he’d probably fess up.
"Well then why did you lie to me?" He stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Aidan with his eyes narrowed slightly, "Why did you say you were fine when you're not, either?"
He sighed. “I didn’t want to worry you. Which was stupid since I’m expecting you to be honest with me and I’m not doing the same. I’m sorry.” His voice softened. “Don’t be mad please..”
"I'm not mad," He crossed his arms, "Just don't lie to me and expect me to be the only one being honest. This is a two way thing we have here Aidan and we have to work together."
“I know and I’m sorry. I’ll be honest, promise. Whatever you wanna know, I’ll tell you the truth.” He said, actually forcing himself to maintain eye contact with Lachy the whole time he spoke.
Lachy was silent for a moment, then he turned around and started walking again, "Then why did you do it? Why lie? Now is not the time for lying."
He sighed. “Because I didn’t want to worry you! I already said I’m sorry!” He said, walking after him, but not walking next to him yet. He wasn’t completely sure that Lachy wouldn’t beat him up.
"Well tough luck because I was already worried before you lied!" He replied, not looking at Aidan as well, he was definitely pouting and he didn't want Aidan to see that.
“I’m. Sorry! Can we please not fight over this, we have enough going on, we don’t need to be mad at each other on top of that.” He really didn’t like Lachy being upset at him. He wanted to fix it as soon as possible.
"Fine," Lachy huffed, "Whatever. You're forgiven I guess." He kicked at a stone on the path, sighing through his nose. Unfortunately Aidan was right, they have enough going on and fighting was pointless.
Aidan knew Lachy was still a little mad but he thought it was safe enough for him to now walk at his side so that’s what he did. He stayed quiet though, waiting for Lachy to say something first, not wanting to upset him any further.
Lachy was quiet for a little while, taking a moment to calm down otherwise he'd probably hit Aidan. Then, he spoke up, voice still quiet, "Promise me you won't lie to me again."
“I promise.” And he sounded like he really truly meant it. “Will you…do the same?” He asked, looking over at Lachy, his gaze questioning. He knew that for awhile, they’d probably be the only ones they could ever fully trust. They needed to be a strong team.
Lachy bit his lip, nodding softly, "Yeah. I pinky promise." He knew it sounded childish, but at heart that's what he was, still an innocent child. He looked over, holding out his pinky finger.
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